Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How Will You Handle Your FEARS?

Whether you hope to be calmer and more in - control, in your personal life, or more capable of handling the day - to - day stresses and obstacles, involved in leadership, or in any field of endeavor, such as real estate sales, etc, it is important to be ready, willing, able, and in a state of mind, to address your FEARS, in a constructive manner.

1. Focus; face facts; first: Begin by knowing what you must do first? What exactly are you afraid of, and why? How will you improve/ adjust your focus, so you are prepared to face the facts, and remain in - control?

2. Eustress; energy; enrich; eager; effort: It takes more effort and energy to frown than it does, to smile! Stress comes in 3 forms, useful, usable stress, known as eustress, or destructive negative stress. Transform every condition, into a positive concept! Focus on enriching your experience, be eager (rather than fearful), and proceed with your best and finest effort!

3. Attitude; attention: Is your attitude a can - do, positive one, or one which sees negatives in every circumstance? What will you focus your attention on, what can possibly be, or what negatives exist?

4. Reasons; rational; respect; ramifications; reactions: Are you in control of your personal reactions? If you are rational, you will realize there are always, at lest two, possibilities, and you will enhance your outcomes, when you focus on the positive? Will you react, or will you be proactive? Do you respect your possibilities and abilities, or will you focus on negatives? Do you recognize potential ramifications, and prepare, in a solutions - oriented manner?

5. System; solutions; sustainable; strengths: What is your personal system for self - satisfaction? Do you know your personal strengths and weaknesses? Do you visualize solutions, or worst - case scenarios? Is your approach, short - term, or sustainable and relevant? 

When we spend our efforts overcoming our FEARS, rather than succumbing to them, we make ourselves stronger and more capable! In your personal life, or business or organizational one, doesn't it make sense, to be more constructive, and less fearful!

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