Friday, January 29, 2016

How To Master Your Presentation? - Master These 6 Steps

How often have you been called upon to give, or been in a situation where there has been the need for you to get up in front of a group of people, and give some sort of presentation? Studies show that a large percentage of individuals become nervous, queezy and uneasy when this occurs, often feeling considerably out of their comfort zone. Unfortunately, this form of oral communications has often been largely either ignored or paid little attention to, and because of that, many presentations and presenters present an atmosphere of discomfort, boredom, and somewhat of a feeling of "why did I bother attending this," amongst attendees. Like most acquired skills, learning to, and actually giving a quality presentation requires dedication, commitment and an understanding of the process and the requirements/ needs. Whether you are a scientist, salesperson, doctor, lawyer, etc, you will, at some point, be called upon to give some sort of presentation! Since many people make essential, important decisions, based on their impressions of you (which are influenced greatly by how well you present), doesn't it make sense, that regardless what you do, you learn to give a better presentation?

1. You'll rarely give a consistently quality presentation until, and unless, you thoroughly are prepared. This presentation means determining the goal of the presentation (i.e. what you want the attendees to walk away with), whether or not there is a need for accompanying visuals, doing your research and homework, understanding the group and its dynamics, etc.

2. Once you've formulated your information and materials, practice your presentation, and rehearse. This rehearsal should enhance your comfort zone, and anticipate questions and concerns that might be asked by the attendees.

3. Just like actors rehearsing for a new show, an effective rehearsal is never a one - shot event. The procedure must be repeated until your level of comfort with, and knowledge of, the materials, is nearly second - nature, and automatic.

4. Review your content in detail. Are you providing too little, too much, or just the right amount of information? Is the group that is attending prepared for the information you are giving? Will they welcome, or close their minds to new information, ideas and alternatives?

5. Are you comfortable going in front of a group? Are you so uncomfortable that your nervousness will create an impediment to a quality presentation? Rehearse in front of a mirror, look at your body language, continuously change the inflection and tone quality of your voice, and remember to speak more slowly than you feel you need to (because invariably nervous speakers rush). One's confidence is an essential of a quality performance!

6. Finally, consider your delivery, your performance, and whether or not you are engaging the group in an interactive manner. When one gets the audience more involved, it enhances the bond and thus the attention that the crowd will give you.

There is no one - step, easy procedure for enhancing your presentation skills. However, paying attention and being consistent, and thus using these basic six steps, helps to put you in the best scenario.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

How Is Your Judgment? (Be Honest Now!)

How do you define judgment, and what factors do you consider most indicative and telling? What have you done to develop your wisdom, ability to analyze and interpret, judge situations, individuals, procedures, techniques and ideas? Do you enjoy being the decision maker, or would you prefer to defer that to others, and simply be a follower? Do you prefer to be a leader, trusting that you are more capable of making the best decisions, or do you doubt your own abilities and judgment? Do you judge situations and understand the possible ramifications and alternatives? Do you prefer to be proactive, or are you merely reactive? Do you plan sufficiently so that you can make decisions based on facts and reasoning, or do you wait, often procrastinating, and putting off making a judgment until you have to? Regardless of what you do, or opt to pursue, the better one's judgment, the better he positions himself to make the best personal decisions! This is also quite relevant when you need to make a major decision, such as a financial one (e.g. buying a car, home, or investments), or a personal one (such as business or romantic connections, etc)
1. Judgment can either be good, bad, or somewhere in between. However, when someone simply waits and procrastinates, that is almost always an indication of far less than stellar judgment. Procrastination is generally an indication of either insecurity or fear. It takes courage, self confidence, and personal motivation to make a decision, but it also requires a commitment to training, learning, self improvement, and the desire to be the best that you can be, to actually show judgment.

2. Judgment does not mean that you must be the most intellectually gifted, although no doubt a certain level of intellect generally enhances one's judgment. However, often those with the highest IQ, and the most schooling and education, do not exhibit the greatest judgment. Great judgment also requires certain tangible, as well as certain intangible qualities. The tangible assets include learning, experience, focus, desire and motivation, as well as commitment. The intangible characteristics come from one's viable vision, and how that translates to actual goals, as well as the motivation to persist and persevere, and the courage to make well thought out decisions, when others often defer.

3. Judgment is a combination of numerous characteristics, disciplines, beliefs, ideals, etc. However, for a judgment to be pure and positive, it also requires absolute integrity.

There has never been a truly productive individual who did not develop a methodology to enhance his abilities and judgment. It all begins with both knowing, as well as liking ones self. Judgment comes from someone being comfortable with his abilities, confident in his beliefs, and willing to openly examine any and all alternatives that might make him better.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Budgets Are Only Important If You Use Them Wisely & Correctly!

Almost every organization uses some sort of budget at some time or another. Unfortunately, many do so only to give the appearance of completely the financial process properly, while really ignoring many of the important reasons to use an effective budget.

Obviously, no one can accurately predict the future, especially financially, one hundred percent of the time. What a budget should do however, is be a guide to fiscal responsibility. It should be prepared in a worst case scenario, by underestimating the anticipated revenues, while looking at expenses from a standpoint of the worst that might happen. Organizations should never be satisfied going through the motions, and then just fudging the numbers to come up with whatever picture the want to portray. Doing that is merely an exercise in futility, and a waste of time. Organizations should rarely count on substantial fund raising increases to balance a budget, or make up for a deficit.

In the budget process, formulators should look at all expenses, and evaluate the value received from each, and whether or not there might be a better or more cost- effective method of achieving the goals, while reducing costs. A properly formed budget is a balance between the needs, goals, mission and objectives of an organization, and fiscal responsibility. Budgets must be constantly monitored through their active period, to assure compliance with the budgetary guidelines. I have served on, and observed, far too many organizations Board of Trustees or Board of Directors, where budgets are passed, and then the Board just continues passing addendums to the budget throughout the year, that render the budget useless.

Budgets should always be created using "zero-based" budgeting."  This concept means that merely because an organization spent monies previously in a certain manner, that this cost is not merely carried over from cycle to cycle. Each expenditure should be examined and considered based on cost/ value basis, and various methodologies and alternatives should be examined. In my three decades of working on organizational budgeting, one of the thought processes that has disturbed me the most, is when I hear someone say that cutting a "small amount in" a particular area "won't make any difference." That reasoning is what I refer to as partially correct reasoning. If a small cut was made in only one area, it might not "make a dent," but if a series of small savings are discovered in numerous areas, the overall result might be substantial.

Budgets must be considered far more than mere exercises. Used correctly, a budget can be one of the most important documents an organization ever creates. The extra time and effort of using zero-based methods, is well worth it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Profitability Trumps Revenues!

Nearly every day, financial gurus analyze and often over - analyze the performance of a wide variety of business organizations. We often hear these individuals discuss an organization's performance in relationship to what are generally referred to as expectations. However, since businesses almost always either under or over perform in relationship to these expectations, an objective observer should realize and understand that there is a significant difference between expectations and facts. In addition, in many cases, there is far too much attention paid to gross revenues, when a company's bottom line is more dependent on profitability, which is the difference between revenues and expenses. If you are a real estate or financial professional, beware of the need to pay attention to your expenses, and control them, so you understand what they are focused on, and whether they are worth the costs! For example, would you prefer to have $250,000 in revenues, with $150,000 of expenses, or $175,00 of revenues, but only $50,000 of expenses. Understand that the reality is generally about the bottom line!

1. When company's prioritize revenues, they often do so at the expense of their bottom line. They do so because if these revenues come about because of ever - increasing costs such as materials, marketing and labor, the organization often does not benefit. The reality is often that, especially in more trying economic times, being overly sales oriented without paying sufficient attention to costs, diminishes and adversely impacts the bottom line.

2. Often, it may be easier to address controlling costs than increasing revenues. This can be achieved by a combination of factors, including spending more efficiently, being more effective, wasting far less time, and creating a strategy that objectively looks at the relationship between costs and revenues. No one can accurately see into the future, and thus, addressing expenses is often far more reliable than forecasting increased receipts. However, management must take care not to overreact and take draconian measures when more moderate, fiscally responsible approaches are called for.

3. The key to a business' success is their bottom line, not simply in the short term but into the foreseeable future. This means addressing all expenses and examining if one gains the most bang for the buck. Management must be careful that they do not cut the wrong expenses, but merely reduce the bloat, inefficiencies, and seek better and more efficient alternatives. Smart executives generally begin by utilizing a carefully prepared, organized and realistic zero - based budget, that is used as a true planning tool. Sometimes, draconian cuts will address the short term fiscal picture, but if done without planning and foresight, will often adversely impact the long term picture and performance.
Success is not based merely on how much revenue might be brought in, but rather the amount, degree and consistency of the profits. Smart business managers and leaders are far more concerned about profits and sustainability than they are solely about revenues alone.

Review what each expenditure accomplishes, and whether you can achieve your objectives in a better, more productive way! Profitability Trumps Revenues!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Are Inflation, Unemployment, & Lower Oil Prices, A Good or Bad Thing?: And Other Lies, Distortions & Half - Truths

Economics, economic theories, and political realities often cross paths, and make many people wonder what's going on. We have offered heard about the dangers of inflation, the dangers of recession, and other similar terminology, yet most of us will hear the media, and especially the business media, one day warn of the risk of inflation, and another day cite the lower than anticipated inflation rate as something to be concerned about. There are even different sets of indexes, one that includes core items (whatever that really means) and another that measures the inflation rate including energy costs. Combine that with the interpretations of lower unemployment, and how that's calculated, etc, as well as what the meaning of lower oil prices is (although nearly every consumer is benefiting from it)!

The only thing that most American consumers concern themselves about from day to day, is how these costs impact them. Is their cost of living going up, staying the same, or going down. How often have you witnessed a vast difference between individual's perception, and what the data supposedly states?  At the supermarket, manufacturers continuing their clever "game" of effectively raising prices by keeping prices the same but reducing the package size. Shouldn't pricing be considered for these cost of living indexes the way the unit pricing is required by a lot of states, that is, by showing the cost per ounce, or per serving? Most of us have observed increased costs in milk, most meats, fowl, fish, cans of soda, bottles of soda, etc. Yet, we are being told that there is no or little inflation.

Gas prices are constantly fluctuating, yet, for a long period, the pattern was that prices go up. When the cost of a barrel of oil goes up, we generally witness a nearly immediate increase at the pumps, but when it goes down, it often takes far longer for the prices at the pump to decrease!  About the only thing that has not kept pace with these increases is average wages. Many workers are being paid for fewer hours, while others have been laid off. The unemployment rate statistically is about 5%, but realistically is more than 8%. Many Americans are either under-employed or unemployed, and this has been going on for so long, that, for many, unemployment benefits are expiring. If these people's benefits run out, the statistics will show a lower unemployment rate, because the official statistics does not count people not collecting benefits. It also does not count individuals who owned small businesses, that had to go out of business, because owners of these types of businesses are generally not eligible for unemployment,

The bottom line is that statistics are misleading. There is an old saying that the difference between a recession and a depression is, that it's a recession when it happens to someone else, and a depression when it happens to you. It is time for the American public to demand that our government officials stop partisan politics, and realistically address the economy and the joblessness issues, making those the overwhelming top priorities.

Friday, January 22, 2016

9 WaysTo Keep Your Customer SATISFIED

Wouldn't it seem logical that businesses and/or organizations would prioritize or pay, at least a far more significant amount of attention, to identifying, serving, enhancing the experience of, and keeping their customers happy? Since few businesses can succeed, sustain themselves, and grow their businesses without maintaining happy customers, wouldn't you think that one of the items they would emphasize would be how best to enhance their customer's experiences? Many companies spend lots of time talking about how wonderful they treat their supporters, far too few actually end up doing so. In order to assist in the effort to better serve their customer base, I have developed these 9 Ways to Keep Your Customer SATISFIED. Whether you are involved in sellimg/ marketing a product, a service, or yourself (such as in real estate and investments), the better you understand and master these basics, the better off everyone will be, and feel!
1. Seek out, proactively, what they want! Focus on their priorities and needs, rather than your own, and make your business a stronger one. Remember that your company is there to serve its customer base, and not vice versa. Lead with a combination of genuine, meaningful, sustainable strength, that makes others want to be associated with your organization.

2. Focus, and pay close attention to the bigger picture, with a focused, clear - cut, positive attitude. What are you doing to get others to want to be associated and aligned with you?

3. Tell them what to expect, and why it is in their best interests! Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Consistently proceed in a transparent manner.

4. Identify with your actual and/ or potential audience/ customer base, and make their priorities those your group emphasizes! Instill a sense of belief and pride in others, to motivate them to want to be associated with you.

5. Strive consistently to please, without compromising your ideals, goals, or focus! Perhaps the simplest way to do so is to always say thanks, even for apparently minor items. Remember that people generally love to be appreciated.

6. Be genuinely friendly, with true feeling, and aim to fulfill well beyond what you are presently doing. When you care more about others, they develop deeper feelings for you.

7. There is never any substitute for absolute integrity. That includes a combination of attitude, behavior and always delivering on your promises.

8. Earn their respect every day! Your goals must focus on giving others a great experience, always exceeding expectations.

9. Do it! Don't just say you will! Remember that your customers are far more concerned with what you are doing and will do for them in the future, rather that what you've done in the past!

If those you serve lose their kinship with you, you will lose your relevance, potential and sustainability. Enhance your possibilities by using these 9 Ways To Keep Your Customer SATISFIED.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

All Consultants Are NOT Created Equal!

Every year, thousands of corporations and organizations enlist the services of either an individual consultant, team of consultants, or a consulting firm, to address items that their leadership envisions need addressing professionally, by an impartial eye. Unfortunately, however, nearly anyone can represent himself as some sort of consultant, either in a specific area, or in a variety of areas, and while some of these individuals are excellent, and provide a fabulous, valuable service, others use consulting as a rouse to sell some sort of product or service. Major areas that consultants are called in regarding include, but are not limited to: business, financial, fiscal, and budgetary items; strategic planning; event planning, negotiations, coordination and organization; Board training and evaluation; business planning; etc. You should consider these same parameters, in selecting the best real estate or financial professional, who might best serve your interests!

1. Your preliminary discussion with any honorable consultant should be a getting- to- know- you type of meeting, and should be free of charge to the organization. Observe whether the consultant listens and asks pensive and examining questions, more than he speaks and tries to sell himself. Do not be overly impressed by fancy brochures and literature, or even elaborate presentations. You should be looking for a consultant that does not try to use a one- size- fits- all approach, but customizes his service directly to your needs and your organization's idiosyncrasies. Don't be overly impressed by fancy rhetoric or techno- jargon, because it often has little true value.

2. When a consultant is used for event services, he should guarantee his services will do several things for your event. Firstly, he should take away the hassles and headaches. Secondly, he should be able to negotiate in all related areas and foresee your needs. He should be someone who does his homework before he begins to negotiate, in order to find out what is needed and what the priorities and objectives of the event are. He should gather historical information, in order to gather am historical perspective and better understand the group's heritage and needs. He should never impose his will, but also stand up for what he believes should be done, and be able and willing to explain why. His negotiations should save considerably more money than the total of his fee and reimbursable expenses. He should fully explain his fee up front, and explain what he will do, how he will work intimately with the group's organizing committee, and make relevant suggestions.

3. Beware of any consultant who makes too big a deal about making governance changes, in order to address systemic problems and challenges facing the organization. While in a mostly healthy organization, certain governance models might work better for a specific group, governance should only become a priority during a healthy or relatively healthy stage, and not when there are other challenges. These governance recommendations are usually followed, in gradations and steps to follow, by meetings that you are charged for consultant's time, training sessions (also at a charge), and often with a beautifully prepared governance manual, that often is less valuable to the stability and well being of the organization than the paper it is printed on, etc.

Always ask a prospective consultant about his fees, thoughts, methods, approaches, and what he feels he might be able to do for you, before you agree to his contract. Many organizations have cost themselves dearly by not carefully considering all of the ramifications. While many consultants are great and provide a wonderful service, like in everything else, there are always some "bad apples."

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Is It Hype, Or It Fact?

It happens to each of us almost every day. We hear, read, or listen to something, or someone who claims to have some sort of product, service or solution to some sort of situation or obstacle that we need to overcome, or at least get better results in. This may relate to political rhetoric (those often- empty promises politicians make during the campaign season, as well as other times), a new product (which claims to be a must buy because it is so extraordinary), some extraordinary financial figures, or some sports and/ or entertainment. We face the difficulty of determining whether these claims are merely hype or are they fact. When you interview a potential real estate or financial professional, do you consider how much being said is factual, as opposed to merely being hyperbole, empty rhetoric, or hype?

1. Think of the last time you listened to a political campaign debate. How many of those promises resulted in viable results? In fact, how often were the promises even directly related to facts, truths, and realistic plans? Political campaigns and the election results have more often than not been based on who went further in exciting and motivating the electorate, and getting voters to buy into the hype and campaign slogans. On the all too rare occasions that a candidate tell the straight- forward truth rather than the campaign hype, the result has almost invariably been defeat.

2. Think of the hype around various services that are offered. Each company that offers internet service, for example, claims to better, faster and more dependable. In the Long Island, New York area, for example, both Optimum Online (offered by Cablevision), and FIOS (offered by Verizon) each claim to be superior to the other. They each provide data that proves their point. But, how can they both be telling us all the facts? They can't both be better. In the same vane, think of the wireless providers, and their claims. ATT, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint (and even companies like MetroPC, which is now a T-Mobile subsidiary), claim superior service. Yet, for those of us who have been using mobile phones and smartphones for years, we know that results vary in different areas, and none of them are as good as they claim.

3. One of the most successful product marketing companies is Apple. They create anticipate and develop demand for their products like no company has ever done before. They are the masters at the use of the adage, "Sell the sizzle, not the steak," because they effectively convince the masses of the superiority of their products, and that their products are so superior that it is worth paying more for them. However, like every other product and service ever created, there are flaws and deficiencies that require improvement. Apple, however, is a master at even turning that into an opportunity by convincing people that they need their newest upgraded versions, of course needing to make an additional purchase.

4. Every time we hear a piece of financial data, we are told that it either exceeded or failed to meet expectations. Does that say something about the financial results, or rather about how these expectations are derived?

Next time you hear any claim or statement, think about whether it is merely a degree of rhetoric, or if they are factual, true, and/ or real! Is it Hyoe, or Is It Fact?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

4 Keys To Effective Listening

How often have we all heard someone refer to the need to listen better, more efficiently or effectively? What would seem to be a rather basic or elementary trait or technique for each of us to master, is so often far more overlooked and ignored because most of us think that listening comes naturally. However, it is essential to realize that there is a significant difference between hearing and listening, and often an even greater differential between mere listening and doing so effectively.

There are four basic keys to be an effective listener: 1. Caring/ empathy and asking probing questions to further one's understanding and comprehension; 2. Patience and the willingness and ability to wait for answers, without interrupting, and asking for clarification; 3. Engaging in true and meaningful conversation; and 4. Learning and understanding not only what is being said, but finding the real meaning/ message.

1. All effective listening begins with actually caring what others are saying and feeling. Each of us have different perspective, and one of the primary and essential purposes of listening must always be gaining additional insight, and learning from others. We must always remember that we can always learn from the experiences, expertise, knowledge, and insights of others.

2. One of the most consistent inadequacies in many people's ability to effectively listen is that while someone asks questions, they often do so without any desire to listen to the response. Meaningful conversation includes getting to know and better understand the other parity to the discussion. This only occurs when our questions are used to gain insight, as opposed to the commonly misused approach of merely asking something in order to hear one's own voice. Unfortunately, it seems that many people are far more enamored with the sound of their own voice than for learning purposes. When a meaningful question is asked, the asker must be willing to remain silent and avoid interrupting, and listen to the answer. I refer to this technique as ZTL, or zip the lip, meaning that it is essential to know when to remain silent in order to truly listen.

3. It's all about engaging in conversation. We only are listening when the discussion is a two way conversation. One is never listening when both parties are speaking at each other, rather than to each other.

4. This must all result in learning and understanding what's being said. Unless and until we begin to devote ourselves to not only hearing, but actually listening and contributing to the conversation, there is little meaningful communication.

Is there anything more frustrating than having a conversation with someone, who you are certain is paying less than optimal attention? Success is often derived from becoming a better communicator. This always starts with true and effective listening.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Getting To The Crux of the Matter

Very often, organizations become distracted by unessential extraneous issues rather than getting to the crux of the matter. Generally, this is because many leaders lack the training and skills to adequately identify and separate major from minor issues. This is true, not only for organizations, but also for how each and every business, consultant, etc, pursues its best approaches. Wouldn't you prefer a professional real estate agent, who identified major needs, and in a timely manner, suggested the best course of action, plan, etc. Stop wasting time, money and energy - and get to the crux of the matter! Remember that everything in this articles relating to organizations is equally true and compelling, in nearly everything we do, and prioritize!
This is normally a rather simple issue to address if an organization creates a well thought- out, properly structured, professionally designed leadership training program. This program should teach leaders how to effectively listen to first understand what someone is not only saying, but what they mean. It should also teach leaders not to let their own opinions, prejudices, or biases impact their interpretation of any proposal or issue.

Organizations often assume that their leadership is capable of decision making, but if leaders are not adequately trained, they often do not have the structure or format needed to carefully review, evaluate and decide the merits of an issue. However, even the best leadership training cannot teach a leader to "stand up for his beliefs," have courage, and avoid procrastination.

In my review and work with not-for-profit organizations over the last three decades, I have noticed that is far more common for leaders to make costly errors by lack of action, than by action. That is not to say that erroneous and ill-designed actions cannot and are not potentially catastrophic, but that when a leader avoids confronting an issue, and tells me he was "adopting a wait-and-see" attitude, or "didn't want to micromanage," or "couldn't change what happened anyway," etc., then that individual was extremely neglectful in his duties.

Please understand that I am not saying that leaders should act rashly, or take action merely to take action, but rather that leaders need to evaluate an issue thoroughly, and come up with a timely decision based on the facts available, while doing whatever due diligence is possible. Leaders must realize that everyone makes mistakes, but that to just "go along with the crowd" when you disagree, exhibits anything but leadership skills.

Organizations must teach their leaders to get to the crux of issues, and not get bogged down in discussions about less important extraneous issues. Leaders must be trained in the techniques of prioritizing and must "stay on track" if they are to accomplish their mission. Human nature often causes people to lose focus, because of emotionalizing a particular issue or getting "hung up' on one issue without keeping one's focus. That is one of the major reasons that many organizations often do not accomplish what they set out to. Getting something accomplished requires creating a well thought- out action plan, defining and delegating duties, creating a timetable, staying on task, and constant review and follow-up. It often requires some tweaking along the way to assure success. Leaders must truly lead! Be a leader within an organization, or your business life!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Why Action Plans Are Important, & Needed?

We often hear individuals talk about the importance of creating and utilizing an action plan, yet few individuals who are leaders of organizations ever fully take advantage of the usefulness of action plans. Action plans not only provide guidelines and guidance, but create a methodology to accomplish ones objectives. Whether seeking a personal goal, trying to fulfill someone else's (such as done by real estate and/ or financial professionals), or an organization's goals, you'll only get it done, if you develop a well - crafted action plan!
The first thing one must do is create an objective or goal of a particular project or goal. This objective should be broken into long-term, intermediate-term and short-term needs. Once an objective has been decided upon, that objective must be examined to assure that it is in line with an organization's (or individual's) mission. If an organization's mission is in contradiction with a particular project's objective, leadership must examine if this contradiction is acceptable, if it makes it unworkable, or if either the mission or the objective needs updating or adjustment. Leaders must fully examine all ramifications of taking such an action, however, before they decide on any such action.

Once this procedure has been accomplished, it must be determined what the priorities of this plan are. There must be long-term, intermediate-term, and short-term objectives and/or goals, and the plan must be a workable program to accomplish the objectives.

This means that an action plan must list each action that needs to be taken, in a time order. It must also include alternative actions that might be used if a plan needs some "tweaking." Each of these actions must be broken up into sub-categories, and the intermediate steps must be listed, and a timetable placed for each one. The responsible individual for each part of the plan must be noted, as well as a "Need by date." In addition, there must be a strategy for thorough follow-up and examination of the action plan on an ongoing basis, as well as a mechanism for making needed adjustments.

Part of the action plan is also a cost evaluation. These costs include not only the actual expense in terms of both monies and possible lost revenues, as well as the costs in terms of personnel costs and time. Possible costs also include potential ramifications from existing members, who may not favor the changes being proposed.

One must always remember that an action plan has little value if it is either undeveloped, not fully developed, or does not move from the exercise stage to the implementation and action stage. Since many leaders prefer using rhetoric to actually taking action, an effective action plan will only work if leaders are properly trained in all aspects of use.

This discussion is only a beginning in terms of the realities of an action plan. However, my three decades of experience have clearly demonstrated that effective organizations, and individuals,  always take advantage of creating and using action plans.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The 5 Steps To Answer Any Objection

In nearly every situation, when people get into a discussion, there are bound to be certain questions or objections. How one handles the situation, and responds to objections, often determines whether one accomplishes his desired results. It is important to understand that all objections fall into two categories, either (1) technical; or (2) emotional. If the initial presentation has been properly presented, the vast majority of objections are emotional. The main technical objection is usually financial, while it takes a finer "ear" to properly understand what each emotional objection might be.
The same five steps are used in all situations. The finesse comes with being comfortable with the concept, listening, and believing in these steps. All major sales and marketing organization teaches this to some degree. The five steps are:

(1) Restate the objection: This is essential so that you are answering the true objection, and not opening up a Pandora's Box by addressing something that is not the objector's concern. An easy way to do this is to say something like, "So you're concerned about... " (Understand the concern may be about a guarantee, reliability, time commitment, ability, etc., but it is essential that you ask, and get a response and acknowledgment from the objector). Also remember the very important "ZTL" rule - - - "zip the lip." Do not speak until the other person answers your question, and if you are not sure of the meaning of the answer, ask again until you are! The ZTL rule says that the first person to answer "loses."

(2) Empathize (Don't sympathize): This can be simply done by saying something similar to, "I can perfectly understand how you feel, in fact I felt the same way, until i realized and understood a few things..."

(3) Answer the objection: Calmly, conversationally, fully answer the objection...

(4) Restate the proposal: "So in light of this information, and in light of the fact that you've told me that you... "

(5) Re-close: "Doesn't it make sense to...?" Then ZTL! I repeat, under no circumstances speak. You must let the other person, agree, say maybe, or give another objection. If they now give another objection, repeat the 5 steps! Keep doing this!

Then, if you believe you have done this long enough--- and after a minimum of 3 times using the 5 steps, there is one more "fall-back" position - - - Say, "May I make a suggestion?" Then, again, zip the lip. Wait-- force yourself --- it almost never occurs that someone will say NO to making a suggestion while they may say "No," eventually to the suggestion, however. It is very important that you get the other person into that "nodding--yessing" mode, because this can be a great lead in (or "trial close") to eventually overcoming the objection, and acquiring a commitment.

I want to stress that this works. I have used it hundreds and hundreds of times in numerous industries, organizations, charities, and personal situations. I have taught thousands how to effectively use these techniques. It initially takes some coaching, and then some practice, but once someone has perfected this technique, their "closing ratio" improves incredibly!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

So Much Emphasis on Social Media, But Is It Really Social?

Everyone talks about how important the use of Social Media is today. Depending on how comprehensive a definition you wish to use, social media can include sites like Facebook, Flikr, LinkedIn, Twitter, Active Rain, MySpace, YouTube, etc., as well as Blogs, e-mail, personal or business websites, etc. But are these sites really social? Granted you contact many other people. But far too often these sites are used so that an individual can somewhat anonymously "speak" to others, without having to make eye contact. In many cases, social media has actually had the effect of making people less sociable, preferring to use the less personal avenues because they are often more "comfortable."

While I completely believe in using these media and extensively do, I still believe the "old-fashioned" method of "face-to-face" contact, or picking up a phone, are still more effective. Social media is best used to drive a reader's attention to a more detailed blog or website. Those formats drive business or contacts to the writer or creator of the site/ blog. However, the use and effectiveness of a Blog or a website is ONLY as effective as how well that vehicle stirs interest or excitement in the reader. Blogs and websites must meet a reader's expectations, or they will only be looked at once!

Think about how often you send an e-mail and don't get a response. Or the response doesn't answer the question, or elicits another question. Think of the amount of time and energy that have been wasted, when simply picking up the phone might have quickly resolved the issue. Many people rely on e-mail, for example, rather than the telephone, because they find it easier, more comfortable. Others find it easier to express themselves, especially negatively, in an e-mail rather than in a phone call.

E-mail and social media are best used either as an introduction, or a follow-up to other forms of contact, or when the other more personal forms are impossible to achieve. For example, statistics indicate that the "closing ratio" (or percentage of sales to contacts) is far higher with calls than with e-mails. Statistically, face-to-face is most effective, however.

I fear that far too many are becoming too dependent on this non-personal form of communication, and that important messages might be misconstrued. The argument is sometimes made that it is faster and easier to use e-mail than the phone. While it may be easier at the moment, because of the lag-time, the incorrect interpretations, and the back and forth, the reality is that often a phone call accomplishes a task much more effectively and efficiently. While an e-mail might suffice for simple announcements, or less pressing issues, it often is not the best medium for more urgent issues. Think about it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Your Own Person, or Driven to BELONG?

How often have you observed that the very people who claim they must rebel, either against authority or anything else, and want to be free to express themselves independently, are in fact, merely joining some other group or clique? We often witness this in the ways that individuals dress, speak or carry themselves on a day to day, regular basis. Logically, if someone claims he is being his own person and dresses in a way that is similar to many others, how independent is he truly being? Is not this supposed independence or rebellion merely bonding with one group over another, and still motivated by wanting to BELONG? If you work in an office, have you ever felt uncomfortable, because there appears to be a follow the leader, or drink the Kool - Aid mentality? If you are in a service industry, will you maintain your personal integrity, and consistently be true to yourself, rather than merely trying to fit in? Doesn't it make sense that a real estate or financial professional should prioritize his client's best interest, rather than merely being popular, etc?

1) What precisely is your goal or objective? What do you want to BE and BECOME? What does your attitude and BEHAVIOR say about you? Are you doing what you do because of a strong philosophical ideology or merely because you wish to be considered one of the perceived cool or in crowd, and is it really far less about rebelling or being unique, and more about running with a preferred crowd?

2) Are you really focused on these beliefs and therefore trying to be more EFFECTIVE and EMPATHETIC to the perspectives and goals of a specific group, philosophy or lifestyle, or are you merely conforming to the norms and accords of a different group?

3) What does the LIFESTYLE that you adopt indicate about you? Is it truly your personal beliefs and preferences, or are you merely following a different set of someone else's norms and standards? Are you truly behaving independently or merely trying to fit in? Have you ever considered why we see so much attention paid by the supposedly rebellious ones to fashion, specific attitudes, etc.?

4) Have you taken the time to evaluate the various alternatives, OPTIONS and OPPORTUNITIES? What truly drives you to accept one alternative or lifestyle, over another, or have you not even considered and thought about this?

5) Have you permitted yourself to be objectively introspective enough so as to both consider and evaluate what best suits you, especially in terms of your personal NEEDS? Are the choices you opt for in your best interest in terms of your overall satisfaction and happiness, as well as directing you towards a better chance of reaching whatever you define personally as success?

6) What do you consider GENUINE GREATNESS? Do your decisions bring you closer to, further from, or have little meaningful impact towards this ultimate personal inner Nirvana?

Mere dress or outward rhetoric often is far different than genuine rebellion or even taking a meaningful stand. When was the last time you considered what your outer persona says to others, and whether it is in sync with your achieving whatever you consider inner peace and satisfaction?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Why Great Negotiators Are Superb Listeners?

We often perceive that one is great negotiator because of his personal strength, commitment, ability and perseverance or persistence. While all of these factors are needed and involved, one that is too often overlooked is the need to be a superb, effective listener. When someone listens carefully, he is able to understand more clearly the needs of his negotiating adversary, and can better proceed to achieve a meeting of the minds that nearly always determines the success of that negotiation. Effective negotiating necessitates having the ability to:

1. clearly communicate the needs of both parties;

2. relate to not only the position you represent but also the opposing one;

3. have a willingness to thoroughly discuss needs and priorities;

4. sufficient communication needs and patience to explain your position; and, finally and perhaps most essentially,

5. listen to concerns in an empathetic manner.

If you want to negotiate effectively, you must seriously take to heart, the following five components:

1. What does communication mean as it relates to negotiations? Unless both parties clearly communicate their positions, it becomes nearly impossible to develop the needed atmosphere and forum to achieve needed objectives.

2. Can you relate to the other person or party's positions, needs and points of view? Unless someone is willing to dedicate himself to relate to and empathize with his adversary, how can they develop the path towards win - win negotiations?

3. Don't ever assume that the other party knows what you need, or that you know what they need! Rather, take the time to ask clarifying and informative questions, and get to know each other before you begin the nitty gritty of actual negotiating.

4. Once you've followed the first three steps in a thorough manner, take the time and effort to explain in detail what you're looking for, why it is so essential and important, and ask for feedback and give and take. The better both parties commit to the explanation process, the better the possibility of an impactful and meaningful agreement.

5. The previous steps all depend on this one. The basis of negotiations must be to listen to concerns, needs, and objections voiced. One reason that many negotiations break down is that the two sides interrupt each other, speak at instead of to each other (or even better, with each other!), and overlook needs, concerns, etc. In order for any negotiation to be successful, especially in the longer term, it must be approached from the point of view of win - win, rather than merely being oppositional or greedy. The better the two sides get to know each other, invariably, the better the results.

If you want to negotiate effectively, begin with being an effective listener! How can you possibly come to a meeting of the minds if you don't understand both sides of the position?

Friday, January 8, 2016

What It Means To Do Your BEST?

Why do individuals so often seem bewildered about the level of their results, when they fail to effectively focus upon, and aim to perform at their highest quality? When we proceed with a less than stellar mindset or attitude, is it reasonable to anticipate and expect the optimal results? It is so much easier for most of us to complain about things, and blame others when we don't achieve as we would like, than it is to actually do something that changes what occurs! When was the last time that you asked yourself, What it means to do your BEST? 

1. Beware of falling into that easy trap of expecting results to be as desired even though you do little of a proactive nature to achieve! Do you bring your A game each and every time, or are you satisfied with merely doing good enough? In order to get the results you seek (and believe you deserve), you must begin doing what you need to do! Would others describe you as bright and inspirational, or would they see you as having little meaningful impact?

2. The main focus of getting quality results is focusing on, and never accepting anything less than personal excellence. Proceed along whatever path you select in an eager manner, welcoming challenges rather than fearing possible problems. The finest performances are often the result of our enthusiasm and enjoyment of what we are doing. Remember that doing your best is rarely a sprint, but rather based on one's endurance.

3. What are your personal goals, or in other words, what do you strive to achieve? Are you weak and ineffective, or have you sought making yourself as good as you can be, by identifying and maximizing your inner strength and fortitude. If you want to be your best, you can never settle for so - so, but rather must strive for personal excellence in everything you do.

4. Do you opt for procrastination, or do you generally proceed in a timely manner? Are you willing to undergo whatever training you need, so that you can develop the finest techniques that make you better? Do you merely say that you will try, or do you consistently proceed forward with your maximum effort? Becoming your best often means challenging yourself to be better, and testing your willingness to do what you say you will do.

Doing your best and claiming that you are, are often quite different! Be the best that you can be. No one can always win, or get everything they wish for, but doing one's BEST helps one maximize his potential and opportunities!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

9 Ways To Keep Your Customer SATISFIED

Wouldn't it seem logical that sales agents (such as real estate professionals and financial/ investment advisers, etc), businesses and/or organizations would prioritize or pay, at least a far more significant amount of attention, to identifying, serving, enhancing the experience of, and keeping their customers happy? Since few businesses can succeed, sustain themselves, and grow their businesses without maintaining happy customers, wouldn't you think that one of the items they would emphasize would be how best to enhance their customer's experiences? Many companies spend lots of time talking about how wonderful they treat their supporters, far too few actually end up doing so. In order to assist in the effort to better serve their customer base, I have developed these 9 Ways to Keep Your Customer SATISFIED.

1. Seek out, proactively, what they want! Focus on their priorities and needs, rather than your own, and make your business a stronger one. Remember that you, and/ or your company is there to serve its customer base, and not vice versa. Lead with a combination of genuine, meaningful, sustainable strength, that makes others want to be associated with your organization.

2. Focus, and pay close attention to the bigger picture, with a focused, clear - cut, positive attitude. What are you doing to get others to want to be associated and aligned with you?

3. Tell them what to expect, and why it is in their best interests! Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Consistently proceed in a transparent manner.

4. Identify with your actual and/ or potential audience/ customer base, and make their priorities those your group emphasizes! Instill a sense of belief and pride in others, to motivate them to want to be associated with you.

5. Strive consistently to please, without compromising your ideals, goals, or focus! Perhaps the simplest way to do so is to always say thanks, even for apparently minor items. Remember that people generally love to be appreciated.

6. Be genuinely friendly, with true feeling, and aim to fulfill well beyond what you are presently doing. When you care more about others, they develop deeper feelings for you.

7. There is never any substitute for absolute integrity. That includes a combination of attitude, behavior and always delivering on your promises.

8. Earn their respect every day! Your goals must focus on giving others a great experience, always exceeding expectations.

9. Do it! Don't just say you will! Remember that your customers are far more concerned with what you are doing and will do for them in the future, rather that what you've done in the past!
If those you serve lose their kinship with you, you will lose your relevance, potential and sustainability. Enhance your possibilities by using these 9 Ways To Keep Your Customer SATISFIED.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Why Budgets Are Important, & The Process Is An Essential, Relevant One?

Almost all well-run businesses and organizations prepare budgets at least annually. Unfortunately, very often, the budget process becomes more of a formality, required process, or activity, than a useful document. While budgets should be part of a careful and detailed process and analysis of a businesses or organizations needs, and how to get there, it is much more common that the budget is merely a "bunch of numbers" that "have to be" prepared, than anything useful. "Let's just prepare it and get it passed" is an often stated opinion. "It doesn't really matter, because we'll just change it if we need to anyway," is repeated ad nauseum, making the entire process little more than a waste of time and energy. Only go through this, if you want to pursue greatness! Whether this is organization, business, or personally related, knowing one's limitations financially, and thoroughly planning for the best result, optimizes the possibilities. Home buyers, home sellers, investors, etc, can, and should use budgets, to improve and enhance their opportunities and results! defines "budget" as an "estimate of expected income and expenses, and when used as a "verb (used with object)," as "to allot (money, time, etc.). However, the definition does not detail the important functions that a properly prepared budget can and will provide. Budgets should not be merely a bunch of meaningless numbers that have been thrown together to prepare the document. Only if a budget has been prepared utilizing "zero based budgeting" does a budget reach its full potential.

When either preparing or reviewing a budget, first carefully review the income (or revenue) side. How has each line item been calculated? How does each number compared with the actual for each of the last three years? What methods, techniques, or "revenue growers" are to be used in this upcoming cycle? It is important to recognize, when one prepares a budget, to be very conservative with revenue or income estimates and projections, and very aggressive in calculating expenses.
Expense items need to be reviewed very carefully, item by item. Commonly, businesses or organizations use the "previous budget plus" concept, which means it simply takes what was spent (or even worse, projected to be spent) in the previous budget cycle, and a specified percentage is simply added across the board to most expense items. When budgets are prepared this way, they are truly the waste of time and effort mentioned above. However, when each item is analyzed on a "needs" and "effectiveness" basis, one often realizes that monies are expended in many areas that do not provide the required result, while in other areas, more funds may need to be spent. One then also develops the philosophy of "thinking outside the box," and developing creative methods to more effectively spend funds, or "get more bang for the buck." One using this method develops an important document that guides decision making, as well as provides direction. A properly prepared budget should not be revised during its cycle, unless there is some sort of emergency or other form of extraordinary circumstance. Even then, one must keep a keen eye on how things will be paid for!

Budgets should always include at least one realistic reserve fund. The reserve fund may be exclusively for unanticipated maintenance and repairs, or for some other unanticipated need. When budgets do not include reserves, they almost invariably need to be tweaked and readjusted during the cycle, thus weakening the intended and important purpose of a properly prepared budget.
Anyone who reviews a budget should ask a lot of questions, and request a detailed budget, as opposed to merely a summary budget. Some of these include; 1) What items make up that line item, and how are they broken down? 2) What alternatives were considered in this area? 3) Have we evaluated alternatives regarding utilities and telephone, etc.? 4) Which program worked the most effectively and why? 5) How do we market, and why do we market the way we do?
The above are simply a sample of some worthwhile questions. The most important thing to do is always ask questions about anything that you do not find clear. Do not be embarrassed - chances are if you find something confusing, so will others.

Budgets can be the most important process used by a business or organization, or simply an exercise. Each of us owe it to anything we believe in, to explore all alternatives and possibilities. Many nay - sayers like to state that "It's only a small amount. It won't amount to anything- it's not large enough." Nothing could be further from the truth. Budgets are refined by making many small adjustments in multiple areas. You'd be amazed how much the total of all these adjustments add up to. Think of the adage, "You know how you eat an elephant - one bite at a time!"

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Basics of Effective Telemarketing

Why are some telemarketers so much more effective than others? What do they do differently, and how do they do it? Some people who telemarket are extensively trained, while others receive very little training. Even those who are trained may or may not be effective, depending on how well trained they are, and whether they follow some basic telemarketing techniques. Certain individuals also possess a more "telemarketing friendly" personality. Factors such as friendliness, tone of voice, clarity, listening skills, patience, and the ability to persevere are essential skills for the effective telemarketer. Effectiveness requires the "never give up" mindset, and an understanding that every "no" brings you closer to a "yes." Telemarketing is truly a numbers game, and each caller develops a closing ratio, which is how many calls he needs to make to close a sale. Some professions where telemarketing is an essential skill, and can make a significant difference, if, and when, done properly and professionally, include real estate sales/ marketing, investment sales, etc.

Have you ever gotten a telemarketing call when you thought that telemarketer was good, professional and skilled, while the usual telemarketer shows little or none of that skill and ability? Having developed telemarketing programs for several companies and several products and/ or services, I have developed a keen sense of what is and what is not effective. The following are some of the basics of telemarketing that should be followed if one wants to optimize results:

(1) Extensively train telemarketers. Provide the telemarketer with all tools necessary to do his job! Telemarketers need to be constantly encouraged.

(2) Provide telemarketers with well designed, well worded, well thought out scripts.

(3) Prepare a telemarketer to answer any and all objections.

(4) Teach/ learn the telemarketer how to effectively use the "Five Steps" approach to answering objections that I have written about in a previous article

(5) Anticipate the objections and questions most likely to get. Provide scripts for each objection.

(6) Teach/ learn a telemarketer how to use "May I make a suggestion?"

(7) Play act and role play prior to the first call being made. Repeat this role playing on a regular basis. Don't let any calls be made until a telemarketing professional listens to the new telemarketer, and is satisfied.

(8) Provide a mirror to put in front of each phone station, to demonstrate the importance of smiling.

(9) Make sure the telemarketer knows whatever technical knowledge is necessary to be familiar and comfortable explain the product/ service.

(10) Teach/ learn how to close a sale.

(11) Teach/ learn the concept of "ztl" (zip the lip).

Telemarketing does not have to be difficult or unpleasant if a telemarketer is properly prepared and trained. A skilled telemarketer often finds telemarketing fun and exciting. Since telemarketers are generally paid based on their results, it is in their best interest to be the best they can be. For a company using telemarketing, there is little point if the telemarketers do not optimize results. Therefore, it is a "win-win" situation for telemarketers to be as skilled and professional as possible. Following these simple guidelines is an effective and productive first step.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Do You VIEW You, The Way Others Do?

The main truism about the way we evaluate ourselves is that we rarely view ourselves the way others do. Generally, we either over - estimate our abilities and capabilities, or undervalue what we can do, and rarely do we see ourselves through the eyes of others. Why is this way that we VIEW our inner self and abilities significant? Probably, because it becomes nearly impossible to become better and more impactful if we lack the willingness to accept our personal truths regarding strengths and weaknesses, and this objective introspection is usually the primary and most essential component of personal achievement, etc.

1. Do you possess a vibrant vision that guides your actions? Do you strive to prioritize personal virtue in all your dealings, nver compromising on your personal beliefs? Is this commitment to veracity significant and meaningful enough to you, that it provides you with a vibrancy that draws others to you, or does your way of conducting yourself chase others away? These components, when handled genuinely, lead you to taking a closer look at what makes you tick!

2. What is your personal self - image? Do you see yourself as others do? Although it is generally more important what you feel about yourself than how others perceive and conceive you, it is generally healthier if these two perspectives basically align. Do you proceed through every aspect of your life with absolute integrity? If you aren't this way nearly automatically regarding other things, how will you ever truly dicover who you are, and why? Does your imagination propel you forward in a way that makes you better, or are you afraid to imagine ways to be the best you can be?

3. How is your energy level? Do you feel energized and enriched because of the way you are and what you do, or do you fear being what you are? Are you an empathetic person who strives to enrich the lives of all you come into contact with, or do merely go through the motions?

4. Does your self - examination provide you with a sense of worthiness and significanrt personal worth, or do you try to lie to yourself, in order to fool yourself into making believe that you are better than you appear? On the other hand, do you proceed through life under - estimating your value and strengths? Neither proceeding with an inflated or deflated view is generally the healthiest way of proceeding! When was the last time you considered whether you are deserving of being considered more highly, and how truly important to you is how you impact the welfare and benefit of others?

How we VIEW ourselves often dictate how we proceed! It is important for each of us to consider this seriously. If you want others to listen to, and respect you, you must do whatever you can, to perceive how they view you, and improve in your weaker and/ or negative areas!