Monday, January 4, 2016

Do You VIEW You, The Way Others Do?

The main truism about the way we evaluate ourselves is that we rarely view ourselves the way others do. Generally, we either over - estimate our abilities and capabilities, or undervalue what we can do, and rarely do we see ourselves through the eyes of others. Why is this way that we VIEW our inner self and abilities significant? Probably, because it becomes nearly impossible to become better and more impactful if we lack the willingness to accept our personal truths regarding strengths and weaknesses, and this objective introspection is usually the primary and most essential component of personal achievement, etc.

1. Do you possess a vibrant vision that guides your actions? Do you strive to prioritize personal virtue in all your dealings, nver compromising on your personal beliefs? Is this commitment to veracity significant and meaningful enough to you, that it provides you with a vibrancy that draws others to you, or does your way of conducting yourself chase others away? These components, when handled genuinely, lead you to taking a closer look at what makes you tick!

2. What is your personal self - image? Do you see yourself as others do? Although it is generally more important what you feel about yourself than how others perceive and conceive you, it is generally healthier if these two perspectives basically align. Do you proceed through every aspect of your life with absolute integrity? If you aren't this way nearly automatically regarding other things, how will you ever truly dicover who you are, and why? Does your imagination propel you forward in a way that makes you better, or are you afraid to imagine ways to be the best you can be?

3. How is your energy level? Do you feel energized and enriched because of the way you are and what you do, or do you fear being what you are? Are you an empathetic person who strives to enrich the lives of all you come into contact with, or do merely go through the motions?

4. Does your self - examination provide you with a sense of worthiness and significanrt personal worth, or do you try to lie to yourself, in order to fool yourself into making believe that you are better than you appear? On the other hand, do you proceed through life under - estimating your value and strengths? Neither proceeding with an inflated or deflated view is generally the healthiest way of proceeding! When was the last time you considered whether you are deserving of being considered more highly, and how truly important to you is how you impact the welfare and benefit of others?

How we VIEW ourselves often dictate how we proceed! It is important for each of us to consider this seriously. If you want others to listen to, and respect you, you must do whatever you can, to perceive how they view you, and improve in your weaker and/ or negative areas!

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