Friday, August 10, 2018

Should Our Laws Evolve, Or Never Change?

We often, hear, a discussion, of, whether the courts, especially the Supreme Court, should strictly consider legislation, and laws, or, consider them, in terms of the evolving needs, of our nation, and citizens. Unfortunately, quite often, the discussion, is not, about strict interpretation, but rather, far more selective, based on the perspectives, and political orientation of these 9 Justices. In a perfect scenario, there might be some, clear - cut focus and approach, but, in the real world, we often, discover, these concepts, are rarely absolute, and perhaps, should not be! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly review, consider, and discuss, some instances, where there should be, strict adherence, and absolute, while others, where we must evolve, in order, to address relevant, sustainable, needs and priorities.

1. Never change: If we are to remain true, to the basics, of what this nation, means and represents, we must demand, strict adherence, to maintaining, the freedoms, liberties, and rights, described, in the U.S. Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, we often, witness situations, where these rights are considered, selectively, rather than fully. There are also times, when the interpretation, becomes somewhat muddled, by conveniences, or politics. For example, while the 2nd Amendment, is often, focused on a fight between so - called, gun - rights, and they use, The Right to Bear Arms, as the justification, the original intent, was about state's rights to have a militia, to defend themselves against intrusions, etc. The battle should be about sane policy, protecting people, for the common good, while permitting, responsible individuals, to own certain types of guns. It's extraordinary, however, that, the same ardent, 2nd Amendment supporters, often, appear, to pay far less attention, on the 1st Amendment, which protects, Freedom of the Press, and Free Speech.

2. Evolve: Over the 240+ years, since the nation, was founded, we have far more scientific data and knowledge, as well, as understanding, All men are created equal, must include women, as well as all people, regardless of race or ethnicity. A specific area, is the environment, which has been under attack, since President Trump, claims he does not believe and accept the preponderance of the scientific information, indicating, the reality of Climate Change. Recent Executive Orders, which have weakened environmental protections, will have dire impacts, on the sustainability, and quality of life, of future generations! Evolving positions are needed, when it comes to human rights, women's rights, civil rights, etc.

Wake up America, and realize, we must protect, the law, of the land - all of them, not merely those we like or support any political/ personal agenda, and/ or self - interest! It's up, to you!

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