Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Selling Is About Listening To Needs!

Everything we do in life involves selling. Each of us either sells a product, a service, or ourselves. While many individuals outwardly indicate a disdain of some sort either towards selling or salespeople, the reality is that everyone sells. Therefore, since sales is a reality of our existence, doesn't it make sense to understand more about what it is, and how to use professional sales techniques and concepts to our best advantage? While there are many specific techniques that are often taught or trained, superior selling requires a dedication to effective listening, and an understanding that it's rarely about what you want, but rather what your customer, client, patient, friend or family member wants and/ or needs. One of the reasons so many people have negative views about selling and/ or salespeople, is the perception that individuals don't listen, or care, about their customers or clients, but focus only on what's best for them, personally! While this is often merely a perception, rather than fact, it still must be understood, addressed, and focused upon! Those real estate professionals and financial advisers, must take this into consideration, from the onset, and throughout their relationship. However, you must remember, and take to heart, that this must be your true intent, and not merely some empty rhetoric, or exercise!

1. It always begins with being an effective and quality listener. This means learning to dedicate far more energy and attention to listening than nurturing your own need to be heard. Many of us think we are good listeners solely because we hear what others are saying, and remember what the gist of the message might be. However, hearing and listening are far different entities, because listening is an interactive and proactive activity, while hearing is far more passive. When another person is speaking, the first step is to be able to wade through some of the minutia and fluff, and separate the ue message from the rest. It is essential to avoid reacting to what you might believe or anticipate is being said, but rather one must develop both the skills and the discipline or patience to wait to fully understand what the message actually is. Far too often, in our haste to respond, or in an emotional reaction, we immediately answer a question, while often not truly understanding what the real question or concern might be. The key to effective listening is to first listen carefully and patiently, and to ask questions that better clarify the concern, before responding. Far too often, individuals open up a sort of Pandora's Box, because their hasty answer brings up questions and concerns that often were not originally there.

2. The key to using this listening effectively is to realize that others care about their concerns, and not yours. When explaining something to someone else, it is necessary to empathize and understand what is being said from their perspective, and not yours. Patience and seeing another's perspective are often the greatest challenges to quality selling.

Learn as much as you can about sales, regardless of what you do. Using these techniques invariably improve your abilities to get things done in a positive manner.

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