Thursday, June 9, 2016

Everyday Narcissism. or Excessive Overindulgence?

How often do we hear someone use the words narcissist, narcissism or narcissistic bantied around in conversations, articles, or discussions? In the vast majority of cases, when someone uses one of these terms to describe an individual or type of behavior, it is meant in a far less than complimentary manner. In fact, we also witness movies and television shows where a villainous character is referred to as being a psychotic narcissist. However, the reality is that nearly everyone possesses some degree of narcissistic moments. Often, there is a rather fine line between this type of behavior, and possessing a needed, powerful and positive self - image and attitude. In this year's Presidential election, one leading candidate has often been referred to, not only as narcissistic, but also misogynistic! When is it harmless narcissism, and when does it become excessive, and  overindulgent?

1. What are these narcissistic moments, and how do we exhibit them? Some of these include the rather normal desire that many individuals have to receive credit and/ or recognition for what they have done, performed or achieved. This is neither a positive nor negative behavior or attitude when it is transient in nature, and does not overwhelm and interfere with one's ability to move on and focus on the present and the future, rather than remaining in the past. When we maintain our ability to continue our quest to do more, and be more impactful in the future, this is a normal behavior. How often have you observed something happen to someone else, and your immediate reaction was how it might be interfering with you or something you had planned, or that it might inconvenience you? The essential differentiation between this being a normal reaction or behavior, as opposed to one that brings on a degree of dysfunction, is often how quickly one transforms his mindset from this what's in it for me? persona, to becoming a part of the solution.

2. When does this become excessive overindulgence and become a pervasive and negative way of behaving? The major differentiation is when we permit our ego to dominate over service, and needing rather than wanting praise. We are stuck in the me first of overindulging when the focus not only begins with, but remains fixed on, the I instead of the we (remember the adage that there is no I in team).

How do you conduct your life on a regular, everyday basis? How to you perform in your professional life? Do you follow the most selfish aspects of your ego, or use your strengths in order to better address the needs of society, and to improve the overall conditions and situations? It's up to you, and how you proceed on an ongoing and consistent basis!

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