Monday, June 19, 2017

How Do You DECIDE, In Everything You Do?

Whether it pertains to our personal lives, profession/ career/ occupation, or some, volunteer position of leadership, etc, we must proceed, in a way, where we understand, appreciate, and are willing and able, to make quality, well - considered decisions. However, in order to use this trait/ ability, to the best, possible, advantage, let's review, how we DECIDE, in everything we do!

1. Delve deeply; deliver: Don't merely generalize, or permit any personal bias and/ or prejudgment, determine how we decide! Rather, delve deeply, and thoroughly, and consider, what you hope to achieve, consider and deliver. A leader is often called upon to make essential decisions, but how can he do so, if he hasn't fully considered the possibilities? A Realtor, for example, must determine a strategy, and his results, are often determined, by how good it is, and how one proceeds and behaves. In our personal lives, do you ever think about what you are seeking?

2. Evolve: Don't get hung - up, on the past, or stuck - in - the - mud? Rather, realize, in everything you do, you must continuously evolve, while learning from one's experiences, etc!

3. Consider; clever: Consider the options, and do so, in a clever, thorough, comprehensive, relevant manner!

4. Ideas; imagination; integrity: Are you a person - of - ideas, with the imagination, to consider what might be? Never abandon your commitment to absolute integrity!

5. Destiny: Do you consider it, your destiny, to be all - you - can - be? How will you assure the destiny you seek, by your actions, deliberations, and actions?

6. Energy; emphasis: Will you simply go through the motions, or proceed with the highest level of energy and quality? Is your emphasis, consistently focused, in a way, which addresses your needs, concerns, priorities and objectives?

The quality of your decision - making, will make a significant difference, in every aspect of your life! How will you DECIDE? 

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