Monday, August 3, 2015

Motivated by Fears or PURPOSE?

Individual and distinctive features and factors often impact what inevitably motivates us, either to take action or to procrastinate. In addition, our personal preferences, situations, and mindset often lead us to view things in a specific manner, which often will dictate how we proceed, etc. Which motivates you the most often and strongly: your fears, or your PURPOSE? The essential reality for most of us is that we can either choose to propel ourselves forward in a synergistic manner that aligns with our purpose and motivations, or we can opt to become entrenched and entrapped by our self - limiting and inhibiting fears. Only when our quest for meaningfulness outdoes our restrictive comfort zone, do we become capable of achieving near our potential.

Consider this from the perspective of how our motivations impact some of our essential day - to - day, and/ or major considerations/ behaviors. One example is how either buyers or sellers behave and think, when they are going through the process. Is the buyer letting his fears, either financial, commitment, or inability to make a essential decision, or does his sense of purpose motivate him to pursue a better plan, and look at things more logically than emotionally?
1. Potential is the primary first component of this process. Few individuals achieve to the maximum they can, because they proceed through life in an apparent state of perpetual fear of failure!

2. It should never be considered sufficient for anyone to simply progress through their day to day lives, but rather they must feel an essential sense of usefulness in what they do, and aim for.

3. Is your plan one that combines being relevant with being realistic? Relevance without a realistic chance of achievement will achieve little of significance, and is often what those who stress rhetoric over achievement. Those combining both components maintain the ability to move forward, because they feel better about themselves!

4. Is your course of action well - meaning but rather haphazard, or is it rather plan - directed in a manner that creates meaningful priorities that enhance one's focus and opportunities for achievement?

5. Analyzing alternatives in an objective manner positons us best to understand and evaluate the most essential options that will determine whether we take advantage of the various opportunities that cross our path on a nearly daily basis! Proceeding in the manner that best addresses needs and objectives is consistently the best course.

6. Evaluate and understand your personal strengths and weaknesses, and use what your capabilities are to their best avail, while simultaneously addressing areas that could use some improvement. This should aim in a direction where we set our sights towards something meaningful.

7. Do you only consider yourself, or are you willing to view things from the perspectives of others (are you empathetic)? This requires commitment to genuine introspective, objective self - examination. 

Consider what makes you tick before you look elsewhere! Don't let the easier course of following your fears prevail! Are you focused on the fear of failure, fear of success, or motivated by a constructive sense of  PURPOSE?

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