Thursday, May 18, 2017

What Is Your Personal PLAN, For Life, & Work - Life/ Leadership?

Regardless of what you do for a living, or as a volunteer, etc, you personal attitude, aptitude, self - confidence, etc, will make all the difference in the world, regarding whether you are actually successful! It is important to both, understand and appreciate, each of us defines success, somewhat differently, because of our personal priorities, aspirations, goals, etc. 

The best approach is, is to determine, for yourself, what your personal PLAN is. Do so, with your personal, professional, etc, lives considered!

1. Priorities; planning; perceptions; possibilities: Do you know and understand your personal priorities, goals, and aspirations? Be certain these are really yours, and not merely an attempt to fit into the crowd, etc. Do you perceive and see yourself, as others do? Can you be objectively introspective? When was the last time, you gave yourself a checkup, from the neck up? Will you pay particular attention, to quality planning, in a focused manner? Are you open to the possibilities, or do proceed, in the same - old, same - old manner? 

2. Listen; learn: How effectively do you listen? Since you have two ears, and one mouth, do you listen, at least twice as often, as you speak? Are you listening, or only hearing? Will you commit to learn from every conversation, experience, scenario, etc?

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention: How much effort will you expend, to assure you proceed with a genuine, consistent, positive, can - do attitude, rather than merely articulating some positive rhetoric? Never be someone who says he's Never better, when you ask how he is? What does that really mean? How will you become all you can be, consistently enhancing your skills, abilities, and aptitude? Will you really consistently pay attention, to details, and everything you observe, etc?

4. Needs: Do you understand your personal needs? How can anyone be happy or satisfied, unless he first understands his needs, and then addresses them, in a meaningful way? Will you be empathetic, and thoroughly consider the feelings, needs, concerns and priorities, as well as the perceptions, of those you meet and come into contact with?

You'll never become all you can, or succeed, in the terms you define and decide, if you do not, first and foremost, PLAN for every aspect of your life! It's up to you!

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