Monday, May 15, 2017

How Often Do You Give Yourself, A Checkup from the Neck Up?

Some people believe they know all they need to know about themselves. At some point, they've thought about their strengths and weaknesses, abilities and failures, etc. Why is this important? Probably, because, regardless of what one does, whether in their personal lives, as an employee, manager, business owner, self - employed, etc,, it is essential, to truly know yourself, to become all you might be, in any area of life!

How will you give yourself, a checkup from the neck up? Are you ready, willing and able, to know your true - self, rather than merely misidentify your priorities, goals, etc? Will you like who you discover? What will you do, to create a better - you?

Only when we know ourselves, are we able to become better in every aspect of our lives, including personal and professional arenas! Will you look deeply, and take off the blinders? 

Few people ever go through the entire procedure of taking this inner look! Some never think about it, while others seem to prefer to delude themselves! For example, how can a real estate agent help anyone else, if he isn't comfortable with himself? How can a physician heal others, if he can't eliminate and address his own dysfunctions?

The first step is taking the leap, and taking that internal look. Then, you must be willing to do something, to address what you discover.

Your mental and physical health, as well as your professional success, often begins with liking yourself! Give yourself that checkup from the neck up! 

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