Thursday, August 20, 2015

Difficult Is NOT Impossible!!

Quite often, many things in life may be difficult. However, the real measure of whether someone will succeed or fail is how he handles adversity and difficulty, and how his attitude gets him to act. Many people merely give up when faced with adversity, and use the difficulty as some sort of "crutch," by convincing themselves that it is so difficult that any type of modification or change would be impossible. Potential clients and customers of real estate and financial professionals should examine the individual they select to serve them, based on many factors, but one of the most important is whether the individual can remain calm and cool, and seek solutions, or use challenges as excuses for failure! Beware of anyone who seems to overuse the word, "Problem"!
Individuals with this type of defeatist attitude are often little more than their own worst enemies. The reality is that if one gives up, there is rarely any true chance of succeeding. For example, in sports, almost anyone will slump at one time or another. However, the athlete that accepts his slump as a trend that cannot be corrected, permits the slump to become his regular behavior, and his athletic career often takes an irreversible downward permanent turn. This athlete permits a negative attitude to pervade his personality and behavior, and often loses the self- confidence necessary to be successful in his sport. On the other hand, the athlete who accepts his slump as a temporary anomaly, and understands the statistics of sports, does not permit slumps to mar his self- confidence. Instead, this type of athlete flourishes because his attitude is that every failure brings him closest to a victory, etc.

The importance of not permitting adversity to defeat one is even more evident in business and organizational leadership. A strong leader sees adversity as a message that better planning and implementation is needed, and in the case of a "slump" period in an organization (that is, a period when the organization has encountered less than stellar results in membership retention and growth, as well as in revenue), realizes that it is necessary to begin to "think outside the box" to evolve the organization as a more relevant, action- orientated organization. As with the athlete who permits difficulties to destroy his career, leaders of organizations who permit obstacles to cause a pervasive form of negativity and defeatism into the organization, can also cause irreversible damage to the sustainability of the organization itself.

I have often written and lectured about a condition I refer to as "stinkin' thinkin.'" This is really all about the phenomena of the dangers of negative thinking. As life is not static, but rather evolving, it is important to handle obstacles and difficulties properly and productivity. Every adversity has the potential of teaching someone something that can be an important lesson for the rest of one's life. Difficulties can either be problems or challenges. The individual that sees and treats difficulties as challenges becomes stronger, while the individual who sees these difficulties as problems that cannot be overcome or handled, becomes defeated by the difficulties, and gets little accomplished. Which individual would you rather know? Which type would you want to lead your organization? Which would you want to represent you in a negotiation (e.g. real estate)? Which type of individual are you?

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