Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winners Never Give Up

From time to time, every individual experiences situations that often create self doubt, and certain other negative emotions. Few people can honestly say that they have never been confronted by a situation or a circumstance that seemed unwielding, and so daunting that they did not consider simply "throwing in the towel."

However, what differentiates most truly successful individuals is that they possess a winning attitude. This is an attitude that states that one determines ones own fate by how we react to what life deals us. The adage, "If life hands you lemons, make lemonade," is certainly an important concept that often differentiates the most successful from the less successful individual.

Most of us have read that Abraham Lincoln lost repeated elections before he was elected President. He lost a state election, a Congressional election, a Senate election, etc., before finally being victorious in his election for President in 1860. Lesser people than Lincoln might certainly have given up prior to that.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not permit his deteriorating health, or a crumbling economy stop him from taking the bold steps he felt necessary to do the best that he can. Yet, I often speak to people who have lost jobs, often due to no fault of their own, who spend more time complaining and commiserating than they do taking the necessary actions to move ahead with their lives.

I have counseled individuals who ruined their credit and finance, as well as often their family lives, due to a gambling problem. Rather than address the issue, and take whatever necessary steps, even if somewhat uncomfortable to help themselves, state that they enjoy gambling too much to give it up. One must understand that it is almost always impossible to help anyone that does not recognize and admit their own issues, and who wants help.

We can be supportive and helpful to individuals with habits, addictions, dependencies, reliances, or near-addictions, but we must realize that there is a very fine line between supportive and enabling.

I believe that the best thing we can do for others is help them to develop that winning attitude, which includes an unwillingness to give up. If someone gives up, or is unwilling to seek help or counsel, and merely blames others or makes excuses, they will almost never have a winning life.

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