Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Do You Seek Solutions, Or Make Excuses?

Whether you're serving in a position of leadership, or are an Independent Contractor, whose income and career success is based on your performance (e.g. sales, etc), or are employed, and seek a promotion, you will never be served well, by constantly looking for an excuse, either to avoid personal blame, receive criticism, or for any other reason/ purpose! This also holds true in every aspect of your personal life, because, there, too, one must avoid complaining or blaming, or excuses, when taking action, or doing something is called for! 

Truly successful people always seek solutions, even if taking some shortcut, might be temporarily easier, or the simpler path! While most polls indicate politicians are among the least popular/ trusted individuals (in any career path), why is it, we don't recognize, many of us, do precisely, in our personal and professional lives, what we dislike in others?! It seems, nearly every day, we witness some prominent elected official, who constantly contradicts himself, proceeds with conflicts between his promises and actions, and with apparent disregard to genuine integrity! Why should anyone trust and believe in anyone, who blames, complains, and makes excuses, rather than taking personal responsibility, and seeking the best possible solutions?

How about you, personally? When something goes in some way, other than the most desirable one, how will you react/ respond? Will you behave as the antelope does, painting your behind white, and running with the herd, seeking popularity, rather than solutions? As Robert Frost wrote, when you come to that fork in the road, which path will you select, the easier one, or the less - traveled one, with greater potential, relevance and possibilities?

Avoid terminal excusitis before it destroys your potential, etc! Give yourself a checkup, from the neck up, and proceed with the right combination of self - confidence, integrity, and effective wisdom!

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