Tuesday, May 16, 2017

How Important Is Personal QUALITY To You?

Most of us have many options, and how we decide to proceed, generally says, quite a bit about us! Will you simply proceed, without concern for quality, or will you demand the highest personal excellence, integrity, etc, in everything you do? This must apply to our personal lives, as well as every aspect of our professional lives, as well. This means, for example, if you  are a Realtor, don't settle for good - enough, but exceed expectations! If you are a health professional, it's not enough to only treat the disease and/ or symptom, but examine how you treat your patients, as people! 

Let's look at personal QUALITY, from the mnemonic approach:

1. Quest; questions: What questions will you ask, and why do you ask them? Examine your quest thoroughly, and determine the best way to proceed!

2. Useful; unique: Will you serve others, in a useful manner? What about you, is unique, and makes you worthy of the trust of those you serve? What are you willing to do, to get better?

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention: One must proceed, consistently, with a can - do, positive attitude! What do you do, everyday, to enhance your aptitude, skills, knowledge and effectiveness? Will you be willing to focus and truly, pay attention?

4. Listen; learn: You have two ears and only one mouth, so listen at least twice as often, as you speak! Learn from every experience, conversation, and whatever obstacles you face!

5. Ideas; integrity; ideology: What is your true ideology, and what does it say about you? Are you an individual, whose ideas focus on being the best, you can be? Is you integrity, absolute?

6. Timely; trustworthy: Do others consider you trustworthy? Will you procrastinate, or take timely action, in a well - considered manner?

7. You: Remember, your overall quality, must always be all about you! Be the solution, rather than type of individual, who blames and complains!

Whether you focus on enhancing your QUALITY, or not, is a personal decision! What will you decide?

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