Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Is It Anti - Social, Or Social Media?

There can be no denying that social media has exploded upon the horizon, and that nearly everyone has at least some passing understanding or knowledge about some aspect of this arena. Business media discusses the financial aspects, and conversations have gotten to the point of not merely looking at it as a fad, but rather how the model might be better monetized, adapted for mobile sites, and used more extensively in fields as diverse as politics, news, business reporting, and in a variety of cross promotions. How often have you observed either a television program, a news report, or a multitude of other things discuss either their Twitter hashtags or asking you to Follow them on Facebook? While Social media, if used proficiently, can be both effective and engaging, in many other cases it appears to be nearly antisocial in nature, because it often appears that someone is hiding behind social media, insisting on using it as their nearly exclusive method of communicating. While social media is an important part of an overall campaign, it loses much of its power when it stands alone. We need to examine this area by asking some basic questions: How is it used?; What is the user's attitude?; Is it used synergistically or attempting to be used alone; and, What other ways/ methods do you use to communicate?

1. Before embarking on a social media campaign, an individual, group, business or organization, must first decide and determine what their goals and what they wish to achieve are? Do they expect this campaign to make up for weak efforts in other areas, and to miraculously be the panacea that creates a turnaround? Or, do they approach it as another weapon in their armamentaria for enhancing their communicating, or getting their message (or a part of it) out to a certain potential segment of their audience, or as a link to their website, promote special offers, etc.?

2. What is their attitude? Do they believe in the social aspect of social media, or are they solely trying to sell something non - stop? Are they willing to truly interact with others, and utilize it properly as a potential important networking tool?

3. Social media works exponentially better when it is used synergistically as part of an overall media, marketing and communications forum. Those that flock to this arena because they see it as an inexpensive methodology, or. even worse, as an excuse to personally interact less, often end up disappointed in what they perceive as their results and the potential.

4. Finally, social media should be examined as a component of an overall program or plan. Examine and improve your efforts and other ways that you communicate your message.

Social media works best when it is, indeed, social and interactive. Far too often, the desired results are not approached because of either the way it's used, the attitude of the user, the overall plan and approach/ message, and the appeal of the message.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Why Would Anyone Decide To Do Business With You?

Regardless of your occupation, business, field of endeavor, vocation, etc., you will often need to be able to give a concise, convincing, compelling explanation and answer to the question, "Why should I do business with you?" Can you explain how you are different from the pack, and how those differences are meaningful to others? In doing this, there is a need to avoid the generalities, banalities, and cliches that we so often observe individuals relying on, and falling back on. Have you ever considered the essential question, "Can I sell myself in a meaningful and effective manner?" In my four decades of training thousands in multiple modalities, I have discovered that few people seem capable of seamlessly focusing on how and why they are the best choice or option for others to choose!

1. What is your specialty or niche? Do you believe strongly enough in your strengths and abilities to differentiate yourself? Have you ever been willing and able to be both objective and introspective enough to develop a sufficient amount of inner strength and fortitude to express why you are a better choice or option? In most businesses or fields of endeavor, we each have a large degree of competition, yet rarely is there any emphasis in training these individuals to develop the abilities to answer the basic question being explored in this article. For example, there are many stockbrokers and real estate agents, yet few of them can give you a compelling reason to select them! We witness repetition of the same platitudes and cliches, which end up creating the impression that there is little difference. For example, cliches such as: "I care," "I'll market for you," "I've done a lot of business in that market," or falls back on discussing services offered rather than what it means to someone else, are, in no way, compelling arguments!

2. How are you different? What do you do that will motivate others to select you, rather than the competition? Are you willing to truly listen to needs, relate effectively, and believe enough in yourself to state that one of the compelling reasons to select you, is, indeed, you? What do you bring to the table, and how are you better able to use the systems, techniques, etc., that others also have access to? Why is your way better? Can you answer without hesitation, in a confident manner that motivates others to be attracted to you? Have you perfected the skills necessary, especially as they relate to negotiating, sales skills, and addressing concerns or objection?

Do you believe, in your heart of hearts, that "I'm me, and they're them, and that's why I'm better"? Why is that a truism and not another cliche?

Monday, November 28, 2016

Conceive, Then Perceive, So You Might Achieve!

How can anyone achieve anything of a meaningful nature unless he first has the ability to set and create essential goals, based on a vibrant vision of how he believes things should be? Those that wish to accomplish must have the ability to first conceive of what he'd like to be (also often known as one's vision). However, conceiving goes beyond merely a vision in that it also sees how one would approach getting it done, at least in an overall way. We also need to truly believe that what we conceive of can become a reality, and should become one. Our perceptions are how we look at a set of scenarios or conditions, and often create either a positive or negative mindset and attitude. The objective, obviously, is to achieve our goals in a positive and meaningful manner.

1. Conception is the state or condition when we formulate the initial germ of an idea, and think about the methodologies, approaches, and reasons that these goals are so important. When we conceive of something that will truly positively impact something, it motivates us to persist and persevere despite any possible short - term or temporary roadblocks or obstacles. Every opportunity for personal greatness begins with conceiving of an idea and visualizing how, and why, it is so important and meaningful to do something in a particular manner.

2. If what we conceive of is really meaningful to us (as opposed to merely a passing fancy or mere dream), we will then begin to perceive of ways to shape our own destiny, by the actions and steps that we take. Our perceptions must lead us to a belief that it will become a reality, and that it should. It also must drive our self - belief and drive us to create and implement a fully developed and considered action plan. Dreams without focus and a drive to implement in a meaningful manner, never have a proactive and longer lasting impetus that drives and motivates, while perceptions motivate and create a perseverance that is so essential to accomplishment.

3. Conceiving is nice, perceiving is even better, but neither delivers the needed results unless it creates a level of achievement. These achievements may be immediate (or short - term), but are nearly always more important when they create a longer term addressing of some need, etc. We must always realize that every action we take, as well as every one we avoid, inevitably results is some sort of ramifications.

The most personally fulfilled people are generally those that strive towards achievements, and do so by driving themselves and others forward towards some idea or perception. If you wish to achieve your goals, then it is important to comprehend the meaning and necessities of achievements.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

How Well Do You Manage and Budget Your TIME?

When one examines what often differentiates the most successful individuals from most of the others, we often observe that one of the key factors is how well they manage their TIME. Even the most intelligent, most experienced individuals with the greatest expertise, often fail to achieve to their potential when they don't manage this essential component to its maximum degree. Lee Iacocca stated, "The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything." While it may not truly be everything (because that assumes it is the only factor), it is certainly no doubt something that makes a key and major ingredient. Examining this from a mnemonic perspective perhaps helps us to best focus on what is needed.

1. Time management begins with a willingness and ability to train yourself. This is a far different scenario than merely taking training programs, classes, seminars, or even actual learning. It is, rather, the combination of gathering the needed facts, data, and information, and then synergistically using this information in a manner that best suits your personality, learning type and habits, desires, motivations, visions, goals, etc. This training is the ultimate form of personal development and self - discipline, because it is what will direct one to achieve to his maximum potential.

2. Far too often, individuals examine situations, and observe numerous areas that they realize need to be addressed, or need to be improved upon. However, those that merely follow a multi - faceted approach, rather than creating priorities, often get bogged down in minutia. Therefore, it is important for each of us to install personal controls, that help us to focus, prioritize, and organize as well as we can do.

3. A large percentage of individuals never even begin, but many others also merely begin but never proceed to a course of action that is essential. In order to best address how we might utilize our time, we each must maintain the course, so your plan has the opportunity to succeed. This does not mean merely never giving up, but rather developing a way to evaluate your progress, what needs tweaking, and the most efficient and effective way to proceed.

4. Perhaps the most overlooked aspect of this necessary task is how we actually examine and proceed with our goals, etc. Therefore, how we establish our short - term, intermediate and longer term plans and goals, will often determine our ability to succeed. Doing this creates a mindset for being organized, and unless one becomes efficient, focused and creative, how can he possibly best manage his time?

Time management and budgeting your time, will have serious implications, on your readiness, success, comfort levels, and open - mindedness, in your personal life, as a boss or employer, an employee, and independent business person, such as a Realtor, or a professional (physician, dentist, lawyer, veterinarian, etc). One can never consider how he handles his time, without examining priorities, goals, and especially personal discipline. Those who create a form of personal daily agenda, and utilize timelines and other measures/ metrics, are best able to use their time effectively, Remember the adage that both the most successful and the least successful individual both have the same 24 hours in their day, but the more successful use that time more effectively and impactively!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Profitability Trumps Revenues! (NOTE: This has nothing to do with any politician)

Nearly every day, financial gurus analyze and often over - analyze the performance of a wide variety of business organizations. We often hear these individuals discuss an organization's performance in relationship to what are generally referred to as expectations. However, since businesses almost always either under or over perform in relationship to these expectations, an objective observer should realize and understand that there is a significant difference between expectations and facts. In addition, in many cases, there is far too much attention paid to gross revenues, when a company's bottom line is more dependent on profitability, which is the difference between revenues and expenses. If you are in business for yourself, such as Real Estate Professionals, medical/ dental professionals, etc, this especially goes for you! 
1. When company's prioritize revenues, they often do so at the expense of their bottom line. They do so because if these revenues come about because of ever - increasing costs such as materials, marketing and labor, the organization often does not benefit. The reality is often that, especially in more trying economic times, being overly sales oriented without paying sufficient attention to costs, diminishes and adversely impacts the bottom line.Carefully consider marketing and advertising expenses, overhead items, etc, in terms of their cost/ benefit basis!

2. Often, it may be easier to address controlling costs than increasing revenues. This can be achieved by a combination of factors, including spending more efficiently, being more effective, wasting far less time, and creating a strategy that objectively looks at the relationship between costs and revenues. No one can accurately see into the future, and thus, addressing expenses is often far more reliable than forecasting increased receipts. However, management must take care not to overreact and take draconian measures when more moderate, fiscally responsible approaches are called for.

3. The key to a business' success is their bottom line, not simply in the short term but into the foreseeable future. This means addressing all expenses and examining if one gains the most bang for the buck. Management must be careful that they do not cut the wrong expenses, but merely reduce the bloat, inefficiencies, and seek better and more efficient alternatives. Smart executives generally begin by utilizing a carefully prepared, organized and realistic zero - based budget, that is used as a true planning tool. Sometimes, draconian cuts will address the short term fiscal picture, but if done without planning and foresight, will often adversely impact the long term picture and performance.

Success is not based merely on how much revenue might be brought in, but rather the amount, degree and consistency of the profits. Smart business managers and leaders are far more concerned about profits and sustainability than they are solely about revenues alone.

Monday, November 21, 2016

How To Master Your Presentation?

How often have you been called upon to give, or been in a situation where there has been the need for you to get up in front of a group of people, or even, needed to sit down with a couple of people, and give some sort of presentation? Studies show that a large percentage of individuals become nervous, queezy and uneasy when this occurs, often feeling considerably out of their comfort zone.

Unfortunately, this form of oral communications has often been largely either ignored or paid little attention to, and because of that, many presentations and presenters present an atmosphere of discomfort, boredom, and somewhat of a feeling of "why did I bother attending this," amongst attendees. Like most acquired skills, learning to, and actually giving a quality presentation requires dedication, commitment and an understanding of the process and the requirements/ needs.

1. You'll rarely give a consistently quality presentation until, and unless, you thoroughly are prepared. This presentation means determining the goal of the presentation (i.e. what you want the attendees to walk away with), whether or not there is a need for accompanying visuals, doing your research and homework, understanding the group and its dynamics, etc.

2. Once you've formulated your information and materials, practice your presentation, and rehearse. This rehearsal should enhance your comfort zone, and anticipate questions and concerns that might be asked by the attendees.

3. Just like actors rehearsing for a new show, an effective rehearsal is never a one - shot event. The procedure must be repeated until your level of comfort with, and knowledge of, the materials, is nearly second - nature, and automatic.

4. Review your content in detail. Are you providing too little, too much, or just the right amount of information? Is the group that is attending prepared for the information you are giving? Will they welcome, or close their minds to new information, ideas and alternatives?

5. Are you comfortable going in front of a group? Are you so uncomfortable that your nervousness will create an impediment to a quality presentation? Rehearse in front of a mirror, look at your body language, continuously change the inflection and tone quality of your voice, and remember to speak more slowly than you feel you need to (because invariably nervous speakers rush). One's confidence is an essential of a quality performance!

6. Finally, consider your delivery, your performance, and whether or not you are engaging the group in an interactive manner. When one gets the audience more involved, it enhances the bond and thus the attention that the crowd will give you.

There is no one - step, easy procedure for enhancing your presentation skills. However, paying attention and being consistent, and thus using these basic six steps, helps to put you in the best scenario.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

How To Develop Better Judgment?

How do you define judgment, and what factors do you consider most indicative and telling? What have you done to develop your wisdom, ability to analyze and interpret, judge situations, individuals, procedures, techniques and ideas? Do you enjoy being the decision maker, or would you prefer to defer that to others, and simply be a follower? Do you prefer to be a leader, trusting that you are more capable of making the best decisions, or do you doubt your own abilities and judgment? Do you judge situations and understand the possible ramifications and alternatives? Do you prefer to be proactive, or are you merely reactive? Do you plan sufficiently so that you can make decisions based on facts and reasoning, or do you wait, often procrastinating, and putting off making a judgment until you have to?

1. Judgment can either be good, bad, or somewhere in between. However, when someone simply waits and procrastinates, that is almost always an indication of far less than stellar judgment. Procrastination is generally an indication of either insecurity or fear. It takes courage, self confidence, and personal motivation to make a decision, but it also requires a commitment to training, learning,
self improvement, and the desire to be the best that you can be, to actually show judgment.

2. Judgment does not mean that you must be the most intellectually gifted, although no doubt a certain level of intellect generally enhances one's judgment. However, often those with the highest IQ, and the most schooling and education, do not exhibit the greatest judgment. Great judgment also requires certain tangible, as well as certain intangible qualities. The tangible assets include learning, experience, focus, desire and motivation, as well as commitment. The intangible characteristics come from one's viable vision, and how that translates to actual goals, as well as the motivation to persist and persevere, and the courage to make well thought out decisions, when others often defer. Judgment is a combination of numerous characteristics, disciplines, beliefs, ideals, etc. However, for a judgment to be pure and positive, it also requires absolute integrity.

There has never been a truly productive individual who did not develop a methodology to enhance his abilities and judgment. It all begins with both knowing, as well as liking ones self. Judgment comes from someone being comfortable with his abilities, confident in his beliefs, and willing to openly examine any and all alternatives that might make him better.

The Basics of Effective Telemarketing

Why are some telemarketers so much more effective than others? What do they do differently, and how do they do it? Some people who telemarket are extensively trained, while others receive very little training. Even those who are trained may or may not be effective, depending on how well trained they are, and whether they follow some basic telemarketing techniques. Certain individuals also possess a more "telemarketing friendly" personality. Factors such as friendliness, tone of voice, clarity, listening skills, patience, and the ability to persevere are essential skills for the effective telemarketer. Effectiveness requires the "never give up" mindset, and an understanding that every "no" brings you closer to a "yes." Telemarketing is truly a numbers game, and each caller develops a closing ratio, which is how many calls he needs to make to close a sale.

Have you ever gotten a telemarketing call when you thought that telemarketer was good, professional and skilled, while the usual telemarketer shows little or none of that skill and ability? Having developed telemarketing programs for several companies and several products and/ or services, I have developed a keen sense of what is and what is not effective. The following are some of the basics of telemarketing that should be followed if one wants to optimize results:

(1) Extensively train telemarketers. Provide the telemarketer with all tools necessary to do his job! Telemarketers need to be constantly encouraged.

(2) Provide telemarketers with well designed, well worded, well thought out scripts.

(3) Prepare a telemarketer to answer any and all objections.

(4) Teach/ learn the telemarketer how to effectively use the "Five Steps" approach to answering objections that I have written about in a previous article, and extensively give seminars about.

(5) Anticipate the objections and questions most likely to get. Provide scripts for each objection.

(6) Teach/ learn a telemarketer how to use "May I make a suggestion?"

(7) Play act and role play prior to the first call being made. Repeat this role playing on a regular basis. Don't let any calls be made until a telemarketing professional listens to the new telemarketer, and is satisfied.

(8) Provide a mirror to put in front of each phone station, to demonstrate the importance of smiling.

(9) Make sure the telemarketer knows whatever technical knowledge is necessary to be familiar and comfortable explain the product/ service.

(10) Teach/ learn how to close a sale.

(11) Teach/ learn the concept of "ztl" (zip the lip).

Telemarketing does not have to be difficult or unpleasant if a telemarketer is properly prepared and trained. A skilled telemarketer often finds telemarketing fun and exciting. Since telemarketers are generally paid based on their results, it is in their best interest to be the best they can be. For a company using telemarketing, there is little point if the telemarketers do not optimize results. Therefore, it is a "win-win" situation for telemarketers to be as skilled and professional as possible. Following these simple guidelines is an effective and productive first step.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What Is Your MARKETING Plan?

One of the underlying self - truths is that regardless of what one does or what his occupation/ goals might be, each of us must be both able and willing to sell each and everyday. Although many seem to shy away (or even fear or resent) from the idea of selling/ sales, everything we do involves some degree of selling. We either sell a product, service or ourselves, and therefore our personal success and achieving our goals, is directly related to how well we do this activity. Truly successful selling must depend on a quality, efficient and effective plan, and thus, it is incumbent on each of us, to examine, consider, enhance and develop the right MARKETING plan to best serve our needs and objectives.
1. Begin by considering how to best manage your personal program! Do you have needs to meet, or objectives to aim for? How do you develop, examine and set the metrics that are most essential to you? Do you check to see if you meet them? Do you over - rely on one type of marketing, or do you balance your plan to use the best proportion of each media that might best serve your needs? How do you identify and measure success?
2. Can you adequately articulate your aims? Being your most effective means you must assign some degree of personal achievement.
3. Forget relying on too much rhetoric or empty platitudes. Success will only be approachable when your personal perspective prioritizes results, and the best way to achieve them.
4. Never underestimate the need to develop quality knowledge. How will you ever be able to convincingly and effectively sell yourself or anything you care about, until and unless, you know what you're doing?
5. Effective marketing does not mean simply spending on everything or aimlessly, Rather it us important to have and maintain an economic perspective, so you spend within your means, neither over - spending monies you can't afford or being falsely prudent by under - funding this promotion.
6. Tell your story in a manner that intrigues, involves and entices others. Never do anything in a haphazard or unplanned manner, but demand of yourself that you always utilize the best, highest quality techniques that are possible.
7. Instill confidence in both yourself as well as others you want to influence, by fully explaining your ideas, while consistently and entirely committing to absolute and unwavering integrity.
8. Effectiveness means addressing and fullfilling needs. Don't try to be all things to all people, but rather know your personal priorities and niche.
9. Generate leads on an ongoing, regular and consistent basis! Greatness is contingent upon your continuous striving to maximize good will. This can only be done when you keep an open mind and gather valuable information.
Your personal success and satisfaction depends on developing a MARKETING plan that best works for you! Don't deny that you sell, but rather do so more impactfully!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

9 Basic Steps to More Effective Selling

Everything we do in life involves a large degree of sales, selling, or at the very least, understanding the process and techniques. We all either sell a service, a product, or ourselves nearly each and every day, so wouldn't it make sense to use techniques that gave us our best chance to succeed. Selling, like nearly every other activity, involves a process that includes a step - by - step, organized system of learning, understanding and using the techniques that will provide the results most of us seem to desire. Using these 9 basic steps provide the needed basis and structure to move you along your desired path to your personal goals.
1. It all begins with speaking less, and learning more. We need to understand that we achieve far more when we listen to needs, goals, and desires of others. Successful selling nearly always requires an interchange with a large degree of back and forth communication.
2. Don't respond too quickly, or over - respond. It is generally wise to resist the natural urge to interrupt another, or correct him, or immediately respond. One recommended exercise is rather than immediately respond, sit back, relax, and carefully consider your words. Understand that it often makes sense to clarify what is meant and to begin by saying, "I can perfectly understand how you feel, but," rather than behaving in an adversarial manner.
3. One's mindset must include the realization that objections and/ or concerns are to be considered positive and helpful signs, rather than a cause for concern or trepidations. Clarify precisely what the concerns are before responding to them!
4. Be prepared! Selling is a process and a technique, and it must be practiced, rehearsed and perfected. Your response must not appear to be tentative or by rote, but rather must seem seamless, calm, and informative. Don't dodge an issue - address it to the satisfaction of another!
5. Steps five through nine are what I refer to as the five steps to answering any objection. This begins with patience and a commitment to the process every time! Don't rush, but proceed forward. The first of these five steps is to restate what you believe to be the concern, but doing so in the form of a question, in order to be certain that you are addressing the actual concern. After asking the question, wait for a response that answers your question. Next, it is essential to empathize (put yourself in another's place) rather than merely being sympathetic (feeling sorry). People usually appreciate someone who is willing to see things through their eyes. This must be clarified by responding directly and in sufficient detail to fully address whatever the concern might be. Unless this is then followed by then recreating the need and then finally, by actually closing by saying something such as, "Doesn't that make sense?," little of consequence is ever achieved or accomplished.
However, unless you have the patience and self - confidence to wait until the other party answers, you have not properly utilized this essential technique. On the other hand, when it is used properly and seamlessly, it generally makes all the difference in achieving your desired results. It's always up to you!


Monday, November 14, 2016

Understanding SUCCESS: By The Letters

Although we often hear so much discussion about what it means to be successful, or defining what makes something a success, it remains an area that perhaps will always remain difficult to define, because success means different things to different people! Although we each strive for different things, hold different things near and dear, and are often less than clear, even in our own perspectives, about what this term or concept even means to each of us personally, looking at this word from a mnemonic perspective gives us a clearer idea of essential components that are needed to be considered as a success. Therefore, SUCCESS might be best understood as requiring these components: Seek being of/ or providing true value while maintaining a commitment to highest personal values; Understand what your goals are, and how they align with the needs of others and society, in a truly useful manner; Maintaining a caring attitude and be led by considering the needs and desires of others, as well as knowing what you want; Having a conscience that leads you to consistently prioritize doing the right thing; Being effective, while at the same time proceeding with empathy towards others; Approaching every action and activity with absolute integrity and sincerity; and, Prioritizing service.

1. Do you seek providing value to others, as a component of achieving your success? Then, you must first listen effectively and always consider how your actions might impact the rest of society.

2. Are you willing to take the time and effort necessary to really understand the nuances of your actions and activities? Is your personal plan of action something which will prioritize being useful in that it contributes to a better scenario than before you began?

3. Is your attitude one of a caring individual, or do you only think about yourself? One can win a specific battle and even achieve a modicum of success in certain aspects, but unless he does so in a fair manner, he rarely will truly achieve personal success. What do you really care about?

4. What does your conscience tell you about your behaviors, attitudes and actions? If you examined your actions from an objective perspective, are they something to be pleased and proud of?

5. How effective are you? Are you actions goal - oriented, or is your time management so in need of assistance, that you are often spending more time running in circles than achieving necessary goals and objectives?

6. Are you words and actions in sync, so that you approach life with sincerity and absolute integrity? How much do you really care about your stated objectives?

7. Is everything you do service orientated? When you think about what success means to you, what are your major determinants?

There will never be an easy definition of success. However, we each need to realize that simply doing well financially or merely advancing one's career do not indicate personal success, but merely accomplishment in specific areas. Invariably those that can balance personal and career accomplishments with the aspects listed above, are on the needed course for success!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Whose Drum Do You MARCH To?

How often have you heard the expression that one must march to his own drummer? However, in the final and true analysis, very few of us actually do so. Most people opt for being popular or fitting in with the crowd, rather than following their own dreams, heart, feelings, beliefs, and/ or aspirations. In order to perform to the best of our potential, each of us must consistently focus and understand himself (in depth), which includes knowing ourselves well enough to be the best that we can be. Rather than merely proceeding in a haphazard, unplanned way, doesn't it make sense that the best way to do your personal best, is to be absolutely true to your beliefs (the only way to assure that you remain unconflicted). Whose Drum Do You MARCH To?

1. Begin with a high degree of focus on making yourself far mightier, by doing what makes you feel self - satisfied. Goals should concentrate on doing whatever makes you better, and consistently meets (and exceeds) you all - important personal expectations.

2. What do you pay the most attention to? Do you prioritize fitting in with the group (being popular), or is your attitude that you must please yourself before you can do anything truly productive and/ or constructive? Have you taken the time, and made a genuine effort, to enhance your aptitude to highest level of your abilities?

3. Is your eye on what happened in the past, or on maintaining the highest degree of personal relevance and reliability? Do you understand fully, and absolutely believe in your rationale, and does that make you stronger and better? Is your approach merely pie - in - the - sky, or do you make sure that what you claim you want to achieve (and believe in) is both rational and reasonable?

4. How cooperative is your actual behavior to accomplishing your stated goals and aspirations? Focus on being and creating a better, more compelling you! Are you actually the individual you claim to be?

5. Far too often, we either over - rely on either our emotional component, or on the other hand, on our rational one! Only when we proceed consistently with a concentrated, focused head/ heart balance, will we consistently know we've done (or truly attempted to) our personal best. How do you regularly proceed? Do you try to cover up the real you (hiding) or do you accept who you are, and take absolute possession of being true to yourself (and feeling comfortable doing so)?

No one can walk in someone else's shoes and merely focus on being a copycat, rather than being true to your personal priorities, and remain satisfied for any extended period. Whose Drum Do You MARCH To?

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Why Effective Communication Is Key to Quality Customer Service?

Businesses and organizations spend incredible amounts of time, energy and dollars to attract potential customers and supporters, yet often neglect training their front line people sufficiently to have the skills and the abilities to deal effectively with people in often very trying circumstances. In business, we refer to these individuals generally as Customer Service Representatives, while in organizations they are generally paid staff and volunteer leadership. In over thirty years of training people in professional interpersonal business relations, I have come to realize that the best way to effectively deal with upset people is to listen to them, and let them know that someone is listening and someone cares.

Then, if the representative knows the answer, he should calmly and thoroughly explain it so that the other person understands as well. If, on the other hand, the representative is uncertain of the information, the best thing to do is to calmly state that he is uncertain, but will get the information, and get back to the person within a specified period of time. It is then urgent that the customer representative indeed get back to the concerned party, and provide them with the information. It is always better to be open and honest, even if the answer is not what the other person may want to hear, than to fabricate an answer or avoid an answer. In addition, cliches and empty rhetoric must be avoided at all costs! Below I am going to provide a couple of examples that indicate what all too often is done, as well as try to explain what should have been done instead.

1. Several years ago, I was on a Yugoslavian Air (JAT) flight that was scheduled to fly from Athens to New York, with a short stopover in Zagreb. When the plane landed in Zagreb, we were told to deplane while the plane was to be serviced, and we would be informed when to re-board. About an hour later, we were informed that the plane needed a part, and that they were waiting for it to arrive shortly. In this extremely hot crowded terminal, no additional information was provided for hours. We continued to be told, "Soon." Finally, after about three hours (remember our original stopover was supposed to be less than an hour), I went up to a Customer Service counter, and the representative starting giving me the same rhetoric. I interrupted and said we both know that's not true, and finally said, "No more rhetoric and party lines. What's the story?"

Only then did the representative admit that the part and the mechanic both had to be flown in and their flight was not scheduled for hours, and that she did not know how long the repair would take. At that point, I suggested that passengers deserved some sort of consideration, if only a meal voucher, and that they deserved to know the truth. Miraculously, within about fifteen minutes, they came around and distributed meal vouchers (although you don't really want to eat the food at Zagreb airport), and made an announcement explaining the facts, and that they would make hourly announcements. A great start, but then when an hour passed without any further announcement, I reminded the nice customer service people that they needed to make the announcement. The lesson to be learned is that proper and competent customer service would have been to communicate openly and fully from the start, not make any promises that they could not keep, and always keep the promises made.

2. A power outage in my area several years ago (over 130 hours) was a customer service fiasco. There had been very limited communication of any sort, and most of what was communicated was either contradictory or inaccurate. In fact, we were never given a straight answer by the Long Island Power Authority, as to what to expect and when! Is that effective customer service?

Most people get somewhat upset when something goes wrong, but almost all handle it far better when they are provided accurate and caring customer service, than when the service is spotty at best. This is an essential lesson for all businesses, and all organizations to learn from! The key is to learn from these basic mistakes, whether you are a large company or organization, a smaller one, or a self - employed business person or professional! Listen, communicate honestly and openly, and address issues and concerns, in a caring way!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Is Inflation A Good Thing or Bad?: And Other Lies, Distortions and Half - Truths

Economics, economic theories, and political realities often cross paths, and make many people wonder what's going on. We have offered heard about the dangers of inflation, the dangers of recession, and other similar terminology, yet most of us will hear the media, and especially the business media, one day warn of the risk of inflation, and another day cite the lower than anticipated inflation rate as something to be concerned about. There are even different sets of indexes, one that includes core items (whatever that really means) and another that measures the inflation rate including energy costs.

The only thing that most American consumers concern themselves about from day to day, is how these costs impact them. Is their cost of living going up, staying the same, or going down? I have not met anyone recently that has told me that he feels that things are costing him less. At the supermarket, manufacturers continuing their clever "game" of effectively raising prices by keeping prices the same but reducing the package size. Shouldn't pricing be considered for these cost of living indexes the way the unit pricing is required by a lot of states, that is, by showing the cost per ounce, or per serving? Most of us have observed increased costs in milk, most meats, fowl, fish, cans of soda, bottles of soda, etc. Yet, we are being told that there is no or little inflation.

Gas prices are constantly fluctuating, yet the pattern is far from being either certain or logical. Have you ever noticed that as soon as there is any raise in the cost of a barrel of gas, prices go up, even though that supply won't be in the stream for a couple of months? Yet, when there is a decrease, the drop takes far more time to translate into a decrease at the pump! About the only thing that has not kept pace with these increases is average wages. Many workers are being paid for fewer hours, while others have been laid off. The unemployment rate statistically is about 5%, but realistically is more than 8.5%. Many Americans are either under-employed or unemployed, and this has been going on for so long, that, for many, unemployment benefits are expiring, or have expired, and when they do, those people stop being counted in the unemployment statistics. If these people's benefits run out, the statistics will show a lower unemployment rate, because the official statistics does not count people not collecting benefits. It also does not count individuals who owned small businesses, that had to go out of business, because owners of these types of businesses are generally not eligible for unemployment,

The bottom line is that statistics are misleading. There is an old saying that the difference between a recession and a depression is, that it's a recession when it happens to someone else, and a depression when it happens to you. It is time for the American public to demand that our government officials stop partisan politics, and realistically address the economy and the joblessness issues, making those the overwhelming top priorities.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

How Well Do You Manage TIME?

When one examines what often differentiates the most successful individuals from most of the others, we often observe that one of the key factors is how well they manage their TIME. Even the most intelligent, most experienced individuals with the greatest expertise, often fail to achieve to their potential when they don't manage this essential component to its maximum degree. Lee Iacocca stated, "The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything." While it may not truly be everything (because that assumes it is the only factor), it is certainly no doubt something that makes a key and major ingredient. Examining this from a mnemonic perspective perhaps helps us to best focus on what is needed.

1. Time management begins with a willingness and ability to train yourself. This is a far different scenario than merely taking training programs, classes, seminars, or even actual learning. It is, rather, the combination of gathering the needed facts, data, and information, and then synergistically using this information in a manner that best suits your personality, learning type and habits, desires, motivations, visions, goals, etc. This training is the ultimate form of personal development and self - discipline, because it is what will direct one to achieve to his maximum potential.

2. Far too often, individuals examine situations, and observe numerous areas that they realize need to be addressed, or need to be improved upon. However, those that merely follow a multi - faceted approach, rather than creating priorities, often get bogged down in minutia. Therefore, it is important for each of us to install personal controls, that help us to focus, prioritize, and organize as well as we can do.

3. A large percentage of individuals never even begin, but many others also merely begin but never proceed to a course of action that is essential. In order to best address how we might utilize our time, we each must maintain the course, so your plan has the opportunity to succeed. This does not mean merely never giving up, but rather developing a way to evaluate your progress, what needs tweaking, and the most efficient and effective way to proceed.

4. Perhaps the most overlooked aspect of this necessary task is how we actually examine and proceed with our goals, etc. Therefore, how we establish our short - term, intermediate and longer term plans and goals, will often determine our ability to succeed. Doing this creates a mindset for being organized, and unless one becomes efficient, focused and creative, how can he possibly best manage his time?

One can never consider how he handles his time, without examining priorities, goals, and especially personal discipline. Those who create a form of personal daily agenda, and utilize timelines and other measures/ metrics, are best able to use their time effectively, Remember the adage that both the most successful and the least successful individual both have the same 24 hours in their day, but the more successful use that time more effectively and impactfully!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Goals Always Start With Dreams - But Dreams Don't Always Become Goals!

When one attends most self- improvement or self- help/ attitude adjustment seminars or courses, one invariably hears endless discussions about the importance of having a dream, and then setting personal goals that relate to one's dream. Since I have been conducting these types of programs for over thirty years, I have observed that although all goals start with a dream, the vast majority of dreams never become clear- cut goals. Why is that? Although there are probably numerous reasons, I have come to believe that the main reason is that for a dream to be transformed to a goal, it requires and active rather than a passive behavior. Comparatively, it is easier to dream, because it can remain vague and rather general in nature. However, goals are more urgent, more thought out (actionable), and require more actual effort and commitment. Napoleon Hill pinpointed this difference perfectly when he stated, "A goal is a dream with a deadline."

1. Many of the least effective individuals still have their dreams. When speaking to them, we learn that they dream of either a better lifestyle, a better job, more freedom, more wealth, etc. Unfortunately when nothing concrete is done, these dreams go nowhere, and individuals become frustrated and either give up on their dreams, or hope for a miracle solution, such as winning the lottery, an inheritance, etc.

2. The interesting and ironic aspect is that dreams are needed to be able to make personally motivating goals. Once one commits to thinking about and developing personal goals, he has taken the first essential step towards changing his life in a positive and constructive manner. True goals require the creation of an action plan, with a specific and actionable time line created. In order to achieve goals, and achieving goals is the goal of having a goal. One then identifies his needs, his abilities, his strengths and weaknesses, and his life, and makes concrete decisions. How he pursues his goals, whether or not he is persistent enough to persevere, and how important his goals actually are to him personally, are all major factors regarding whether the goals are then achieved.
The most motivating goals create a course of action for someone, and once a specific goal is achieved and/ or accomplished, it becomes a building block towards achievement of other goals.

However, it is important to remember that while dreams are needed in order to set goals, simply having a dream certainly does not assure that one will create personal goals. Only when the dream is important enough, will someone actually commit to creating his goals, and then further commit to the necessary action to achieve it.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Why You Should Write Goals Down?

Most of us have repeatedly been instructed that it is necessary to have an essential dream, a personal vision, and create important and relevant goals, if we wish to be successful and to achieve. However, simply having goals is not enough, but rather it is necessary to have a mechanism in place to transform goals into reality, by taking action. Many studies indicate that the vast majority of individuals perform and achieve better when there is a visual aspect to their learning, commitment, habit and behavior. It is for this reason that most great achievers have dreams that they visualize and which motivate them, create goals and an action plan, and don't simply think about or try to memorize what they wish to do and how, but rather, put these goals down in writing and refer to them often and repeatedly. Brian Tracy stated, "Committing your goals to paper increases the likelihood of achieving them one- thousand percent."

1. Even the most important and far- reaching dream fails to yield results unless it motivates the dreamer to commit to specific goals, which he then designs an action plan to achieve. In order to optimize one's results, write the goals down, first in broad thoughts, and then in specifics. Explain in writing your reasons for why these goals are so important. Then put them in a priority order. Then put them down with a time table or timeline for when certain actions need to be taken, and why. Create this action plan in such a way that you think your ideas through thoroughly, and you decide upon a first or preferred course of action, as well as numerous alternative or contingency approaches to achieving your most essential goals. Commit to these thoroughly and review these notes and ideas on a very regular basis. This will both motivate and refresh you on your personal journey.

2. Never forget that you must believe in yourself in order to achieve these goals. In the majority of cases, a most effective tool is the use of affirmations. Affirmations must be personal positive statements regarding matters that are most important to you personally. They must always be stated in both the positive/ affirmative as well as in the present tense. For example, if you feel you need to become a better speaker to achieve your goals, an affirmation might be, "I am an enthusiastic, stimulating speaker that audiences enjoy listening to." Note that the statement is specific, positive and in the present tense. Try this with items that you feel you would like to personally pay more attention to, or get better at.

Most of us find visual learning the most effective. Some use this method in conjunction with others, while many find it to be their preferred methodology. Write down what you want to achieve and what you need to do.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Understanding Human Nature - The Key to Effective Communication

How often have you personally wondered, or overheard someone else pondering the key components of successful, effective and meaningful communication? While perfecting communication skills undoubtedly encompasses numerous aspects and acquired traits/ knowledge, unless it begins with a clear - cut focus on enhancing one's abilities and skills in terms of understanding human nature, there can be no way to effectively communicate. One of the most famous and successful life insurance salespersons of all times, Ben Feldman, insisted that success in any type of interpersonal sales required only about one percent technical knowledge, while requiring ninety nine percent understanding human nature. How can anyone effectively communicate his message if he lacks the ability to appreciate and understand the perspective, needs, nuances and preferences of others? The reality is that best salespersons, leaders, managers, etc., invariably are those that realize that the probability of getting one's message across necessitates effectively communicating, and that requires proactively seeking out learning as much as possible about human nature.

1. What does understanding human nature actually mean? In the vast majority of situations, it requires proactive rather than passive behavior, because one must use many of his senses, including his sight, hearing, etc., and pay attention to how others behave and act, and why. For example, the most successful salesperson is generally the one that finds his potential buyer's "hot button" and focuses on how the service and/ or product will improve something for the buyer. Understanding human nature means that the discussion must encompass needs, and unless one is willing and able to understand the various nuances, preferences, and even quirks, his ability to effectively communicate is limited and even diminished.

2. It is important to understand that others are generally far more interested, and therefore potentially motivated to action, when the discussion is about them, and their needs. Great communicators invariably discuss issues and ideas in terms of how they impact and serve others, and not merely in terms of services offered. Most people need to know how something impacts and effects them, and why, rather than merely being told about services provided. In order to do so, the priority must be placed on getting a better idea and understanding of human nature.

Great communicators invariably are those that prioritize participatory discussions, because once you get others to participate, you learn far more about them. A two way discussion is true communication, while merely making a statement without participation is talking at, rather than the necessary speaking to, one's potential audience.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What VALUE Do You Place On Your Efforts?

Some people proceed through life merely accepting the good enough approach, and therefore rarely achieve to their optimal potential. Rather, they simply proceed from task - to - task, looking at the shorter - term approaches and procedures, instead of seeking more sustainable, significant, relevant and effective approaches and/ or solutions. How can anyone ever expect others to listen or care about what you have to say unless/ until you first really VALUE yourself, and feel that you provide value to others? No one has to focus on this attribute, but invariably, those individuals who do so, have the most consistent, relevant and compelling results attributed directly to the high quality efforts they use.

1. How to you really view yourself? There is nearly always a direct correlation between this and how others view you! Are your vision and values in sync? Is your intention to provide the highest quality, optimal performance and to achieve the highest quality results?

2. When was the last time you objectively analyzed the quality of your attitude? How much time do you put into adequately analyzing and anticipating what needs to be done, and the best way to proceed? Are you driven by the quality of the goals of your agenda, or are you merely agenda - driven?

3. How do you feel about learning, and the need to continuously seek to learn more? Are you willing to objectively listen to what is being said around you, not to be influenced merely by popularity, but rather to enhance your understanding and ability to relate? Are you comfortable with letting your actions do your talking, and do you feel comfortable with the consistent quality of your efforts and mindset?

4. When was the last time you were willing to objectively review and analyze the actual usefulness of the service you provide? Do you speak to make an important point and truly contribute to the conversation, or are you just in love with the sound of your own voice? Have you taken pride in honing your abilities, and do you effectively use those developed skills? Do you synergistically sync both the usual and unusual approaches and techniques?

5. Earn respect by consistent empathy, combined with highest quality efforts, and focus on evaluating needs, in a proactive attempt to consistently excel and achieve a high degree of excellence in every aspect of all that you do!

VALUE yourself if you ever want others to value you and your opinions! It's never about rhetoric, but rather must be absolute, true, and based on the highest degree of personal integrity.