Thursday, September 3, 2015

Why Attitude, and Technique, Must Go Hand - in - Hand?

One of the pitfalls that are often faced by individuals who have taken the time and effort to attend seminars and attempt to become more focused on enhancing and maintaining a positive attitude, is that they become disappointed when they do not receive instant gratification or instant results. The reality is that even the best attitude will only get you to the point where you have the chance to optimize your results and best approach your optimal potential. Unless this positivity is used synergistically with the best techniques, one will still face stumbling blocks and limitations. Therefore, if we wish to be the best that we can be, we need to improve and enhance your skill set and techniques, in conjunction with maintaining a positive attitude. When a proactive can - do attitude is combined with, and used alongside training, learning, understanding and actually using the best possible techniques, one will be challenged in his attempt to reach the heights of his potential. From a practical standpoint, one is helped when their real estate, or financial professional has a positive, can - do attitude, but it must be more than merely rhetorical, if it is to have a needed impact and desirable result!
1. A great and positive attitude is only truly useful when it becomes a nearly automatic and inherent part of one's persona. There is a big difference between having rose - colored glasses, and a true purposeful and focused attitude. Greatness nearly always begins with having a positive attitude because unless someone begins by believing he can succeed, he will never put forth his best effort. However, he must truly believe his positivity, because no purpose is served by being merely a cheerleader and repeating so me empty rhetoric, but must be the approach we maintain on a regular and consistent basis.

2. However, just being positive will only take someone so far. This positivity must drive and individual to persist and persevere when others give up, and help to transform obstacles and challenges to planning and proactivity. The adage that if you think you can, that you will, is also dependent on using that positive attitude to drive you to learn, gain and use needed skills. Far too often, we observe individuals who use positive rhetoric, without driving themselves to become more skillful. Because of this, we must begin to refocus on the need to combine the right attitude with a yearning for knowledge and enhancing one's skills and techniques.

A positive attitude is the necessary first step in becoming more capable because it creates a mindset of approaching things and doing things that negativity might obstruct. However, unless this is accompanied by learning and using skills and techniques proficiently and optimally, there is little true and meaningful growth.

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