Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Why Should Someone Want to Do Business With You?

You might be in real estate, investment sales, or selling a product (such as inside or outside sales rep) or service professional (e.g. physician, dentist, etc). Regardless of your field of endeavor, you should ask yourself, in a truly honest, introspective manner, why someone should do business with you, rather than the competition!

What is unique about you? How do you prove you care more, and/ or are more qualified, capable, empathetic, etc? Why should others be attracted to you? Do you focus on your success (whatever that means to you), or on providing the best, highest level of service? How will you articulate this, in an easy to understand, and believe, way?

Will you do things the right way, or always seek shortcuts? When you come to the fork in the road (as Robert Frost wrote), which path will you choose? Remember, you might make a deal or a sale, but you will never be truly successful, until you do these things in an honorable manner!

Do you understand why you were born with 2 ears, but only one mouth? Realize, for most people, their favorite sound, is the sound of their own voice and name! Can you pay more attention to someone else, than your own ego? When you lead, with empathy, understanding and considering the needs of someone else, you stand out from the crowd!

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