Friday, August 10, 2018

Some Begin, But True Leaders FINISH!

Although many individuals, either, ascend to, are elected, or selected, to positions of leadership, I have discovered, in my, over four decades of involvement, of nearly every aspect, from identifying, qualifying, training, and developing, to consulting, and serving, personally, as a leader, in various positions, for a variety of types of organizations, perhaps, the simplest explanation of the difference between a genuine leader, from the pseudo - leaders, or rest - of - the - pack, is while most possess positive intentions/ insights, a real leader, not only begins, but persists, and endures, until the FINISH. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, consider, and review, using the mnemonic approach, why this process, is so meaningful, in determining the most effective leaders.

1. Future; furnish; face facts; fruition: Populist leaders are often members of false leadership! Only, when one focuses on the future, and plans thoroughly and effectively, does it become possible, to furnish the finest, sustainable solutions. Rather than burying, their heads, in the sand, a true leader faces facts, perceives, and conceives, the best way to proceed, and persists, until his ideas, are brought, effectively, to fruition!

2. Ideas; imagination: One must never restrict the possibilities, by remaining within his personal, comfort zone, but rather, it's important, to possess, and proceed, with the imagination, not merely, to see things as they are, but to create, a process, to evolve them, to where they, should be!

3. Needs: Genuine leadership must be based on genuine needs, goals, and priorities, if one, is to make a difference, for the better!

4. Ideology; integrity: Unless someone aligns his ideology, with that, of the group, and its stakeholders, and does so, with absolute integrity, he will never become a true leader, but, rather, will remain, to be, one of the many, pseudo - leaders!

5. System; service; sustainable solutions: Look closely at someone's system, and who, it serves, effectively! When a so - called, leader's priority, is service to constituents, and the organization, he proceeds to demonstrate, his genuine ability, by perceiving and conceiving of, the finest, possible, sustainable solutions!

6. Healing; head/ heart: Shouldn't a real leader, emphasize healing divisions, and bringing together, his constituents, for the common good, rather than resorting to any adversarial, and/ or polarizing approach, etc? To do so, effectively, he must take advantage of a quality, logical ability, with a genuine, emotional attachment! This is what I refer to, as the head/ heart, balance, of a genuine leader!

Will you merely begin, or will you persist and endure, and FINISH, what you start, in the most meaningful way? Are you up to the task and responsibilities?

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