Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Do You Seek Solutions, Or Make Excuses?

Whether you're serving in a position of leadership, or are an Independent Contractor, whose income and career success is based on your performance (e.g. sales, etc), or are employed, and seek a promotion, you will never be served well, by constantly looking for an excuse, either to avoid personal blame, receive criticism, or for any other reason/ purpose! This also holds true in every aspect of your personal life, because, there, too, one must avoid complaining or blaming, or excuses, when taking action, or doing something is called for! 

Truly successful people always seek solutions, even if taking some shortcut, might be temporarily easier, or the simpler path! While most polls indicate politicians are among the least popular/ trusted individuals (in any career path), why is it, we don't recognize, many of us, do precisely, in our personal and professional lives, what we dislike in others?! It seems, nearly every day, we witness some prominent elected official, who constantly contradicts himself, proceeds with conflicts between his promises and actions, and with apparent disregard to genuine integrity! Why should anyone trust and believe in anyone, who blames, complains, and makes excuses, rather than taking personal responsibility, and seeking the best possible solutions?

How about you, personally? When something goes in some way, other than the most desirable one, how will you react/ respond? Will you behave as the antelope does, painting your behind white, and running with the herd, seeking popularity, rather than solutions? As Robert Frost wrote, when you come to that fork in the road, which path will you select, the easier one, or the less - traveled one, with greater potential, relevance and possibilities?

Avoid terminal excusitis before it destroys your potential, etc! Give yourself a checkup, from the neck up, and proceed with the right combination of self - confidence, integrity, and effective wisdom!

Monday, June 19, 2017

How Do You DECIDE, In Everything You Do?

Whether it pertains to our personal lives, profession/ career/ occupation, or some, volunteer position of leadership, etc, we must proceed, in a way, where we understand, appreciate, and are willing and able, to make quality, well - considered decisions. However, in order to use this trait/ ability, to the best, possible, advantage, let's review, how we DECIDE, in everything we do!

1. Delve deeply; deliver: Don't merely generalize, or permit any personal bias and/ or prejudgment, determine how we decide! Rather, delve deeply, and thoroughly, and consider, what you hope to achieve, consider and deliver. A leader is often called upon to make essential decisions, but how can he do so, if he hasn't fully considered the possibilities? A Realtor, for example, must determine a strategy, and his results, are often determined, by how good it is, and how one proceeds and behaves. In our personal lives, do you ever think about what you are seeking?

2. Evolve: Don't get hung - up, on the past, or stuck - in - the - mud? Rather, realize, in everything you do, you must continuously evolve, while learning from one's experiences, etc!

3. Consider; clever: Consider the options, and do so, in a clever, thorough, comprehensive, relevant manner!

4. Ideas; imagination; integrity: Are you a person - of - ideas, with the imagination, to consider what might be? Never abandon your commitment to absolute integrity!

5. Destiny: Do you consider it, your destiny, to be all - you - can - be? How will you assure the destiny you seek, by your actions, deliberations, and actions?

6. Energy; emphasis: Will you simply go through the motions, or proceed with the highest level of energy and quality? Is your emphasis, consistently focused, in a way, which addresses your needs, concerns, priorities and objectives?

The quality of your decision - making, will make a significant difference, in every aspect of your life! How will you DECIDE? 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Feel Better About Anything You Do?: Will You Be PROUD?

Whether you decide you want to be a better, happier individual, better at your occupation/ profession, or serve more effectively, in a leadership - type position (for either an organization and/ or civic group), doesn't it make sense, you'll perform better, feel better about what you're doing or trying to achieve, etc, if you feel PROUD of the quality and intents of your actions and behavior? 

1. Perform; proper; priorities: Let's consider your occupation and/ or profession. If you're a real estate agent, financial adviser, etc, if you lack the ethics, integrity, etc, how will you perform to the best of your potential? Do you feel, honestly, you are doing the proper thing? How do you create, determine and set your priorities, and are they worthwhile?

2. Relevant; realistic; right: Are your priorities relevant? Are you realistic in your expectations and considerations? Will you commit to consistently doing the right thing?

3. Options; opinions: How often will you consider your options? Are your opinions valid, and valuable?

4. Useful: Do you consistently proceed in the most useful way?

5. Delve deeply: Delve deeply and determine the truth about yourself and your beliefs!

Are you willing to give yourself a checkup, from the neck up? 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Demand Your Personal BEST Efforts!

One of the challenges, many of us face, is asking, or demanding from others, things you won't even personally commit to! Not only is it unfair, but quite unrealistic! Remember, whether it's in your personal life, related to how you you conduct business (for example, in real estate, your expectations of how other agents and/ or customers/ clients might proceed), or in any position you serve (on a professional and/ or volunteer basis), you must lead the way! It's not enough to strive for good - enough, but rather, you must have enough pride, and inner fortitude, to consistently, demand your personal BEST efforts!

1. Benefits; bring it; beliefs: How beneficial are your plans, approaches and agenda, both to you, and to others, you interact with? Greatness comes from focus and bringing it, in everything you do, every day! Coordinate benefits and beliefs, into making you better, and more effective!

2. Empathy; excellence; efforts: Will you prioritize excellence, and focus on quality solutions, rather than settling for less than your personal, best efforts? Will you consistently proceed with the highest level of true empathy, and become the best you can possibly be?

3. System; strengths: Conceive of, create, develop, and implement, the best system, which you can believe in, and use effectively! Know both your strengths and weaknesses, and use areas, where you are strongest, while addressing and acknowledging weaknesses!

4. Timely; true; trends: Whatever you do, be sure you remain true, to your personal beliefs, and maintain absolute integrity, consistently! Know current trends, so you can productively and effectively, evolve, as necessary! Never procrastinate, especially when you face obstacles, but rather transform obstacles to challenges (NEVER, problems!), and then transform challenges to opportunities, and quality action plans, by proceeding in a well - considered, timely manner!

Is your BEST effort, truly, the best you can do! Take personal pride in everything you can do, and seek the best course of action!

Monday, June 12, 2017

How Well Do You Know THY SELF?

In your personal life, professional career, and/ or civic volunteerism, many of us, consistently face the challenge, of failing to know ourselves, nearly as well as we should! Ask yourself, Do you Know THY SELF?

1. Truth; trust: Will you tell yourself the truth, every time? Why should others trust you, if you don't even trust yourself, or your opinions, or your reasons for doing?

2. Heart; head: Do you realistically know your strengths and weaknesses, and examine what's in your head, by giving yourself a checkup from the neck up? Do you have a caring heart? Will you be ready, able and willing to balance your emotional and logical components, in a head/ heart balance?

3. You: What do you like, and what don't you like about you? Why?

4. Service; smarts: Are you committed to quality service? Do you have the smarts to make you a true leader, better professional, etc?

5. Empathy; excellence: Are you committed to personal excellence, even when taking a shortcut might be more expedient or appear easier? Will you use your two ears far more than your one mouth, and commit to proceed with caring and empathy?

6. Listen; learn: Becoming the best you can be, means committing to listen effectively, and learn from everything you hear, experience, etc!

7. Face facts: Will you be true to yourself, and face the facts, without burying your head in the sand? Are you the best you can possibly be?

Know THY SELF, and you'll be better at everything you do! Will you make that personal commitment?

Friday, June 9, 2017

How A Positive Attitude Makes You Better?

Whether you want to experience less stress, and be more effective, in your personal life, or in your professional and/ or civic one, you must be ready, able and willing, to proceed, consistently, with a positive, can - do manner and attitude! Follow the adage, Whatever the mind of man perceives and conceives of, it can achieve! Or, as Henry Ford is generally credited with saying, You can believe you can, or believe you cannot. Either way, you'll be correct! 

We all face obstacles, in every aspect of our lives! How do you perceive, conceive and handle these times? Do you perceive them as problems, or challenges to overcome? If they are challenges, you will focus on solutions, and proceed accordingly. Problem - based thinking, often drives people to hide their heads in the sand, and procrastinate!

You've already defeated yourself, if your attitude is less than a positive one! How can you possibly be successful, unless you begin, by believing in yourself? 

When you begin with a positive attitude, your personal, self - confidence, and willingness to think outside the box, and think of alternatives, is exponentially enhanced! One can never live up to his potential, if he makes excuses, rather than seeks viable solutions!

How's your personal attitude? 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

What Do You LIKE To Do?: It Makes All The Difference!

Most studies indicate, in order for someone to be productive, happy and satisfied, in every area of their life, including personal, occupational/ professional, and volunteering/ leadership, etc, the individual must be happy, and LIKE what he does! It must provide him satisfaction, joy, and a personal feeling of achievement, etc. If you fail to like what you do, you'll be extremely challenged, in making the best decisions, etc., and, at the end of the day, feeling either happy or self - satisfied.

1. Learn; listen; look: Are you willing to take a deep, look - inside, and proceed with objective introspection? Are you fooling yourself, or merely trying to fit in, or will you learn as much about your needs, and priorities, and listen effectively to what you hear, and understand relevant matters, more effectively and thoroughly?

2. Ideas; integrity; ideology: Will you maintain your true ideology, and never abandon your allegiance to absolute integrity, simply to take a short - cut, etc? How to you consider, both your ideas, and the ideas others present?

3. Knowledge; keep: How do you accumulate knowledge, and determine what is relevant, and what lacks it? Are you capable of keeping control of whatever is most significant, and makes you feel better, not for the short - term, but in the longer - run?

4. Excellence; empathy: Are you a self - centered, narcissistic individual, or will you move ahead with quality empathy, on a regular, consistent basis? Will you be satisfied with a marginal, mediocre performance, or consistently demand excellence from yourself, etc?

Take the time, to give yourself, a checkup, from the neck - up! Determine what you LIKE to do, and your reasons, certain things make you feel better, stronger and happier! 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

PREPARE To Be Your Personal Best!

Whether it's regarding your personal life, or a professional or organizational activity, it is important to realize, anything of importance, requires quality planning and preparation. Let's look at the mnemonic approach, to best PREPARE, to be your personal best!

1. Planning; perceptions: We each have certain perceptions about ourselves, and others we come into contact with! What we perceive and conceive, we can achieve! Will you dedicate yourself, in everything you do, and all aspects of your life, to learn the key components of professional, quality, effective planning?

2. Relevant: Don't sweat the petty stuff, but don't overlook the possibilities and alternatives! Know what's relevant and differentiate it, from what is relatively less significant or important!

3. Excellence: Expect the very best from yourself, and never settle for good - enough or mediocre. Be the best you can be, by demanding personal excellence, in everything you do!

4. Possibilities: Differentiate possible from probable, but try to consider the possibilities, in order to best prepare!

5. Attitude; attention: Proceed with a can - do, positive attitude, and pay particular attention to details, possibilities and alternatives! How much attention to detail, are you willing to commit to?

6. Reliable; reasonable; reasoning: Are your ideas reasonable, and have you dedicated your energies to enhance your reasoning? How reliable are you, both in your eyes, as well as how others perceive you?

7. Empathy: Will you listen effectively, and devote yourself to learning as much about others, as possible? Speak less, and listen more! Using empathy makes you the best you can be!

Don't assume, but PREPARE to become your personal best! Focus, prepare and do what you need to do!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Handling Stress: Is Stress Your Friend, or Enemy?

Whether it's in your personal life, professional career, or involves some leadership position, you either hold, or seek, it's important to realize, stress will always exist. The Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Hans Selye, broke stress into 2 categories: 1) Harmful stress; and 2) Eustress, or useful stress.

Unfortunately, most of us, experience stress, but few take advantage of the experience. One's options are to either let it defeat you, and emit fears, uneasiness, etc, or to learn and become better, and developing the ability to, not only experience stresses, but become better because of them!

When we let stress become harmful, some of the side effects include:

1) Almost - debilitating fears
2) Losing control
3) Losing one's focus
4) Stop considering alternatives
5) Become nearly paralyzed, by the emotions.

However, when one learns to transform his stresses, from harmful, to eustress, he becomes stronger and more capable. Some of the advantages include:

1) Eliminating wasting time, by thinking on your feet
2) Learning, gaining experience, and getting better, after every experience
3) More focused judgement and acumen
4) Open - minded, alternatives/ options based
5) Far less wasted time!

It's up to you - Will your stress be harmful, or transformed to eustress? Become a better person, and potentiate your possibilities, to excel, by proceeding with a consistent, can - do, positive attitude!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Since We All Sell Something, Doesn't It Make Sense, To Do So Effectively?

Everything in life involves some sort of selling and/ or sales. We each either sell a service, product, and/ or one's self, on a constant basis! However, most individuals, fail to live up to, or achieve to their potential, because, they often proceed, in a less than optimum basis, either because they don't know, don't understand, or fear doing what's most necessary, to make a difference for the better. To consider this, let's review the 5 Basic Steps To Close Any Sale, By Answering Objections:

1. Rephrase the concern/ objection: Don't rush to react or respond! Rather, wait, resist the temptation, and get a better idea of what the other person is saying. Otherwise, you risk opening up a Pandora's Box! Suggested phrase: In other words, you're concerned about . . . Then wait to continue until the other party acknowledges and agrees with his concern, before responding.

2. Empathy: Suggested phrase: I can perfectly understand your concerns. In fact, I and most others, have had the same concerns, until they understood certain things . . . 

3. Answer: Thoroughly, completely and fully, answer the question, concern and/ or objection, to the satisfaction of the other person. Do so, slowly and thoroughly, and wait for some sort of acknowledgment (usually non - verbal, such as a head - nod), before continuing.

4. Recreate the need: Suggested phrase: In light of what we've discussed, and . . . (then review some of the basic highlights).

5. Close: Suggested phrase: Doesn't it make sense to . . .  (Then use the three - options approach, such as Is $5,000 good, $10,000 better, or does some other figure make more sense for you?)

Follow this up, with ZTL, or Zip the Lip! Remember the rule, He who speaks first, usually loses! If all else fails, use the phrase, May I make a suggestion? Wait for an acknowledgment, and then repeat the original proposal!

Want to sell more effectively? Learn, use and become comfortable with this 5- Step approach!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What Does QUALITY Mean To You, In Everything You Do?

Whether it's in your personal life and endeavors, in your business situations, or if you are involved in any position of leadership, you must determine for yourself, whether you will be satisfied with good - enough, and being mediocre, or whether, you always try to do everything, the best way you can possibly do it! Let's review, what QUALITY, might mean to you:

1. Quest; questions: Do you truly care about your quest? Is it your own, or someone elses', and you are merely trying to fit in, or live up to another's standards, etc? Will you commit to ask reasonable questions, in order to better clarify, what you are seeking and desire?

2. Usual; unique: What is your usual habit, and does it serve your ability to excel? Have you taken the time, and made the effort, to know and identify, what is unique about you, and better use your strengths, while addressing weaknesses?

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Never assume, but rather pay keen attention, consistently! Proceed with a can - do, positive attitude, or you'll never be a person, of quality! Learn something useful daily, so you continuously update and enhance your aptitude!

4. Listen; learn: Listen consistently and thoroughly, and devote yourself to learning from everything you hear, see, witness and/ or experience!

5. Ideas; integrity; imagination: Don't limit your possibilities, because you fail to proceed with a necessary degree of imagination! Be the creator and implementer of ideas, while always maintaining absolute integrity!

6. Timely: Avoid procrastination. Never put off what needs to be done, because accomplishing, to the best of your abilities, is made more difficult and challenging, when you do so! Focus on making well - considered decisions, combined with timely action!

7. You: It's always up to you! Never blame and/ or complain!

Commit to QUALITY, in everything you do, and you'll become a better, stronger person!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What Do You Like About You, and What Do You Not?

Everyone has some skills, attributes, behaviors, etc, which they are proud of, as well as certain things, they are not so pleased with! However, happiness and success, is not about achieving perfection, but rather, proceeding through life, with a can - do, positive attitude, and a willingness to consistently expand his individual limits of his comfort zone, and become more comfortable, within his own skin! This concept follows us throughout all aspects and avenues of our lives, including our personal existence, social comfort/ ease, business acumen, and any positions of leadership, one might decide to undertake.

For example, have you ever wondered why certain real estate agents seem to get the best results, even though they do not appear to possess the finest skills or assets? Perhaps it relates to something about their persona, personality, persistence, and/ or attitude? Regardless, until/ unless one likes himself, he won't represent others, to the peak of his potential!

Why do two individuals appear to possess the same skill - set, experience, and desire to serve, yet one of these, succeeds as a leader, to a far greater extent? Perhaps, it's one feels far more comfortable with himself, and, thus, has a higher amount of self - confidence, and willingness to proceed in a timely manner, and make a well - considered decision!

Can you think of circumstances in your day - to - day life, which is also based on how you feel about yourself? Remember, this is not merely saying you have never been better, but truly feeling that way!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How Will You Handle Your FEARS?

Whether you hope to be calmer and more in - control, in your personal life, or more capable of handling the day - to - day stresses and obstacles, involved in leadership, or in any field of endeavor, such as real estate sales, etc, it is important to be ready, willing, able, and in a state of mind, to address your FEARS, in a constructive manner.

1. Focus; face facts; first: Begin by knowing what you must do first? What exactly are you afraid of, and why? How will you improve/ adjust your focus, so you are prepared to face the facts, and remain in - control?

2. Eustress; energy; enrich; eager; effort: It takes more effort and energy to frown than it does, to smile! Stress comes in 3 forms, useful, usable stress, known as eustress, or destructive negative stress. Transform every condition, into a positive concept! Focus on enriching your experience, be eager (rather than fearful), and proceed with your best and finest effort!

3. Attitude; attention: Is your attitude a can - do, positive one, or one which sees negatives in every circumstance? What will you focus your attention on, what can possibly be, or what negatives exist?

4. Reasons; rational; respect; ramifications; reactions: Are you in control of your personal reactions? If you are rational, you will realize there are always, at lest two, possibilities, and you will enhance your outcomes, when you focus on the positive? Will you react, or will you be proactive? Do you respect your possibilities and abilities, or will you focus on negatives? Do you recognize potential ramifications, and prepare, in a solutions - oriented manner?

5. System; solutions; sustainable; strengths: What is your personal system for self - satisfaction? Do you know your personal strengths and weaknesses? Do you visualize solutions, or worst - case scenarios? Is your approach, short - term, or sustainable and relevant? 

When we spend our efforts overcoming our FEARS, rather than succumbing to them, we make ourselves stronger and more capable! In your personal life, or business or organizational one, doesn't it make sense, to be more constructive, and less fearful!

Friday, May 19, 2017

How To Become A Better Closer?

Regardless of what one does, either in their personal, professional, civic, or volunteer - based life, it is essential to learn, the basics of closing. Some refer to this as closing the deal, while others simply see it, as getting others to agree, or a meeting of the minds.

In our personal lives, it means getting along with others, by explaining, focusing, and articulating, the best course of action, where they can work together, for the common good. In our careers, sometimes closing relates to selling, while other times, it means getting others to buy - into a vibrant, vital vision, or plan. Volunteer leaders must do their own version of closing, by getting others to cooperate, and adopt their visions, as their own.

In all cases, closing has certain requirements, including:

1. Articulating clearly: How can you get others to buy - in, if they don't clearly understand what you want to get done, and why?

2. Motivate: Motivate others by getting them to believe in you, and your ideas. Always stress benefits, in a mutual manner!

3. Creating the need: Explain, answer and continuously create a meaningful need!

4. Asking for the close: No matter how well you explain, anticipate, motivate and/ or motivate, nothing happens until/ unless you ask for the sale/ close! How will you do so?

Doesn't it make sense to   . . . ? 

When would you  like to participate?

Does __________work, or is __________ better? 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

What Is Your Personal PLAN, For Life, & Work - Life/ Leadership?

Regardless of what you do for a living, or as a volunteer, etc, you personal attitude, aptitude, self - confidence, etc, will make all the difference in the world, regarding whether you are actually successful! It is important to both, understand and appreciate, each of us defines success, somewhat differently, because of our personal priorities, aspirations, goals, etc. 

The best approach is, is to determine, for yourself, what your personal PLAN is. Do so, with your personal, professional, etc, lives considered!

1. Priorities; planning; perceptions; possibilities: Do you know and understand your personal priorities, goals, and aspirations? Be certain these are really yours, and not merely an attempt to fit into the crowd, etc. Do you perceive and see yourself, as others do? Can you be objectively introspective? When was the last time, you gave yourself a checkup, from the neck up? Will you pay particular attention, to quality planning, in a focused manner? Are you open to the possibilities, or do proceed, in the same - old, same - old manner? 

2. Listen; learn: How effectively do you listen? Since you have two ears, and one mouth, do you listen, at least twice as often, as you speak? Are you listening, or only hearing? Will you commit to learn from every conversation, experience, scenario, etc?

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention: How much effort will you expend, to assure you proceed with a genuine, consistent, positive, can - do attitude, rather than merely articulating some positive rhetoric? Never be someone who says he's Never better, when you ask how he is? What does that really mean? How will you become all you can be, consistently enhancing your skills, abilities, and aptitude? Will you really consistently pay attention, to details, and everything you observe, etc?

4. Needs: Do you understand your personal needs? How can anyone be happy or satisfied, unless he first understands his needs, and then addresses them, in a meaningful way? Will you be empathetic, and thoroughly consider the feelings, needs, concerns and priorities, as well as the perceptions, of those you meet and come into contact with?

You'll never become all you can, or succeed, in the terms you define and decide, if you do not, first and foremost, PLAN for every aspect of your life! It's up to you!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Do You Know Your Best ASSETS?

Each of us, have certain attributes and/ or assets, which we should be proud of, and serve us well, and others, where we need improvement. Whether evaluating yourself in terms of your personal life, or evaluating whether you are fit to be a leader, or whether you are being the best you can be, in terms of your profession, occupation, or job, knowing these, and taking advantage of them, are invaluable tools! For example, shouldn't your doctor have not only technical skills, but an empathetic, caring soul and bed - side manner? Shouldn't your real estate professional emphasize what's best for you, and how he might best use his skills, abilities attributes and assets, to best serve his clients? Shouldn't you always strive, to be the best you can be? Let's review, from a mnemonic approach, why it helps to know one's best ASSETS.

1. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Proceed with a can - do, positive attitude, and not only will you be more successful, you'll feel better about yourself and your actions! Work on enhancing your skills and abilities, so you possess the finest aptitude! Pay attention to details, and to how to be better, in every aspect of your life!

2. System: Develop a system which works most effectively for you! Know what you seek, and persist in your efforts!

3. Stress: Everyone undergoes some sort of stresses. The key is how you handle them! Will you let them control you (negative stress), or will you use them positively (Eustress), so you become better, and make lemonade from lemons?

4. Empathy; energy: Throw all your energy into everything you do! Will you proceed with empathy, understanding how others feel, think, perceive, are concerned, and their priorities?

5. Timely; thoroughly: Avoid the temptation to take shortcuts! Examine things thoroughly, and never procrastinate. Putting things off, or burying your head in the sand, doesn't fix the obstacle! Proceed in a well - considered, timely manner!

6. Secure; self: Are you secure in your own soul? Do you like you? How self - confident are you, and is it deserved?

When you know and use your best ASSETS, you will potentiate your possibilities! Will you take that all - important leap? 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

How Important Is Personal QUALITY To You?

Most of us have many options, and how we decide to proceed, generally says, quite a bit about us! Will you simply proceed, without concern for quality, or will you demand the highest personal excellence, integrity, etc, in everything you do? This must apply to our personal lives, as well as every aspect of our professional lives, as well. This means, for example, if you  are a Realtor, don't settle for good - enough, but exceed expectations! If you are a health professional, it's not enough to only treat the disease and/ or symptom, but examine how you treat your patients, as people! 

Let's look at personal QUALITY, from the mnemonic approach:

1. Quest; questions: What questions will you ask, and why do you ask them? Examine your quest thoroughly, and determine the best way to proceed!

2. Useful; unique: Will you serve others, in a useful manner? What about you, is unique, and makes you worthy of the trust of those you serve? What are you willing to do, to get better?

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention: One must proceed, consistently, with a can - do, positive attitude! What do you do, everyday, to enhance your aptitude, skills, knowledge and effectiveness? Will you be willing to focus and truly, pay attention?

4. Listen; learn: You have two ears and only one mouth, so listen at least twice as often, as you speak! Learn from every experience, conversation, and whatever obstacles you face!

5. Ideas; integrity; ideology: What is your true ideology, and what does it say about you? Are you an individual, whose ideas focus on being the best, you can be? Is you integrity, absolute?

6. Timely; trustworthy: Do others consider you trustworthy? Will you procrastinate, or take timely action, in a well - considered manner?

7. You: Remember, your overall quality, must always be all about you! Be the solution, rather than type of individual, who blames and complains!

Whether you focus on enhancing your QUALITY, or not, is a personal decision! What will you decide?

Monday, May 15, 2017

How Often Do You Give Yourself, A Checkup from the Neck Up?

Some people believe they know all they need to know about themselves. At some point, they've thought about their strengths and weaknesses, abilities and failures, etc. Why is this important? Probably, because, regardless of what one does, whether in their personal lives, as an employee, manager, business owner, self - employed, etc,, it is essential, to truly know yourself, to become all you might be, in any area of life!

How will you give yourself, a checkup from the neck up? Are you ready, willing and able, to know your true - self, rather than merely misidentify your priorities, goals, etc? Will you like who you discover? What will you do, to create a better - you?

Only when we know ourselves, are we able to become better in every aspect of our lives, including personal and professional arenas! Will you look deeply, and take off the blinders? 

Few people ever go through the entire procedure of taking this inner look! Some never think about it, while others seem to prefer to delude themselves! For example, how can a real estate agent help anyone else, if he isn't comfortable with himself? How can a physician heal others, if he can't eliminate and address his own dysfunctions?

The first step is taking the leap, and taking that internal look. Then, you must be willing to do something, to address what you discover.

Your mental and physical health, as well as your professional success, often begins with liking yourself! Give yourself that checkup from the neck up! 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Know Thy Self: An Adage for Leadership, Selling & Life!

How well do you really know yourself? When was the last time, you took the time, and made the effort, to thoroughly, introspectively, give yourself a checkup, from the neck up? Whether you are a leader (corporate, business, or not - for -profit), a professional (physician, dentist, etc, or Independent Contractor (such as a professional real estate agent, or Investment Adviser), the better you know and understand yourself, the better off you'll be.

This process begins with knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and having a strategy to best use the strengths, while positively addressing areas of weakness. Can you admit your faults and/ or weaknesses, and what will you be willing to do, to improve?

Do you see yourself as others do? Would you like you? Why? If you're in leadership, why should anyone pay attention, listen, or follow you? If you're a professional, what is it, which distinguishes you, over others in your profession? If you are Independent Contractor, why should potential clients seek you out?

What makes you unique? Why should others care? How do you point out these strengths, as part of your Elevator Speech?

It all begins by Knowing Thy Self, and asking if you are the best you can be? Will you live up to, and perform, up to your potential? 

Friday, May 5, 2017

What Makes You Unique, In A Good Way?

This reference to unique relates to far more than merely being different, or, in some ways, quirky, etc! Rather, if we look at what it means, to attract positive attention to you, and make others want to business with you, there must be some unique characteristics, qualities, or something you offer, or provide, which others may not, at all, or, at least, to the same extent/ degree!

Some of these unique features might include:

1. Your level of integrity: Many use the term, or say, they have it, but do you clearly demonstrate it, in everything you do, even when others might not be looking?

2. Your commitment to excellence: Will you consistently seek doing things the right, best way, even if it may be easier, more popular or expedient, to take some short cut?

3.  Your negotiating professionalism.

4. Your positive, can - do attitude.

5. Your focus on service!

6. Attention to detail.

7. Will you, follow my trademarked slogan, I'll always tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear TM  

8. If you are a real estate agent, will you provide a focused, clear- cut reason for the pricing you suggest, and your strategic approach?

9. Will you and your client, be on the same page?

10. Will you put your client first, always?

These are just a sampling of simple, basic, unique, features, characteristics, etc.   Wll you be that rare, unique, service - first individual?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Why Should Someone Want to Do Business With You?

You might be in real estate, investment sales, or selling a product (such as inside or outside sales rep) or service professional (e.g. physician, dentist, etc). Regardless of your field of endeavor, you should ask yourself, in a truly honest, introspective manner, why someone should do business with you, rather than the competition!

What is unique about you? How do you prove you care more, and/ or are more qualified, capable, empathetic, etc? Why should others be attracted to you? Do you focus on your success (whatever that means to you), or on providing the best, highest level of service? How will you articulate this, in an easy to understand, and believe, way?

Will you do things the right way, or always seek shortcuts? When you come to the fork in the road (as Robert Frost wrote), which path will you choose? Remember, you might make a deal or a sale, but you will never be truly successful, until you do these things in an honorable manner!

Do you understand why you were born with 2 ears, but only one mouth? Realize, for most people, their favorite sound, is the sound of their own voice and name! Can you pay more attention to someone else, than your own ego? When you lead, with empathy, understanding and considering the needs of someone else, you stand out from the crowd!

Monday, May 1, 2017

How Will You Differentiate Yourself from The Crowd?

How will you differentiate yourself from the crowd? Whether, you want to simply be your own person, feel you have something unique and important to say, or want to market yourself, regarding some specific niche, such as in real estate, investments, leadership, or another service, this is important to consider, and become more proficient at!

Will you step forward and say something unique, and courageous, or merely articulate the same - old, same - old? Is your message positive, motivating, and solutions - oriented, or do you emphasize and consider obstacles as problems, rather than challenges?

Are you truly empathetic? What proportion of your time will you spend listening, as opposed to speaking? Most people's favorite sound is the sound of their own voice, but what impact does that have on others? What type of person would you prefer to listen to, and hang out, with?

How do you determine how you rate others, and why do you think that way? Do you live up to the expectations you articulate you seek in others?

When you advertise and/ or promote, is your message consistent, throughout the various type of media, including internet, Social Media, your website, print marketing, etc? Why do you believe your central theme/ message, is an important one? Why should others buy into your vision, and adopt it as theit own?

How are you different, in a good way? Why should others care? What will you do? Do you have a well - defined, positive, elevator speech? Do you speak of solutions, or get hung up on perceived problems?

What are you willing to do? What have you done? What are your plans?
I am sure that you have heard how important to differentiate yourself from the crowd, which generally means showing how you or what you do/ represent is in some way interesting and unique. However, unless you are prepared, ready, willing and able to take an objectively introspective look within, this process may become both challenging, as well as burdensome. Beware that it is only beneficial to stand out if it is in a positive, inspiring way, and that others, as well as you, perceive it to indeed be that way. It generally takes a combination of a positive attitude and self - image to pursue this important challenge in a productive manner, and to be willing to understand and evaluate both your personal strengths as well as weaknesses or flaws. It might be helpful to you if you did this by following and understanding these six considerations.
1) How are you different or unique? Do these merely make you somewhat odd, or do they rather make you stronger, more effective and relative? Are you willing and able to take personal ownership of these qualities and/ or assets?
2) What do you or can you offer that others (also known as the completion) either do not, cannot, or won't? How do you use, communicate and articulate these differences in the best, most beneficial and impactful manner?
3) What does your personal appearance, manner and mannerisms, and body language say about you? Are you willing to rehearse in a mirror in order to witness how you come off to others? Are you going to ask someone you trust, and believe in, for his unbiased feedback and evaluation? Do you look others directly in the eye, stand erect without crossing your arms, and take the time and a make a true effort to listen, without interrupting? Have you ever been objective enough to ask yourself if you would want to do business with you.
4) How do you address/ respond to concerns, questions or objections? Are you calm and patient, welcoming questions as a positive indication of interest, or do you become defensive, somewhat belligerent, and go on the offensive in a rather strong - armed manner?
5) Do you listen first, intently and effectively, before you respond, and to a far greater extent than you speak or interrupt? For most of us, this is indeed challenging!
6) Do you close the deal? Remember you must usually sell yourself before you can be convincing to others! Even if you wonderfully and perfectly perform the first five steps, you achieve little of a relevant or sustainable manner, without closing.
It is far better to be an original you, than any carbon copy of another, because it is how you are unique in a positive way, that attracts others to pay attention. Use these 6 Considerations for Making Yourself Stand Out.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9023698

Monday, April 24, 2017

Are You, In Control. or Overwhelmed?

Nearly every individual faces challenges and obstacles on a regular basis. We generally must determine whether we decide to opt to reduce our stress, and thus control our own destiny, or to let circumstances control and dictate to us, and thus become a reactor rather than an actor, letting circumstances overwhelm us by succumbing to these stresses. The reality is that there is no such thing as a stress - free existence, because without stress we cannot truly exist. Rather, it is important to understand what the late Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Hans Selye emphasized regarding there being two manners of stress: 1. Positive stress, or eustress, which we learn from and gain important knowledge, experiences and expertise; and 2. Negative or destructive stress, which we occurs because we handle circumstances ineffectively and permit to control us, rather than vice versa.

Whether, in our everyday, personal lives, or in our careers (business and volunteer), whether we are in control, or overwhelmed, often makes a significant difference in our results, as well as how we are perceived, by others!

1. Why does it appear that so many individuals seem so overwhelmed by everyday circumstances, events, and conditions? What does it say about the individual that becomes controlled by these conditions or scenarios, and spend his efforts and time reacting and going into crisis management (or control), rather than adapting to whatever life brings forth? Since nearly everyone has heard the adage about it being wise to convert life's lemons to lemonade, yet so many continuously avoid becoming proactive, how can these individuals even think they will maintain the ability to control their own destinies?

2. How often do you say, or have you heard others proclaim that they were overwhelmed by what happened? The most productive way to handle one's life more effectively is to reduce stress (or even the consideration of stress) by using individual challenges or obstacles to make oneself stronger, better and more productively. In order to do this, it is important to work on our personal attitudes, perspectives, self - talk, conscious and subconscious chatter (no more negative words, for example), and to demand that we are proactive and control, rather than resorting to the generally non - productive alternative of procrastination, self pity, self doubt, playing the blame game, or attempting to avoid personal responsibility.

It is important to realize that those who let circumstances overwhelm them will generally roll down that slippery slope of ever - decreasing self confidence and self pity. The "poor me" perspective, or blaming circumstances that we let others control, rarely serves anyone well!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

When Life Hands Out Lemons, Wise Men Make Lemonade!

We all experience periods of bad times as well as periods of good. Individuals who adapt to misfortunes by learning from these experiences, and somehow benefiting, are generally both the happiest and the most successful. The adage, "Life is not a bowl of cherries" tells us that not everything will always work out the way we hope, or even anticipate, and to understand that limitation in order to best adapt to circumstances.

Many people seem to enjoy complaining that life is unfair, and hasn't dealt them a fair hand. Realistically, life doesn't "deal," it simply offers us opportunities to either take advantage of, do nothing, or use poorly. There is never any guarantee in anything we do, but our "odds" of succeeding are distinctly enhanced when we take advantage of possibilities, improve our abilities, and upgrade our skill-set, rather than say, "I can't do that." Many individuals seem to prefer making excuses than taking the necessary actions to enhance skills that might be lacking (or need upgrading).
Obviously, not everyone can do writing or mathematics easily. All too many of those individuals, either due to frustration, inadequate training or education, or a "mental block," simply give up, and stop attempting to write or use mathematics, unless absolutely necessary. Others recognize their limitations, and use the opportunities offered to enhance their training, learn other skills, take training, or discipline themselves, and do to this added commitment, become "above par" in these areas.

A great example of using ones limitations, and "making lemonade when life deals you lemons," is how one might adapt to difficulty "keyboarding." Unfortunately, many, if not most individuals, handle this "obstacle" by using "avoidance techniques," and by avoiding using the keyboard, often neglect necessary tasks and duties, such as doing school or work assignments, as well as enjoying activities that comfort with using the keyboard would afford them. The individual who wants to "make lemonade," on the other hand, would find an alternative way of handling this circumstance. One such alternative might be installing and using "voice recognition software, such as Dragon 10. In that way, the obstacle of the use of the keyboard, whether due to a physical reason, a lack of patience, or some other disruptive "force," can not only be as productive as someone comfortable with the keyboard, but in many ways even more productive. This program permits one to use e-mail, word processing, PowerPoint, spreadsheets, etc., via the use of voice commands, instead of keyboards. The programs are easy to install, and easy to use, yet, of course require the individual to become familiar with the many features to fully take advantage of the program. For example, it is estimated that someone can "type" something approximately four times as quickly using voice commands than using the keyboard. Therefore, the individual who takes advantage of this alternative is using a potential obstacle, and instead of merely complaining about it, finds "another way" to function effectively.

In any chosen field of endeavor, each of us have certain strengths, as well as areas of weakness (or need some improvement!). Rather than resorting to terminal excusitis, seeking excuses rather than solutions, we would all be better off, seeking alternatives and/ or solutions. Seek to escape from the limitations of our self - confining, restrictive, comfort zones, by working on skills, etc. This may require additional practice, role playing, repetition, etc, and always demands commitment! Salespeople must practice their techniques, anticipate questions/ objections/ concerns, and confidently answer and address these, rather than trying to hide or escape them. The most successful individuals are those who go that extra step, persist and persevere, and exceed expectations. For example, consider how the most successful real estate professional carries himself, as compared to others? How does a leader inspire confidence and truse?
In many areas of everyday life, we find tons of obstacles where we have choices - - either complain and be negative, or "think outside the box" and find a better way. Successful individuals do not give up, but rather find ways to get things done. Most things are possible if one thinks positively!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

It's Your Decision: Good Enough, Or GREAT?

Most of us, at many different points in our existence, end up having to make the very personal decision whether to end up settling for doing the easier or comfortable route, rather than taking the often more challenging route or path, which is to pursue greatness, in every action and mannerism of our being. This relates to everything we do, whether occupation - related, or in our personal lives! The more comfortable approach, for many, is to take that path of least resistance, because it affords us what we perceive as less risk, and thus permits us to hide within our self - limiting comfort zone. Therefore, we must face the facts that it always a choice we make, whether to opt for good - enough, or to aim for truly being, performing and behaving GREAT!

1. Greatness always begins with having goals, and pursuing the best course in a goal - based, directed manner. Good may be better than poor, but is rarely the proper or sufficient course for anyone who wishes to enhance, expand and live up to his potential.

2. Avoid taking the easier course merely because it is easier or more comfortable. Rather, one's pursuits must be consistently responsible and responsive, in nature. Positive thinking, attitude and outlooks are helpful and needed, but must never merely be rose - colored glasses in nature, but rather must be in sync with reality! In addition, avoid expecting others to do things merely because you think or hope they will, but rather maintain the highest personal expectations, while expecting reasonable actions and responses from others. One nearly always makes a greater impact when he behaves in a rational and relevant manner.

3. Enjoy what you're doing, and you'll always perform to a far higher degree of energizing and effective manner. One's personal goals must consistently focus on enhancing quality in everything he does and gets involved in, and remembering that broadening one's personal outlook and perspective, by being empathetic in nature, and perceoving things from the perspectives and needs of others.

4. Greatness demands an absolute commitment and adherence to the following formula: Aptitude + Attitude + Attention = Best performance. It's your personal decision, whether you seek to be normal and pursue being somewhat mediocre, or demanding your personal best in everything you do.

5. Take steps toward timely action, aim for the most terrific way to proceed, try more and harder than other do, and treat whatever you do or pursue as yor top priority.

Never make excuses for aiming for less than your best. Rather, understand that it's always your decision, and thus, it's up to you!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Listen More, & Interrupt Less!

Although we are born with two ears, and only one mouth, it generally appears that most people speak far more often than they actually listen. It is important to realize that there is a significant difference between merely hearing, and actually listening, however. While the act of hearing is, in and of itself, only an act of using one of our senses (auditory), listening requires discipline, as well as paying attention and hopefully being driven in an empathetic manner. The five keys to effective listening include: 1. patience; 2. avoid the temptation to interrupt; 3. listen and understand the actual meaning, etc.; 4. truly empathize; and, 5. when you respond, do so both politely and thoroughly.

1. It is important for each of us to understand that unless we are patient enough to avoid the somewhat natural tendency to interrupt, and remain patient, listening politely and attentively, and asking for clarification, we will rarely either develop any sort of personal bond, nor will we ever truly understand the concerns and cares of another person. Patience requires both discipline, as well as personal training, and usually needs to be practiced and must be part of an evolutionary personal development process.

2. Have you ever found yourself involved in a conversation where you keep thinking to yourself that you hope the other party gets to the point? It is valuable for each of us to understand that, for nearly everyone, their favorite topic or subject is about themselves, so exercising patience, and demanding if yourself that you pay complete attention, will help you learn information that you often will not otherwise be able to. We hear something and nearly impulsively react, rather than first assuring that we fully comprehend what is meant, rather than what we assume is being said.

3. Isn't it logical, therefore, to listen thoroughly first, and emphasize personal learning and comprehensive understanding, rather than impatiently interrupting and verbalizing one's personal point of view? Follow this simple procedure: Hear the entire thing someone wishes to express; Listen to all nuances, and pay attention to the non - verbal "tells," including body language, posture and facial expressions; Emphasize understanding in a non - judgmental manner.

4. Little is achieved when one merely sympathizes with someone else's woes! Rather, one should stress empathy, which rather than being a manifestation of pity, is a proactive attempt to put yourself in the other party's place.

5. However, solely following the first four steps is rarely truly productive or meaningful until, and unless, we commit to fully responding both politely as well as thoroughly and transparently. Effective listening must drive more meaningful and impactful communication!

If you want to be a better communicator, then begin to listen more! Stop, restrain yourself, and wait for others to express their thoughts, even if you disagree.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

3 Basic Steps for Grieving Real Estate Taxes

Although various localities have specific mechanisms, nearly every one has a process to appeal or grieve one's real estate taxes. In most cases, this can either be done by oneself, or you can hire someone else (or some company) to do so, for you. Why would someone grieve his real estate taxes? One reason might be because most of your neighbors do so, and you will suffer financially, by not doing so. Another is, if you believe your house is being appraised for more than it should be, and thus, you will being paying more taxes than you need to, or should. Regardless of your reasons for doing so, every homeowner should realize he has certain options and rights, and this article will attempt to touch upon 3 of the basic steps in appealing and correcting something which might adversely impact you.

1. Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): Before you can claim you are being charged too much, you must create and present a basis for your belief. In nearly every locality, one must accumulate realistic, relevant, comparable homes, and compare what they are being charged in taxes, to what you are. For example, if you can locate 5 or 6 homes, which are similar in size, location, property, condition, etc, and their assessed values vary significantly with your home's, you have created the best initial basis, for appeal. If you are capable of doing so, yourself, you will gain the greatest benefit, but if you cannot, or don't have the time or inclination, contact a reputable company, to handle this for you. In many cases, these companies will charge you up to 50% of your savings, but remember, that's still far better than what you would otherwise be paying, etc. In addition, you'll only be charged the fee, if you receive a reduced assessment, and savings!

2. Show what others pay in taxes (or are assessed): Once you've identified the relevant other properties, show how much less they may be paying than you are. This is what you submit as your grievance, etc.

3. Fill out the necessary forms/ paperwork: Depending on your location, this process might either be rather simple, or more complex/ complicated! In either case, you must obtain, and properly fill out completely, all the necessary forms and paperwork. This is another reason many people opt to use one of the companies that provides this service.

While it is your responsibility to pay your real estate taxes, it is not, to pay more than you should fairly do so! If you believe you are being unfairly taxed, relative to your neighbors, follow the grievance or appeals process.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Business Ethics: An Oxymoron?

We often read and hear references to business ethics. Undergraduate and post graduate courses dedicate large amounts of time and resources to the topic. However, if one were to ask the average consumer if he believed that most businesses were conducted in an ethical manner, we would predominately receive negative responses. Simply stated, ethics can be defined as doing the right thing, the moral thing, and treating others with honor and respect. Related to business, this concept would include several items, and when we evaluate how most businesses conducted business, we would often avoid referring to these practices as moral.

1. One of the necessities of being ethical is telling the truth. However, when we look at how businesses, services and products are often promoted, the truth is stretched rather thin. One example, of course is the mobile communications or cell phone industry. Each carrier runs ads trying to convince us how superior they are. However, since there are no legal requirements even for using terminology such as "4G," and each carrier handles their lines differently, there is often quite a bit of variation. For example, going strictly by its ads, one would believe that Verizon cellular service is nearly perfect. Its advertisements makes claims about the clarity of its calls, how few calls are dropped, its speed, etc. While that is the case in some areas, several of my friends on Verizon service experience dropped calls, etc., in various areas, while having excellent service in others. ATT Mobility claims its system is fastest, and in some areas it is. I use the system and have had wonderful experience, yet, I know others who have been extremely disappointed. Sprint customers have similar experiences, and I have had wonderful experience with Sprint's Air Card, which worked well nearly everywhere I've used it. However, as good as it is, it is certainly not as quick as wired or WI-FI service. Every other service has its proponents, as well as its attackers. The issue is not which service is the best, but rather how the services promote themselves. While effective advertising is self promotional by definition, misleading ads are certainly not terribly ethical.

2. Have you ever gone into a store and purchased something, and the store quickly asks you if you'd like to purchase an Extended Warranty. While there is nothing wrong with offering this, nor with the stores making additional revenues doing so, have you ever been given a clear cut explanation of what is and is not covered, and the limitations. Remember, we are discussing ethics here!

3. Investment Advisers are another area of ethical concern. Is the individual an unbiased adviser, or is he simply a salesman disguising himself as an adviser? Both duties and functions are acceptable, but which is ethical? Yet, our leaders in Washington are discussing reducing the regulations on these individuals, and protecting the public, even less!

4. In Real Estate, does the average buyer truly understand the difference between being represented by a Buyers Agent, a Brokers Agent, and a Sellers Agent? In New York State, for example, by law, prospective buyers must be given an Agency Agreement that explains each of these. Yet, if the average buyer truly understood the differences, one would think the vast majority would prefer using a Buyers Agent, whose loyalty is directly to the buyer. Is this an ethical dilemma?

There are so many situations in business where there is the opportunity for a business, product, or representative to opt to either prioritize ethical behavior, or to merely do what might be expedient and in the store (or business, product, or reps) best interest, rather than the customer (or buyer). Therefore, one must wonder if business ethics is another one of those oxymorons, such as military intelligence, moral politician, etc.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Why You Must Write Goals Down, If You Want To Achieve Them?

Most of us have repeatedly been instructed that it is necessary to have an essential dream, a personal vision, and create important and relevant goals, if we wish to be successful and to achieve. However, simply having goals is not enough, but rather it is necessary to have a mechanism in place to transform goals into reality, by taking action. Many studies indicate that the vast majority of individuals perform and achieve better when there is a visual aspect to their learning, commitment, habit and behavior. It is for this reason that most great achievers have dreams that they visualize and which motivate them, create goals and an action plan, and don't simply think about or try to memorize what they wish to do and how, but rather, put these goals down in writing and refer to them often and repeatedly. Brian Tracy stated, "Committing your goals to paper increases the likelihood of achieving them one- thousand percent."

1. Even the most important and far- reaching dream fails to yield results unless it motivates the dreamer to commit to specific goals, which he then designs an action plan to achieve. In order to optimize one's results, write the goals down, first in broad thoughts, and then in specifics. Explain in writing your reasons for why these goals are so important. Then put them in a priority order. Then put them down with a time table or timeline for when certain actions need to be taken, and why. Create this action plan in such a way that you think your ideas through thoroughly, and you decide upon a first or preferred course of action, as well as numerous alternative or contingency approaches to achieving your most essential goals. Commit to these thoroughly and review these notes and ideas on a very regular basis. This will both motivate and refresh you on your personal journey.

2. Never forget that you must believe in yourself in order to achieve these goals. In the majority of cases, a most effective tool is the use of affirmations. Affirmations must be personal positive statements regarding matters that are most important to you personally. They must always be stated in both the positive/ affirmative as well as in the present tense. For example, if you feel you need to become a better speaker to achieve your goals, an affirmation might be, "I am an enthusiastic, stimulating speaker that audiences enjoy listening to." Note that the statement is specific, positive and in the present tense. Try this with items that you feel you would like to personally pay more attention to, or get better at.

Most of us find visual learning the most effective. Some use this method in conjunction with others, while many find it to be their preferred methodology. Write down what you want to achieve and what you need to do.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Success Stems from Doing RIGHT!

One of the most cliched, misunderstood and unaccomplished things in most individuals lives is understanding and pursuing what they deem to be success. Far too often, people appear to equate success to financial gains, sales volumes, revenues, income and/ or other material things, rather than delving somewhat more deeply and realizing that more must be involved, since so many financially successful individuals are still some of the unhappiest and least satisfied. Truly successful people are generally those who have developed and created a genuine and meaningful balance in their lives, and whose main motivations and motivators are directly related to a desire to focus primarily on doing the RIGHT thing.

1. True success doesn't merely appear or come to someone without taking some sort of action or following certain behaviors. It requires a proactive mindset, where one first reaches out, in an attempt to be realistic, rational, relevant, and best relate to the reality of the situation and the specific culture.

2. Nothing becomes meaningful unless we pursue every action and every component by commencing with a commitment to absolute integrity. When this is the actual focus and mindset, one becomes better capable of developing and continuing with an emphasis on an impactful ideology which begins with a focus on important ideas.

3. How can anyone consider himself successful if he doesn't either get others involved and to care more, or addresses factors bigger than oneself? Therefore, one needs to garner and gain support, and to generate greater support and supporters. Those who become great are those who refuse to settle for less than what can be done best and better, and thus seek personal and relevant greatness.

4. Never put an artificial cap on your capabilities! Strive for, and reach higher heights. Never underestimate the importance of proceeding with a synergy of head and heart, and the desire to seek to heal and help!

5. One can ever believe he has done all he can, or proceed with the philosophy that it is important to consistently try harder. Never believe it is okay to play fast and easy with the facts, but commit to always tell the truth. One can only become better informed if he begins with focusing on effective listening before he opens his mouth and begins to talk. Follow the adage that we were given two ears but only one mouth for an important reason.

Most of us claim that we strive for success, without ever introspectively analyzing what that means to us personally! Regardless of your personal definition, understand that it always stems from doing what is RIGHT!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Why Is Selling, Both, An Art and a Science?

When I first started in the investment and financial services field, more than four decades ago, the most productive representative in the company had a poster displayed prominently on the wall to his office that read, "Selling is like shaving. If you don't do it everyday, you're a bum!" The essence of that poster has remained "engraved" in my mind ever since, and that is, that yesterday's conquests are simply old news, and one must successfully do the same thing repeatedly in order to truly be a professional and an expert.

As I have trained many others in a variety of fields, including selling and marketing, training, management, leadership, negotiations, and many other areas since then, I have always incorporated the themes of everything in life being some sort of sales, and that effective selling is both an art and a science.

Whether you are a salesperson, yourself, or in a business which either markets a product, service, or their brand, etc, the principles of selling are important to understand. How few individuals actually take full advantage of these proven rules of selling, either because they weren't trained thoroughly, haven't committed to true learning, or believe they are "in sales" but not selling, it is essential for each of us, to realize these nuances!
Why do I call selling both an art and a science? A science is something rather precise, and proper sales technique is extremely regimented. The best salespeople use the same proven technique each and every time they give a presentation. Of course, after a while, it seems like it is second nature to them, but it is still a very exact, precise, thought-out and proven methodology.

On the other hand, two individuals can follow the same basic "scientific" technique, and achieve vastly different results. That is why I am stating that selling is also an art. The most effective salespeople relate well to others, and understand human nature. Many of the top salesmen of all time have stated that selling is only a small percentage technical, while being predominantly understanding human nature.

The most effective salespeople are friendly, without being phony, and professional without being starchy and stuffy. Effective selling requires a sales person to do his homework to understand the needs of the individual he is selling to, and tailoring his presentation to address the other party's "hot button." The "hot button" is that set of circumstances, wording, and motivation that gets the other individual's attention, and motivates them to action.

Few people are actually born salespeople. While some people are more extroverted than others, and some feel more comfortable in a sales situation, these behaviors can be trained and made part of anyone desiring to become a more effective salesperson.

Motivated individuals learn the techniques, practice them, and make them part of their own persona. I have trained individuals who began as the shyest, least articulate and outgoing individuals, and developed them into professional, talented and successful sales professionals.

Once someone learns all the techniques, and then combines those "sciences" with the "art" of understanding human nature, he can and will be an elite sales professional. That is, as long as he does it every day!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Why Happy People Gain Strength?

When someone is happy, he generates a feeling of joy and cooperation among those he comes into contact with. Contrast that with the impact made by someone who is joyless and negative, who seems to constantly sap the energy from everyone and everything he comes into contact with. The founder of the influential civic and philanthropic New York City organization, the Grand Street Boys, the late Judge Jonah Goldstein was fond of reminding others, "Happiness is the one thing in life that multiplies by division. The more you give to others, the more you have for yourself." However, happiness does far more than just that. It actually makes someone stronger and better. Francesca Reigler stated, "Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same." Whether you simply want to be the happiest, you can be, or seek to improve your attitude, in order to be more successful in any business endeavor, think about how and why, it makes sense to be as happy as possible!

1. Why is it that some people seem to generally be in a good mood, joyful, positive and giving, while others seem to be constant sour pusses? It all relates to one's attitude. When someone approaches life with a positive attitude, he sees ways to get more things done, and achieved. Positive people tend to live longer, happier, more stress- free lives, and seem to have almost endless energy. On the other hand, when one decides, either consciously or sub- consciously to be joyless, they spend their time worrying about what might happen, or commiserating about what might have been. Rather than be grateful for what they have, they often exhibit pettiness, anger and jealousy. Often, these negative people seem to almost never even smile, and when they do, it appears to be more of a smirk or chuckle. than to give them any real joy. Joyless people spend more time being miserable, and thus often seem far more tired and irritable than happier individuals.

2. There is a scientific fact that it takes far more muscles and energy to frown than to smile. Even though nothing productive is ever produced by frowning, why is it that it seems that there are more frowners than smilers? The happier someone truly is (and that is far different than those that either pretend to be, or feign happiness), the more productive he invariably ends up being. In addition, who would you rather spend time with, someone that emits joy and happiness, or someone that emits a negative aura, that ends up bringing others around him down to his joyless level?

There have been many songs, courses, poems, etc. that warn us that it is better to be happy, yet so many continue to not heed the advice, and the obvious. The first, and perhaps most essential ingredient in success is to put yourself in a position to be successful, and that begins by being joyful and positive.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

How Is Your Judgment?

How do you define judgment, and what factors do you consider most indicative and telling? What have you done to develop your wisdom, ability to analyze and interpret, judge situations, individuals, procedures, techniques and ideas? Do you enjoy being the decision maker, or would you prefer to defer that to others, and simply be a follower? Do you prefer to be a leader, trusting that you are more capable of making the best decisions, or do you doubt your own abilities and judgment? Do you judge situations and understand the possible ramifications and alternatives? Do you prefer to be proactive, or are you merely reactive? Do you plan sufficiently so that you can make decisions based on facts and reasoning, or do you wait, often procrastinating, and putting off making a judgment until you have to?

1. Judgment can either be good, bad, or somewhere in between. However, when someone simply waits and procrastinates, that is almost always an indication of far less than stellar judgment. Procrastination is generally an indication of either insecurity or fear. It takes courage, self confidence, and personal motivation to make a decision, but it also requires a commitment to training, learning, self improvement, and the desire to be the best that you can be, to actually show judgment.

2. Judgment does not mean that you must be the most intellectually gifted, although no doubt a certain level of intellect generally enhances one's judgment. However, often those with the highest IQ, and the most schooling and education, do not exhibit the greatest judgment. Great judgment also requires certain tangible, as well as certain intangible qualities. The tangible assets include learning, experience, focus, desire and motivation, as well as commitment. The intangible characteristics come from one's viable vision, and how that translates to actual goals, as well as the motivation to persist and persevere, and the courage to make well thought out decisions, when others often defer. Judgment is a combination of numerous characteristics, disciplines, beliefs, ideals, etc. However, for a judgment to be pure and positive, it also requires absolute integrity.

There has never been a truly productive individual who did not develop a methodology to enhance his abilities and judgment. It all begins with both knowing, as well as liking ones self. Judgment comes from someone being comfortable with his abilities, confident in his beliefs, and willing to openly examine any and all alternatives that might make him better.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Focus First on Value, & Sucess Will Follow!

How many times have you, or someone you known, insisted they their goal was to become truly successful, while often never really describing what success meant to them? Success is not something to be focused upon, but rather will come as a result of our attitudes, actions, how meaningful our visions and goals might be, our personal values, and especially, whether we prioritize providing value to others on a consistent basis. When we focus solely on our personal benefit, as well as the what's in it for me prioritization, we may observe short term or even intermediate term basis, but will almost never become truly successful. Success, in the longer term, is almost invariably based on the value that we provide to others as a result of our attitudes, efforts, and actions taken.

1. Step number one must always be to do the right thing! Unfortunately, however, far too few individuals permit themselves to objectively view their personal attitudes, and without knowing and understanding oneself, it is nearly impossible to become value - oriented. By providing value, you are able to motivate others to care more, do more, and become far more loyal and involved!

2. The next component of achieving true success is refocusing one's mindset from focusing on how much money or credit you'll receive on a particular deal or action, but rather seeking to provide real value. Doing this will indicate to others how much you care, as well as the fact that you are a quality individual of absolute integrity. The side effect of doing so is invariably that this value will make it far easier to develop referrals, repeat customers, loyal clients, motivated followers, etc. Providing value helps to create a stronger bond which attracts quality individuals to care more about what you say and do!

3. What value do you add, and how? Do you ever actually think about that, and if so, do you so as a primary action, or merely tangentially? What do you mean by this term? What steps do you take on a regular basis? Do you possess an attitude of constructively moving forward, or are you often doubtful? Do you see challenges, or is everything a problem to you? What actually motivates you, and why?

While most people might claim that they hope to either be a success or have success, few ever take the time and effort to consider what that means to them. Unless success becomes a byproduct of your actions and efforts, and unless value and values are your primary motivations, any success realized will be more fleeting than enduring.

Friday, March 17, 2017

6 Reasons Why We Interrupt Others

Although nearly everyone realizes that it is rude, impolite, inconsiderate, and generally counter - productive to interrupt someone else, most of us find it extremely challenging and difficult to avoid this urge or tendency. When we fail to let someone else complete his thought, idea, concept, or perspective, our actions are generally interpreted by that individual as being thoughtless, uncaring and insulting, even if that is not out intent. Think about it - how does it make you feel when you are the one that is being interrupted? The concept of this article has applicability to a number of circumstances, including: 1) Our personal lives/ interactions; 2) How we relate/ interact with co - workers, employers, etc; 3) How we relate to those we seek to lead; 4) How we interact/ relate, to clients, patients, etc. Regardless of your personal priorities, or area, addressing these principles, should be of assistance!  Each of us should strive to attempt to avoid this tendency, and perhaps by considering these six reasons that we behave and proceed in this manner, might assist us in overcoming that temptation or behavior.

1. Narcissistic/ self - absorbed: Have you also observed that we appear to be living in an increasingly narcissistic society? While the mindset of it's all about me, might, at times, serve ones personal interests and focus, it often creates a scenario where we become unwilling to pay attention to the needs and perspectives of others. This factor aligns with the tendency of many to adopt as their favorite sound both their own voice/ opinion, as well as hearing their name.

2. Bored/ disinterested: The reality is often that we just don't really care what is being said or talked about, and we are hoping to end that discussion or change its direction. One can't impactfully fake that he cares when he is bored, so perhaps there is a need to address becoming somewhat more calm and patient.

3. Lack effective listening skills: Learning more about what others think and becoming more open to viewpoints and opinions (other than your own) takes a degree of discipline, training and learning. Each of us need to discover why we possess two ears and only one mouth.

4. Rude: Either we don't realize, or we just don't care, that when we interrupt someone else, we are treating that individual rudely and being inconsiderate. Perhaps the best way to overcome this is to adopt the essential philosophy that I refer to as ZTL (zip the lip).

5. Don't realize we're doing it/ habit: Perhaps because we have behaved in a certain manner (interrupting) for so long, it becomes simply a bad habit!

6. Lack of training/ learning/ understanding: Nearly anything worthwhile that we do requires learning and discipline. Since the tendency to interrupt others might often be the easy way, then unless we focus upon the reasons why we should approach things in a different manner, we end of falling into worse habits.

While these six are merely some of the reasons, they indicate why we should try to avoid the tendency to interrupt. Are you ready, able and willing to do so?