Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Do You Have A Leader's FOCUS?

One of the necessary intangibles, we often see, someone, hoping to be a leader, lacking, is the ability, and commitment, to proceeding, consistently, with the utmost degree of relevant FOCUS. A true leader must be organized, and committed, to emphasize, what will make a significant difference, for the better, rather than merely, proceeding, with any change, for - change - sake! Because there are generally, many obstacles thrust in one's way, and these challenges, must be faced realistically, addressed, in a well - considered, timely manner, and potential ramifications, considered, with eyes - wide - open, it requires the utmost degree of relevant focus, to serve as a true, meaningful, effective leader. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, the essence of this asset, and why it matters.

1. Face facts; features; furnish; future; fruition: One's focus must begin, with a willingness, to realistically, recognize, and face the facts, and consider, the best course of action, and how to proceed. A true leader enhances the best features, while addressing weaknesses, so as to furnish, the group, and stakeholders, with the best options, towards a sustainable future. However, only when/ if, one maintains his focus, throughout the process, will he become capable of bringing his ideas, to a desirable fruition!

2. Options; opportunities; opinions: It's important to differentiate one's opinions, from actual facts, while considering, with an open - mind, the most viable options and alternatives, and positioning the organization, to be capable of taking advantage of the finest opportunities!

3. Character; creativity: You won't lead, effectively, by merely remaining within the restrictions of your self - imposed, comfort zone, but, rather, must possess, a well - developed degree of relevant creativity, while maintaining, a quality character, focused on making a difference, for the better!

4. Useful; usable; unique; urge: What one urges, others, to do, must be based on the most useful, relevant, sustainable concepts, which are, both, actually, as well as perceived as being usable! How will you place, your unique stamp, on your leadership, in order, to help others, focus on the best way, rather than the expedient approaches?

5. System; service; solutions; sustainable: You need clear focus, to perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, a system, based on service, and solutions, which are not merely band - aids, for the present stresses, but, rather, consistently, relevant, and sustainable!

Will you proceed, with the best FOCUS, to effectively lead? Are you up to the task?

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