Tuesday, December 8, 2015

RESPECT Is Often DIfferent From BLIND Obedience!

How often have you heard someone speak about how important it is to treat others with respect, both because it's the right thing to do, but also if you wish it to be reciprocated? However, all too often, individuals abuse the concept of RESPECT with the need to always agree, or proceed with BLIND obedience. It is essential for each individual to balance the positive qualities of civility, fairness, open - mindedness, and positivity, with maintaining their personal integrity, and ability to maintain their independence, rather than overly trying to fit in by compromising one's essential ideals.

1. The essential components of respect should be understood and utilized. It begins with being rational and reasonable in one's goals, evaluations and expectations, and remaining fair. There must be an emphasis on empathy or putting yourself in the place of others and understand their needs, fears, concerns, perspectives and points of view. One's priority should be to support the team wherever possible, putting the needs of others and the groups in a high - priority position, while looking to enhance sustainability. These means not merely focusing on how things impact and benefit you, but paying extra attention to others' needs. Wouldn't it be nice if we all were considerate and caring, continuously seeking common ground? Finally, our emphasis should be on trying to get along and play nice.

2. Care must be paid to understand that respect does not mean you must always agree or conform. Do not proceed with merely blind obedience. This means you must prioritize being the best you can be, rather than a mediocre carbon copy of others. Therefore, stay true to yourself, and be yourself!

3. Learn as much as you can, and attempt to find ways to like others, even when you disagree with them. However, always realize that you must live your own life in a significant, goals - oriented manner.

4. It's a good idea to be introspective, but do so in an objective manner, understanding realistically both your personal strengths as well as areas that could use some attention. However, while maintaining your principles and ideals, take care to avoid becoming an idealogue, and avoid becoming preachy and/ or obnoxiously demanding.

5. Understand and appreciate the necessary nuances and individual needs and perspectives of others. Don't confuse nurturing (which is often positive) with pandering!

6. Remain aware and wary about than often fine line between desiring or demanding respect and support, with demeaning yourself with compromising your basis beliefs and ideals!

Respect, when used in a positive manner, is often a wonderful thing. However, truly being respected if often quite different than the empty platitudes and rhetoric often deemed appropriate by some.

However, there is also a tendency, for people to merely accept something said and/ or done, and/ or proposed, because of deference to an individual, employer, etc. Always proceed with your eyes wide - open, recognizing that no one is always correct, and you should listen effectively, and without prejudgment, and be willing to consider alternatives! 

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