Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What Should Be A Leader's QUEST?

The Man of La Mancha, famously, included the song, which included, the lyrics, This is my quest! Few of us, however, consider how essential, the focus of one's QUEST, is, on the eventual quality and effectiveness, of one's leadership! How an individual believes, and what he seeks to achieve, including his dedication, and reasons, for wanting to lead, are significant, to the end - result! A true leader, nearly always, possesses a vibrant, vital vision, which inspires and motivates, not only others, but himself, so he persists, regardless of the obstacles, perceiving these to be challenges, rather than problems! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, and review, using the mnemonic approach, some of these necessities, and why it matters.

1. Quality; question; qualm fears: The true leader does not accept, merely doing something, but, rather, seeks to proceed, with the utmost commitment, to quality! He questions, the way things are, but focuses, on how they should be, and the best path, to get there! When others believe in a leader, he becomes, more capable, of proceeding, in a way, where he is able to qualm fears, and doubts, and inspires and motivates, others, by demonstrating, why his strategy, makes sense, to constituents, and the overall organization!

2. Useful; usable: Why become a leader, if your focus, and emphasis, and personal goals, are not useful, to making the group, more relevant and sustainable? Every idea, and strategy, should aim to be, usable, so they make a difference, for the better!

3. Empathy; emphasis; excellence; energize; endurance: It's important to recognize, one does not lead, in a vacuum, and therefore, it's important to listen effectively, and learn, the priorities, needs, and desires, of constituents, in order to proceed with the utmost degree of genuine empathy! This must direct where to place one's emphasis, in order to produce quality and excellence, which will energize, the stakeholders, to make the organization, become the best, it can be! Because there are always obstacles, a true leader must possess endurance, to persist, when the rest - of - the - pack, stops trying!

4. Service; system; sustainable solutions: How will you develop a quality system, to achieve the objective, of providing the best service, to others? Your aim must be, to proceed forward, and do so, in both, a relevant way, and to introduce, develop, and implement, the finest, sustainable solutions!

5. Timely; trendsetter: To make a difference, which counts, a leader must make well - considered, timely decisions, and create a meaningful action plan! Rather than remaining within the self - imposed limitations, of one's comfort zone, one's quest must include, the willingness, to be a true trendsetter!

Why do you believe, you should be a leader? What is your QUEST? 

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