Friday, November 11, 2016

Whose Drum Do You MARCH To?

How often have you heard the expression that one must march to his own drummer? However, in the final and true analysis, very few of us actually do so. Most people opt for being popular or fitting in with the crowd, rather than following their own dreams, heart, feelings, beliefs, and/ or aspirations. In order to perform to the best of our potential, each of us must consistently focus and understand himself (in depth), which includes knowing ourselves well enough to be the best that we can be. Rather than merely proceeding in a haphazard, unplanned way, doesn't it make sense that the best way to do your personal best, is to be absolutely true to your beliefs (the only way to assure that you remain unconflicted). Whose Drum Do You MARCH To?

1. Begin with a high degree of focus on making yourself far mightier, by doing what makes you feel self - satisfied. Goals should concentrate on doing whatever makes you better, and consistently meets (and exceeds) you all - important personal expectations.

2. What do you pay the most attention to? Do you prioritize fitting in with the group (being popular), or is your attitude that you must please yourself before you can do anything truly productive and/ or constructive? Have you taken the time, and made a genuine effort, to enhance your aptitude to highest level of your abilities?

3. Is your eye on what happened in the past, or on maintaining the highest degree of personal relevance and reliability? Do you understand fully, and absolutely believe in your rationale, and does that make you stronger and better? Is your approach merely pie - in - the - sky, or do you make sure that what you claim you want to achieve (and believe in) is both rational and reasonable?

4. How cooperative is your actual behavior to accomplishing your stated goals and aspirations? Focus on being and creating a better, more compelling you! Are you actually the individual you claim to be?

5. Far too often, we either over - rely on either our emotional component, or on the other hand, on our rational one! Only when we proceed consistently with a concentrated, focused head/ heart balance, will we consistently know we've done (or truly attempted to) our personal best. How do you regularly proceed? Do you try to cover up the real you (hiding) or do you accept who you are, and take absolute possession of being true to yourself (and feeling comfortable doing so)?

No one can walk in someone else's shoes and merely focus on being a copycat, rather than being true to your personal priorities, and remain satisfied for any extended period. Whose Drum Do You MARCH To?

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