Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What VALUE Do You Place On Your Efforts?

Some people proceed through life merely accepting the good enough approach, and therefore rarely achieve to their optimal potential. Rather, they simply proceed from task - to - task, looking at the shorter - term approaches and procedures, instead of seeking more sustainable, significant, relevant and effective approaches and/ or solutions. How can anyone ever expect others to listen or care about what you have to say unless/ until you first really VALUE yourself, and feel that you provide value to others? No one has to focus on this attribute, but invariably, those individuals who do so, have the most consistent, relevant and compelling results attributed directly to the high quality efforts they use.

1. How to you really view yourself? There is nearly always a direct correlation between this and how others view you! Are your vision and values in sync? Is your intention to provide the highest quality, optimal performance and to achieve the highest quality results?

2. When was the last time you objectively analyzed the quality of your attitude? How much time do you put into adequately analyzing and anticipating what needs to be done, and the best way to proceed? Are you driven by the quality of the goals of your agenda, or are you merely agenda - driven?

3. How do you feel about learning, and the need to continuously seek to learn more? Are you willing to objectively listen to what is being said around you, not to be influenced merely by popularity, but rather to enhance your understanding and ability to relate? Are you comfortable with letting your actions do your talking, and do you feel comfortable with the consistent quality of your efforts and mindset?

4. When was the last time you were willing to objectively review and analyze the actual usefulness of the service you provide? Do you speak to make an important point and truly contribute to the conversation, or are you just in love with the sound of your own voice? Have you taken pride in honing your abilities, and do you effectively use those developed skills? Do you synergistically sync both the usual and unusual approaches and techniques?

5. Earn respect by consistent empathy, combined with highest quality efforts, and focus on evaluating needs, in a proactive attempt to consistently excel and achieve a high degree of excellence in every aspect of all that you do!

VALUE yourself if you ever want others to value you and your opinions! It's never about rhetoric, but rather must be absolute, true, and based on the highest degree of personal integrity.

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