Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Customer Service: The Key Component of Marketing and Sales

Many businesses find themselves facing the choice of taking alternative approaches or following certain approaches to marketing and/ or selling their products and/ or services. While it is often possible to make a particular one - time sale based on offering a low - ball price, this approach rarely creates any long - term allegiance. When one observes a variety of business models, there are numerous examples of different levels of customer service or support, as well as different levels of training that businesses offer to their customer service representatives. What those who fail to prioritize or pay sufficient attention to this process may still enjoy some degree of success, invariably it is the quality and consistently of their customer service representatives that dictates their longer term sustainability and acceptance. This applies to all size businesses, including huge corporations, as well as independent contractors and professionals, such as: Real Estate Agents; Physicians; Dentists; Financial Professionals; Attorneys; Accountants; as well as any corporation, whether it sells products, or services. Remember: We all sell every day: Either a product, service, ourselves, or some combination!
1. It is certainly true that a business can make a sale by offering a lower price, that behavior rarely develops a committed customer, and certainly never leads to the very desirable client relationship. However, we often observe companies that initially react to down periods by diminishing and reducing customer service and the related expenses. Nothing could be more counter - productive, because in the bigger picture, customers remember how they were treated far beyond the period that they recall the price they paid. Consider how you personally feel when you go into any store, or make a call to a company, and how the initial treatment irreversibly impacts your perception and opinion of that business. Effective service means a real and concerted effort to make the buying experience a far more positive one for customers and clients, and differentiating yourself from the competition. Isn't it funny that so many businesses spend so much money and time doing post - process interviews, while often ignoring or certainly not paying enough attention to how they treat their customers or potential customers, in the first place?

2. There are many essential components to assure that a quality procedure is consistently followed. It begins, as so many things in business, management and leadership do, with a prioritized commitment to everything that makes the buying and/ or shopping experience a better one! It must begin with not simply acting like you care, but actually doing something. When businesses spend more effort on serving their customers than simply thinking about selling, their sales are enhanced rather than diminished. Successful organizations always understand that exceptional service creates a positive word of mouth, which is the most powerful and meaningful form of marketing.

After 4 decades of extensive consulting to hundreds of businesses and organizations, and thousands of individuals, it has become obvious that the most sustainable behavior is professional, quality and consistent service. Businesses must come to understand that it is not the sales you make today that count the most, but rather how you are perceived and appreciated by future potential customers and clients.

Monday, December 19, 2016

What It Means, To Be, A CLOSER, And Why?

Each of us are involved in sales. We either sell a product, service or ourselves, on a nearly daily basis! Much has been written and discussed about sales techniques, selling necessities, and the related impacts, but the significance and importance of the actual closing aspects and techniques, have too often been underestimated. While we often review those essential steps to be successful in selling, unless and until we focus on and actually close, it will often go for naught. Although most people recognize that the close is the essential final step in consummating a sale, it is often the most avoided, and also the most poorly handled of all the components involved in transforming a presentation to an actual sale. It is important to remember that the greatest technique and presentation generally will go unrewarded unless one dedicates himself to becoming a professional CLOSER.

1. Begin this process by actually caring, considering and cooperating! Effective selling will only occur when we care about the needs and concerns of others, considering their feelings, etc., and stressing cooperation rather than being adversarial.

2. Greatness will only occur if we stress learning and listening. How can one possibly relate to someone else, and thus find their "hot button," unless they try to learn as much as possible about others, and listen with an open mind, so that they can better relate and understand what is most meaningful to someone else. It is about others, and not yourself!

3. Explore options and opportunities, rather than merely formulating a closed-minded perception, which excludes potential alternatives. Avoid letting your pre-formulated opinion overly direct your actions.

4. Truly effective selling must be proactive, getting the other party involved and caring. If you want to maintain the best opportunity to eventually close a sale, then you must dedicate yourself to the search and solve mindset and agenda.

5. Emphasize what the other party cares most deeply about. Empathize with the concerns and worries that you discover. Then, be certain that you respond in a meaningful enough manner where you are able to elicit a response/ reaction, that promotes others to want to care more and become more involved with you, because they can see and feel how much you care!

6. Request the reasoned response. When this is done properly and in accordance with these basic steps listed, it should promote what should be, at this stage, a yes!

There is a significant difference between sales and selling. While sales is an apt description for an occupation, selling is the proactive state which creates a transaction. Unless one dedicates himself to becoming a proficient closer, he will never master selling. Most importantly, it is almost impossible to close the transaction without the willingness to ask for the sale (this ask is the true close!).

Friday, December 16, 2016

Why You Should Pay Attention To, And Develop Your Elevator Speech?

It is generally believed that the most meaningful single component that determines the potential strength of the American economy is related to the health of small business and small business people. This includes consultants, real estate professionals, accountants and CPA's, physicians and dentists, small law practices, salespersons, commissioned individuals such as stock brokers and insurance agents, etc. These are often highly competitive industries, where there is a need for an individual or small business person to differentiate himself, develop a personal niche, and maintain and develop the ability to effectively and seamlessly communicate why others should utilize his services. In other words, he develops an elevator speech, which in thirty seconds or less, whets the appetite of those around him, motivating them to ask more, and creating a mystique or aura where he sticks out in a positive and productive manner.

1. How do you interest others without appearing to simply trying to sell something? How do you make your message both compelling and interesting, showing a positive message where others not only listen and hear, but pay close attention and retain what the messenger is trying to convey? How is it possible for anyone to have an effective elevator speech unless he maintains a positive mental attitude combined with actual self - confidence? What do you say that differentiates you from the rest of the pack? Do you believe your own words? Are you capable of seamlessly promoting yourself in an impactful and meaningful manner?

2. Why is an elevator speech so important for someone to develop? This thirty second opportunity comes about often, not solely in an elevator, but in brief meetings in the supermarket, at cocktail parties, and in any social or business gathering? What is your brand, and why is your brand one that others should care about? How do you differentiate yourself? One example could relate to, for example, a real estate agent, who might be asked some version of the question relating to why one should use him rather than others. The individual who does not hem or haw, wax philosophical, get hung up on cliches or empty rhetoric, and simply claims he'll do the best job for them, will rarely attract much positive attention. However, on the other hand, the individual who clearly and without hesitation states emphatically that while there are many real estate agents available, and even confidently states that many of them do a decent job, avows confidently that they lack one key ingredient that he possesses. Therefore, each individual must ponder what makes him different, unique and someone others need!

Think about the impact of your elevator speech! Does it motivate others to care more, think more, and understand why you are someone they should seek out and do business with?

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Price May Make A Sale, But Service Creates Customers/ Clients!

Having done an extensive amount of sales training, both with sales representatives, as well as sales managers, for 4 decades, I have invariably been asked about the delicate balance between price and sales, especially as it relates to profitability and customer creation. One of the biggest errors I have witnessed is when sales people believe they can buy a customer's loyalty, by immediately offering the lowest possible pricing. However, the reality is that while one may make a sale by low-balling a price, it is rarely in the long term interest of the company to make that the stand operating procedure. This concept applies to retail, mail order selling, or person - to - person, or business - to business. It also applies to self employed professionals, such as physicians, dentists, lawyers, and real estate professionals! 
1. The most important need for effective sales and marketing is effective listening. Obviously, everyone wants to get value, especially in these economic times. However, the danger in concentrating most of one's marketing efforts on price, is that any other competitor can always match or beat your price, and you have done nothing to gain that individual's loyalty. For example, there are hundreds of places that wireless phones are sold near where I live, as I am sure is true nearly everywhere. Some of these places are exclusively devoted to wireless service, while others sell this alongside other products and services. Curiously, I have observed that many of these stores open, and within a short period of time, close up. I've noticed that the ones that close, for the most part, are those that attempt to entice customers by price and empty promises. On the other hand, in my neighborhood, one of the most successful of these stores, while always remaining competitive price- wise, excels in its customer service. They pay particular attention to helping even after the sale, helping with any setup that may be needed, and with any warranty or replacement phone issues. They do not nickel and dime their customers with excessive extra charges for items such as chargers, ear pieces, cases, etc. They bend over backward, not only to get the customer once, but to keep customers for the long haul.

2. Many local businesses have had to face the reality that the large "big box" stores are often difficult to compete with simply on price. Small businesses also, obviously, have nowhere near the same marketing/ advertising budgets as these large chains. This has created a situation where some local merchants have had to close, because of loss of revenue/ business. On the other and, other local merchants have flourished. What have these merchants that have been successful done that the others did not? In many cases, it was listening to what their customers were saying and what they wanted, as well as providing personalized service. In other words, the successful stores did not rely on price as their major weapon, but rather sought ways to create a niche for themselves that made them invaluable to their customers/ clients.

3. Commissioned - based individuals, such as real estate professionals must value themselves enough to justify their commission rate, rather than simply automatically lowering it, to attract a particular customer. If a real estate agent cannot justify his commission, how can he effectively negotiate the best deal, for his client/ customer.
Effective sales and marketing technique requires the ability to think outside the box, and be a solution based, personalized enterprise. This is more true today than ever.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How Well Do You Manage TIME?

When one examines what often differentiates the most successful individuals from most of the others, we often observe that one of the key factors is how well they manage their TIME. Even the most intelligent, most experienced individuals with the greatest expertise, often fail to achieve to their potential when they don't manage this essential component to its maximum degree. Lee Iacocca stated, "The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything." While it may not truly be everything (because that assumes it is the only factor), it is certainly no doubt something that makes a key and major ingredient. Examining this from a mnemonic perspective perhaps helps us to best focus on what is needed.

1. Time management begins with a willingness and ability to train yourself. This is a far different scenario than merely taking training programs, classes, seminars, or even actual learning. It is, rather, the combination of gathering the needed facts, data, and information, and then synergistically using this information in a manner that best suits your personality, learning type and habits, desires, motivations, visions, goals, etc. This training is the ultimate form of personal development and self - discipline, because it is what will direct one to achieve to his maximum potential.

2. Far too often, individuals examine situations, and observe numerous areas that they realize need to be addressed, or need to be improved upon. However, those that merely follow a multi - faceted approach, rather than creating priorities, often get bogged down in minutia. Therefore, it is important for each of us to install personal controls, that help us to focus, prioritize, and organize as well as we can do.

3. A large percentage of individuals never even begin, but many others also merely begin but never proceed to a course of action that is essential. In order to best address how we might utilize our time, we each must maintain the course, so your plan has the opportunity to succeed. This does not mean merely never giving up, but rather developing a way to evaluate your progress, what needs tweaking, and the most efficient and effective way to proceed.

4. Perhaps the most overlooked aspect of this necessary task is how we actually examine and proceed with our goals, etc. Therefore, how we establish our short - term, intermediate and longer term plans and goals, will often determine our ability to succeed. Doing this creates a mindset for being organized, and unless one becomes efficient, focused and creative, how can he possibly best manage his time?

One can never consider how he handles his TIME, without examining priorities, goals, and especially personal discipline. Those who create a form of personal daily agenda, and utilize timelines and other measures/ metrics, are best able to use their time effectively, Remember the adage that both the most successful and the least successful individual both have the same 24 hours in their day, but the more successful use that time more effectively and, with the greatest impact!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Basics of Meaningful Budgeting

Nearly every organization, whether it be public, non - profit, or related to a for - profit group or scenario, has some sort of budget process. Unfortunately, far too often, the attitude towards the significance and relevance of the budget process is often a diminishing of the need for this process. Meaningful budgeting must always begin with an attitude of understanding and appreciating the reasons and needs for the process. When done correctly, it enhances one's ability to do a thorough and relevant analysis of needs and priorities, as well as direct a process in the right direction. This should assist in the prioritization process, and make this a step towards functionality, rather than merely an exercise. Once this is understood, many believe that only by using a zero - based budget process, does the document serve the maximum purpose.

1. The vast majority of individuals tend to feel that creating a budget is merely a guide, rather than a directive. Because of this, once they get the budget approved, they often ignore the document, and merely resort to shorter term or crisis management form of leadership. On the other hand, when budgets are used properly, they set the tone, create priorities and direction, and do so in a responsible and effective manner.

2. Effective budgets begin with a commitment to thorough analysis. This permits groups to set goals, create meaningful prioritizes (based both on needs as well as goals and visions), and to effectively plan for the upcoming period. When use properly, budgets are an essential first step in realistic strategic planning.

3. Does your group have needs and priorities, and do they plan to address these in a manner that includes budgeting for them, or do they simply take haphazard steps in a less than meaningful manner?

4. Budgets must be used as a guide to which actions to take, and how to get the maximum bang for the buck. When this is done, organizations have the ability to prioritize providing value to their constituents and other stakeholders.

5. For four decades, I have prepared and assisted in preparing numerous budgets, and have become an advocate for the need for using zero - based process. Zero - based means avoiding the tendency of merely extending meaningless budgets year after year. When groups merely look at what they are doing, and just either maintain a line item expenditure or increase things by a specific percentage, groups lose an opportunity to improve and become more efficient and effective. Zero - based means one must justify each non contractural item on a needs, priorities, best ways, and relevant manner. Only when this is done can most organizations plan effectively in a non - crisis manner, and evolve before they must.

Don't consider budgeting to be merely a process or exercise! When that is the approach and attitude, opportunities are squandered, monies and time wasted, and true leadership diminished. Commit to use your budget as your ally.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Did You Fail to Succeed, or To PLAN?

How often do you personally do this, or observe others following this type of behavior?: Something goes in a less than optimal manner, and you focus on your bad luck, lack of success, or complain about how unfair it is since you worked, and/ or tried so hard. While from a self - protective perspective that may make us temporarily feel somewhat better or relieve some of that notorious steam, the reality is invariably that when we either resort to blaming others or situations, we are nearly always doing ourselves an injustice by sucumbing to weakness. The only true way to maximize one's chances to be a success in anything is committing to, and mastering the art and science of developing and using a PLAN!

1. Before beginning, one must consider, understand, and perceive of the true purpose that one wishes to achieve. When was the last time you took the time and made the effort to understand and create priorities, and then go forward in a directed manner towards developing well - thought out programs. This effort is rarely always easy, but is essential for success, and thus must be done with a continuous persistence and the mindset to persevere.

2. No one ever gets his desired results every time! However, the most successful individuals always learn lessons from their experiences. The adage that one must make mistakes to accomplish is only true if one truly learns from these mistakes, and does not repeat them. Successful performance and achievement nearly always accompanies the desire to lead by example (practice what one preaches).

3. When a positive and helpful attitude is combined with, and used in unison with constantly seeking the optimal aptitude, he will approach things with the mindset and willingness to proceed with timely action. Only when these are done synergistically, will one have the best opportunity to succeed to the highest degree.

4. Do you take the time to know needs (both yours as well as others that you interact with), and have you developed the inner strength and fortitude that is needed? When one commits to the never give up perspective, he will persist while others surrender. Many great achievements and accomplishes have occurred predominantly because someone continued to seek answers and solutions, while lesser individuals surrendered. This often requires a truly nuanced approach, where the understanding and approach is not the one - size - fits - all type, but rather that each circumstance has its individual circumstances, etc.

You can either blame others or circumstances because you failed to accomplish what you believed you should have, or you can commit to consistently plan. When this planning includes contingency plans, one potentiates his possibilities! These principles apply to your personal life, occupation, or any endeavor!


Friday, December 9, 2016

Business Ethics: Has That Become An Oxymoron?

We often read and hear references to business ethics. Undergraduate and post graduate courses dedicate large amounts of time and resources to the topic. However, if one were to ask the average consumer if he believed that most businesses were conducted in an ethical manner, we would predominately receive negative responses. Simply stated, ethics can be defined as doing the right thing, the moral thing, and treating others with honor and respect. Related to business, this concept would include several items, and when we evaluate how most businesses conducted business, we would often avoid referring to these practices as moral. Most professional organizations have a Code of Ethics, yet, why do we witness so many violations and/ or irregularities?

1. One of the necessities of being ethical is telling the truth. However, when we look at how businesses, services and products are often promoted, the truth is stretched rather thin. One example, of course is the mobile communications or cell phone industry. Each carrier runs ads trying to convince us how superior they are. However, since there are no legal requirements even for using terminology such as "4G," and each carrier handles their lines differently, there is often quite a bit of variation. For example, going strictly by its ads, one would believe that Verizon cellular service is nearly perfect. Its advertisements makes claims about the clarity of its calls, how few calls are dropped, its speed, etc. While that is the case in some areas, several of my friends on Verizon service experience dropped calls, etc., in various areas, while having excellent service in others. ATT Mobility claims its system is fastest, and in some areas it is. I use the system and have had wonderful experience, yet, I know others who have been extremely disappointed. Sprint customers have similar experiences, and I have had wonderful experience with Sprint's Air Card, which works well nearly everywhere I've used it. However, as good as it is, it is certainly not as quick as wired or WI-FI service. Every other service has its proponents, as well as its attackers. The issue is not which service is the best, but rather how the services promote themselves. While effective advertising is self promotional by definition, misleading ads are certainly not terribly ethical.

2. Have you ever gone into a store and purchased something, and the store quickly asks you if you'd like to purchase an Extended Warranty. While there is nothing wrong with offering this, nor with the stores making additional revenues doing so, have you ever been given a clear cut explanation of what is and is not covered, and the limitations. Remember, we are discussing ethics here!

3. Investment Advisers are another area of ethical concern. Is the individual an unbiased adviser, or is he simply a salesman disguising himself as an adviser? Both duties and functions are acceptable, but which is ethical?

4. In Real Estate, does the average buyer truly understand the difference between being represented by a Buyers Agent, a Brokers Agent, and a Sellers Agent? In New York State, for example, by law, prospective buyers must be given an Agency Agreement that explains each of these. Yet, if the average buyer truly understood the differences, one would think the vast majority would prefer using a Buyers Agent, whose loyalty is directly to the buyer. Is this an ethical dilemma?

There are so many situations in business where there is the opportunity for a business, product, or representative to opt to either prioritize ethical behavior, or to merely do what might be expedient and in the store (or business, product, or reps) best interest, rather than the customer (or buyer). Therefore, one must wonder if business ethics is another one of those oxymorons, such as military intelligence, moral politician, etc

Thursday, December 8, 2016

How To Master Giving Any Presentation?

How often have you been called upon to give, or been in a situation where there has been the need for you to get up in front of a group of people, and give some sort of presentation? Whether the group is a large or small one, or even an individual presentation, there are some basic concepts/ ideas, which will make you better, and feeling more comfortable! Studies show that a large percentage of individuals become nervous, queezy and uneasy when this occurs, often feeling considerably out of their comfort zone. Unfortunately, this form of oral communications has often been largely either ignored or paid little attention to, and because of that, many presentations and presenters present an atmosphere of discomfort, boredom, and somewhat of a feeling of "why did I bother attending this," among attendees. Like most acquired skills, learning to, and actually giving a quality presentation requires dedication, commitment and an understanding of the process and the requirements/ needs.

1. You'll rarely give a consistently quality presentation until, and unless, you thoroughly are prepared. This presentation means determining the goal of the presentation (i.e. what you want the attendees to walk away with), whether or not there is a need for accompanying visuals, doing your research and homework, understanding the group and its dynamics, etc.

2. Once you've formulated your information and materials, practice your presentation, and rehearse. This rehearsal should enhance your comfort zone, and anticipate questions and concerns that might be asked by the attendees.

3. Just like actors rehearsing for a new show, an effective rehearsal is never a one - shot event. The procedure must be repeated until your level of comfort with, and knowledge of, the materials, is nearly second - nature, and automatic.

4. Review your content in detail. Are you providing too little, too much, or just the right amount of information? Is the group that is attending prepared for the information you are giving? Will they welcome, or close their minds to new information, ideas and alternatives?

5. Are you comfortable going in front of a group? Are you so uncomfortable that your nervousness will create an impediment to a quality presentation? Rehearse in front of a mirror, look at your body language, continuously change the inflection and tone quality of your voice, and remember to speak more slowly than you feel you need to (because invariably nervous speakers rush). One's confidence is an essential of a quality performance!

6. Finally, consider your delivery, your performance, and whether or not you are engaging the group in an interactive manner. When one gets the audience more involved, it enhances the bond and thus the attention that the crowd will give you.

There is no one - step, easy procedure for enhancing your presentation skills. However, paying attention and being consistent, and thus using these basic six steps, helps to put you in the best scenario.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Are You, In Sales, or Do You SELL?

In my over three decades of training literally thousands of individuals to become better, more proficient and more effective salespersons, I have come to realize that one of the greatest challenges is often that the person himself merely sees himself as being in sales, rather than someone who is selling. Isn't that somewhat strange since each of us sells regardless of what our field of endeavor or occupation may be? We either SELL a product, a service or ourselves. The key differential in how we perceive this is that being in sales acknowledges that something might be sold but tries to separate ourselves from what we perceive as a somewhat perhaps savory endeavor, which far too many people consider selling. However, the reality has little to do with one's negative perception but rather relates to how professionally we perform our duties and whether our attitude is one of being value oriented, or rather is merely self serving.

1. Are you expressed attitude in sync with your actual behavior? Is your focus about service to your customers and clients, or is all about you and what's in your personal self interest? Do your actions and whatever you sell geared to best satisfy what is best helps others?

2. How empathetic, energetic and enriching are both your proposals and intents? Do you truly believe in whatever you are selling, be it either a product or a service, and do you honestly believe what you are telling others is what you really believe? Are you committed to earning the trust of others over and over again, and will you proactively be involved in enhancing some aspect of other people's lives?

3. Do you just hear, or do you effectively listen to what others are telling you, both with words as well as in non verbal manners? It is far easier to feel good about being in a selling frame of mind when you do all you can to fit their needs to whatever you sell.

4. Learn all you can about all relevant aspects. That includes the product or service you provide, as well as what others want and need. It is somewhat a simple and common sense concept, yet nevertheless an essential and true one, that when you better understand what's going on, you become far more capable of finding the hot button that creates that crucial common ground that is often the inevitable deciding factor.

Those who feel good about selling, for whatever reasons, invariably become the most successful doing it. It is nearly always a red flag warning when someone creates a personal mindset of referring to themselves as being in sales rather than selling!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What To Do, When You Hear, "I Want to Think About It"?

Many of us have been in a scenario similar to this one. You have just given what you feel is a great presentation, and given numerous compelling reasons why someone should avail themselves of a particular service or product, and the person you are speaking to says to you, "I want to think about it."

One of the biggest errors that most presenters do at that point is "let the person off the hook," by responding that you'd like them to think about it, and you'll get back to them, or they should get back to you. In most sales- type situations, your greatest chance to "close the sale or deal" is when you are giving the presentation, because at that moment, you possess more control over the situation than at nearly any other point. How you react to their "I want to think about it" often makes all the difference.

A time-proven and effective technique is to calmly respond, "I can perfectly understand that, but what exactly is it that concerns you that you need to consider?" The next step, however, is the most crucial. Instead of anxiously continuously and trying to immediately respond, force yourself to "zip the lip" (Z.T.L.) The Z.T.L. method states that the next person to speak is in the weaker situation, and the one that keeps his lips zipped, generally ends up victorious.

Often, after a delay, the other person will respond something indistinct like, "I'm just not sure." If that, in fact, is the response, then your response should be a calm, "What may I clarify for you? What questions do you need answered?" Of course, it is then imperative to resume your Z.T.L. strategy.
Human nature, being what it is, makes this a far more difficult thing to do than it sounds like. We are all tempted to over-explain, and interrupt. Many of us fear questions, because we often lack confidence in our ability to explain an issue in detail.

Regardless of what the objection might be, one should always follow some variation of the following five steps:

(1) Repeat the objection to be sure you understand it. Say something like, "In other words, you're concerned about... "

(2) Then it is essential to empathize. Empathy is putting yourself in the other person's "shoes," as compared to sympathy which is feeling sorry. Never sympathize at this stage, but empathy is essential. The easiest way to do that is by stating, "I can perfectly understand the way you feel. I felt like that and most people I know felt the same way, until they realized a few things."

(3) Many people tend to try to skip this next step. You now must have listened effectively to the other person's concerns, so that you can now able to give the most compelling reasons why it should be the other person's priority.

(4) Once you've given your reasons, you must recreate the need, by stating, "In light of the reasons we've just discussed (and list them),"

(5) Finally, you must re-close the deal, by saying, "Doesn't it make sense to...?"

If all else fails, and you have done all the above steps, there is one additional thing to attempt. Calmly ask, "May I make a suggestion?" Again, Z.T.L., and Make a compelling, yet brief restatement of your case.

These are easy techniques to follow, but like all other things, requires practice and confidence, and then, finally, doing it.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Why Great Negotiators Are Superb Listeners?

We often perceive that one is great negotiator because of his personal strength, commitment, ability and perseverance or persistence. While all of these factors are needed and involved, one that is too often overlooked is the need to be a superb, effective listener. When someone listens carefully, he is able to understand more clearly the needs of his negotiating adversary, and can better proceed to achieve a meeting of the minds that nearly always determines the success of that negotiation.

It is important to realize how essential negotiating is, in nearly every aspect of our lives! Spouses constantly negotiate with each other, and their children. Employers negotiate with their employees and vice versa! Real estate professionals negotiate with their customers, clients, other agents, etc. Physicians, dentists and attorneys often must negotiate. We negotiate when we put on/ host any event, whether it is a party in our home, an office party, conference/ convention planning, planning a wedding or family function, etc. Effective negotiating necessitates having the ability to:

1. clearly communicate the needs of both parties;

2. relate to not only the position you represent but also the opposing one;

3. have a willingness to thoroughly discuss needs and priorities;

4. sufficient communication needs and patience to explain your position; and, finally and perhaps most essentially,

5. listen to concerns in an empathetic manner.

A. What does communication mean as it relates to negotiations? Unless both parties clearly communicate their positions, it becomes nearly impossible to develop the needed atmosphere and forum to achieve needed objectives.

B. Can you relate to the other person or party's positions, needs and points of view? Unless someone is willing to dedicate himself to relate to and empathize with his adversary, how can they develop the path towards win - win negotiations?

C. Don't ever assume that the other party knows what you need, or that you know what they need! Rather, take the time to ask clarifying and informative questions, and get to know each other before you begin the nitty gritty of actual negotiating.

D. Once you've followed the first three steps in a thorough manner, take the time and effort to explain in detail what you're looking for, why it is so essential and important, and ask for feedback and give and take. The better both parties commit to the explanation process, the better the possibility of an impactful and meaningful agreement.

E. The previous steps all depend on this one. The basis of negotiations must be to listen to concerns, needs, and objections voiced. One reason that many negotiations break down is that the two sides interrupt each other, speak at instead of to each other (or even better, with each other!), and overlook needs, concerns, etc. In order for any negotiation to be successful, especially in the longer term, it must be approached from the point of view of win - win, rather than merely being oppositional or greedy. The better the two sides get to know each other, invariably, the better the results.

If you want to negotiate effectively, begin with being an effective listener! How can you possibly come to a meeting of the minds if you don't understand both sides of the position?

Friday, December 2, 2016

The 5 Steps to Answer Any Objection, Question and/ or Concern

In nearly every situation, when people get into a discussion, there are bound to be certain questions, concerns or objections. How one handles the situation, and responds to objections, often determines whether one accomplishes his desired results. It is important to understand that all objections fall into two categories, either (1) technical; or (2) emotional. If the initial presentation has been properly presented, the vast majority of objections are emotional. The main technical objection is usually financial, while it takes a finer "ear" to properly understand what each emotional objection might be.
The same five steps are used in all situations. The finesse comes with being comfortable with the concept, listening, and believing in these steps. All major sales and marketing organization teaches this to some degree.

 The five steps are:

(1) Restate the objection--- This is essential so that you are answering the true objection, and not opening up a Pandora's Box by addressing something that is not the objector's concern. An easy way to do this is to say something like, "So you're concerned about... " (Understand the concern may be about a guarantee, reliability, time commitment, ability, etc., but it is essential that you ask, and get a response and acknowledgment from the objector). Also remember the very important "ZTL" rule - - - "zip the lip." Do not speak until the other person answers your question, and if you are not sure of the meaning of the answer, ask again until you are! The ZTL rule says that the first person to answer "loses."

(2) Empathize (Don't sympathize). This can be simply done by saying something similar to, "I can perfectly understand how you feel, in fact I felt the same way, until i realized and understood a few things..."

(3) Answer the objection-- Calmly, conversationally, fully answer the objection, to their satisfaction.

(4) Restate the proposal - - - "So in light of this information, and in light of the fact that you've told me that you... "

(5) Re-close - - - "Doesn't it make sense to...?" Then ZTL! I repeat, under no circumstances speak. You must let the other person, agree, say maybe, or give another objection. If they now give another objection, repeat the 5 steps! Keep doing this!

Then, if you believe you have done this long enough--- and after a minimum of 3 times using the 5 steps, there is one more "fall-back" position - - - Say, "May I make a suggestion?" Then, again, zip the lip. Wait-- force yourself --- it almost never occurs that someone will say NO to making a suggestion while they may say "No," eventually to the suggestion, however. It is very important that you get the other person into that "nodding--yessing" mode, because this can be a great lead in (or "trial close") to eventually overcoming the objection, and acquiring a commitment.

I want to stress that this works. I have used it hundreds and hundreds of times in numerous industries, organizations, charities, and personal situations. I have taught thousands how to effectively use these techniques. It initially takes some coaching, and then some practice, but once someone has perfected this technique, their "closing ratio" improves incredibly!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Happy People Gain Strength!

When someone is happy, he generates a feeling of joy and cooperation among those he comes into contact with. Contrast that with the impact made by someone who is joyless and negative, who seems to constantly sap the energy from everyone and everything he comes into contact with. The founder of the influential civic and philanthropic New York City organization, the Grand Street Boys, the late Judge Jonah Goldstein was fond of reminding others, "Happiness is the one thing in life that multiplies by division. The more you give to others, the more you have for yourself." However, happiness does far more than just that. It actually makes someone stronger and better. Francesca Reigler stated, "Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."

1. Why is it that some people seem to generally be in a good mood, joyful, positive and giving, while others seem to be constant sour pusses? It all relates to one's attitude. When someone approaches life with a positive attitude, he sees ways to get more things done, and achieved. Positive people tend to live longer, happier, more stress- free lives, and seem to have almost endless energy. On the other hand, when one decides, either consciously or sub- consciously to be joyless, they spend their time worrying about what might happen, or commiserating about what might have been. Rather than be grateful for what they have, they often exhibit pettiness, anger and jealousy. Often, these negative people seem to almost never even smile, and when they do, it appears to be more of a smirk or chuckle. than to give them any real joy. Joyless people spend more time being miserable, and thus often seem far more tired and irritable than happier individuals.

2. There is a scientific fact that it takes far more muscles and energy to frown than to smile. Even though nothing productive is ever produced by frowning, why is it that it seems that there are more frowners than smilers? The happier someone truly is (and that is far different than those that either pretend to be, or feign happiness), the more productive he invariably ends up being. In addition, who would you rather spend time with, someone that emits joy and happiness, or someone that emits a negative aura, that ends up bringing others around him down to his joyless level?

There have been many songs, courses, poems, etc. that warn us that it is better to be happy, yet so many continue to not heed the advice, and the obvious. The first, and perhaps most essential ingredient in success is to put yourself in a position to be successful, and that begins by being joyful and positive.