Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What Does QUALITY Mean To You, In Everything You Do?

Whether it's in your personal life and endeavors, in your business situations, or if you are involved in any position of leadership, you must determine for yourself, whether you will be satisfied with good - enough, and being mediocre, or whether, you always try to do everything, the best way you can possibly do it! Let's review, what QUALITY, might mean to you:

1. Quest; questions: Do you truly care about your quest? Is it your own, or someone elses', and you are merely trying to fit in, or live up to another's standards, etc? Will you commit to ask reasonable questions, in order to better clarify, what you are seeking and desire?

2. Usual; unique: What is your usual habit, and does it serve your ability to excel? Have you taken the time, and made the effort, to know and identify, what is unique about you, and better use your strengths, while addressing weaknesses?

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Never assume, but rather pay keen attention, consistently! Proceed with a can - do, positive attitude, or you'll never be a person, of quality! Learn something useful daily, so you continuously update and enhance your aptitude!

4. Listen; learn: Listen consistently and thoroughly, and devote yourself to learning from everything you hear, see, witness and/ or experience!

5. Ideas; integrity; imagination: Don't limit your possibilities, because you fail to proceed with a necessary degree of imagination! Be the creator and implementer of ideas, while always maintaining absolute integrity!

6. Timely: Avoid procrastination. Never put off what needs to be done, because accomplishing, to the best of your abilities, is made more difficult and challenging, when you do so! Focus on making well - considered decisions, combined with timely action!

7. You: It's always up to you! Never blame and/ or complain!

Commit to QUALITY, in everything you do, and you'll become a better, stronger person!

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