Monday, August 13, 2018

America's Crossroad: Should Laws Evolve, Or Never Change?

It often, seems, this nation, arrives, at another crossroad, and how, we proceed, and behave, might have significant ramifications, and impacts, for generations to come! To many, it feels, like, we are experiencing a period, in our history, like none, we have experienced, in recent memory! In the past, we elected Presidents, and a group of public officials, who, we might have disagreed with, from a political perspective, but, still believed, these people sought what they believed, was the best path, to proceed along. However, with the election of Donald Trump, on 2016, as leader of the free world, we are experiencing, a far different type of leadership! It often seems, politicians, only, are strict believers, in laws and the Constitution, when it serves their political/ personal agenda, and/ or self - interest, but, abandon, that rigidity, when they seek some change! We must consider, whether our laws should, and must evolve, or never change!

1. Never change: The only things, which must never change, if the United States of America, is to remain, as the leader of the free world, are our respect for all the freedoms, liberties, and rights, we were founded upon, and were considered, by the writers of our Constitution, and Bill of Rights! Unfortunately, many politicians, only seem to respect the freedoms, they selectively choose, and seem to like, rather than all! How can someone proclaim, his belief in the 2nd Amendment, while railing against many of the core principles, of the 1st Amendment? President Trump, often, articulates a message, which seems to oppose a Free Press (unless it always supports him, and never criticizes anything, he supports, or him), as well as participating, in an argument with the N.F.L., about whether players, have the right to kneel, although the Supreme Court, generations ago, determined, our freedoms, included the right to refuse to take any pledge, if an individual makes that decision. The 2nd Amendment, argument, is a strange one, because, it actually referred to the Right to Bear Arms, from the perspective of, state's rights to maintain a free militia, for protection against foreign threats. No politician has the right to determines, which rights should be followed, and which, ignored!

2. Evolve: Although President Trump, states he is a denier of Climate Change, although the preponderance of scientific evidence and qualified scientists/ experts, strongly believe, it is fact, his directives to over - ride many of the environmental protections, might have long - term, undesirable ramifications! Although the nation was founded, on the basis of, All men are created equal, in the early part of the 20th century, we evolved, finally, and included women's right to vote, as well! It took decades longer, to finally implement Civil Rights legislation, as well. Today's battles include many other aspects of equal rights, including the LGBT communities, rights, to equality! This President has attempted to skew the Courts, to ensure this blind - policy, haunts us, for generations!

We don't make America Great Again, by going back, or denying facts! Rather, we need, to balance all freedoms, with evolving needs, into the future!

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