Saturday, August 11, 2018

Our American Challenge: Too Many Promises, Too Few SOLUTIONS!

Americans, often, complain about the quality, or commitment, of their public officials, but, rarely, examine and/ or consider, whether they are simply, listening to the empty promises, and rhetoric, rather than the quality of their visions, and solutions! Unfortunately, it is because of, either the apathy of the electorate, or their unwillingness to delve deeply, and ask meaningful questions, before they vote, and elect someone, who might be inappropriate, or not be, the type of leader, they think, they are electing, many become disillusioned by the system, rather than accepting, it is the responsibility of each voter, to pay far more attention, during the campaign - process. Wouldn't we all be, better served, if our public officials, offered fewer promises, and used less rhetoric, and rather, offered, meaningful, well - considered, viable SOLUTIONS? With that in mind, this article will briefly consider, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this matters.

1. Service: Closely examine, who is being served, by a particular candidate! Quality leaders emphasis meaningful service, to the citizens, they represent, and the nation, they serve!

2. Options: Does this person, proceed, with a willingness, to consider, and examine, all viable options and alternatives, rather than any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest?

3. Listen; learn; leadership: Rather than believing, one has all the answers, and proceeds, unwilling to listen effectively, and consistently, learn from every conversation and experience, he does not exhibit the level of quality, meaningful, relevant, sustainable leadership, our nation needs, and deserves!

4. Useful; usable; unique: Avoid electing individuals, who emphasize rhetoric, over useful ideas, and viable solutions. We need to be served by people, with usable ways, where we might become better! Always consider, what about a particular candidate, might be somewhat unique, and make that person a better leader.

5. Timely; trend - setter: Blaming and complaining about the past, rather than introducing relevant, timely ideas and solutions, serves very little purpose, to the nation, or citizens! Rather, we need people, who proceed, to become trend - setters, and help the nation, to evolve, in the best, most relevant, sustainable manner.

6. Ideas; integrity; imagination: Does the potential leader, have the imagination, combined with absolute integrity, to proceed, with valuable, worthwhile ideas, which benefit, and serve the common good?

7. Opportunities: We need to elect candidates, who are ready, willing and able, to pursue the finest, most relevant, opportunities, to serve, America's best interests!

8. Needs: Whose needs, does that potential leader, represent? The electorate must consider the character, and intentions, of someone, before buying - into, their rhetoric, and promises!

9. System; sustainable solutions: Fully consider, whether someone has the capabilities of creating and developing, the best system, to achieve worthwhile objectives! The goal must be to perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, the most relevant, sustainable solutions!

We are never served, when we elect, leaders, with, far, too many promises, and too few, viable SOLUTIONS! America will only become, the best, it can possibly be, when/ if, the electorate assumes, far more responsibility, and focus!

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