Thursday, October 21, 2010

You Can't Just Wish - You Have To Do

There is certainly nothing wrong with wishful thinking, unless there is no action taken to help bring that wish to fruition. Rarely, does a wish become a reality without the aid of hard work, a plan, and action.

How often do we hear someone say that they are just unlucky, or that they don't get any breaks. The sad reality is, that with very few exceptions, we make our own breaks in life. Disney may have a popular song lyric as its slogan, "When you wish upon a star," but for most it requires more than merely wishing.

Wishing is often an important step, however, in creating and developing positive thoughts, and a positive mind set. Positive mental attitudes, positive imaging and a can-do attitude are important steps in any type of success. They lead someone to feeling good about themselves, and believing that something is doable. Anyone who believes he will fail, always will fail, and thus belief in self is essential.

On the other hand, however, merely wishing is not enough. Individuals must create plans of action (or action plans) and determine specifically how they will accomplish their goals. It requires first setting the goal, determining the viability and need for the plan or action, and then to develop specific steps that need to be taken. Individuals developing a plan must consider numerous viable alternatives, examine the pros and cons, and potential ramifications, as well as how "badly" the individual wants his wish.

Is it just a wish, or is it truly an important need and/ or desire? What is the individual willing to do to bring that wish to fruition?

Most wishes are achievable. However, they require effort, follow- through, and a realistic, actionable plan!

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