Tuesday, March 14, 2017

7 Key METRICS For Evaluating SUCCESS

Although there seems to be a somewhat inordinate amount of time, concentration and effort spent reviewing the many aspects impacting success, this concept is invariably one of the most difficult and challenging to fully understand because of the many challenges and interpretations of what goes into becoming a success. Since I have spent 4 decades identifying, training, qualifying and consulting to over a thousand individuals in positions of leadership, as well as conducting many seminars and individual training programs in the areas of personal development, I have thus created a mnemonic way to use 7 METRICS for Success.

It is important to note, regardless of your occupation, avocation, interests, etc, you can better understand what success might mean and represent to you, by paying attention too these metrics. It's up to you!

1. The process begins with identifying and considering those measurable markers that directly relate to purposeful goals and priorities. How can anyone consider anything to be in any way truly successful unless they are really meaningful because their implementation significantly matters in a way that determines whether you get it done. 

2. Those who want to become real and respected leaders must consistently proceed with a large degree of genuine empathy. Ask yourself whether your actions and plans pursue enhancing the situation, by consistently enriching the experience of those that your actions impact.

3. Everything you observe or do must be viewed and used as a teachable moment! When you predict and address trends in a timely manner, and focus directly on the proverbial taking care of business, you enhance your probability of becoming successful in your pursuits.

4. Taking care of business means very little unless it is relevant in terms of
needs and priorities. Only when one simultaneously is rational in his approach, while also being reasonable (both in actuality as well as the way he is perceived by others), he risks appearing as if he is behaving in a less than responsible manner. How can you be a success if what you do is not either actually or perceived as being responsive to what others, as well as a group you serve, truly need?

5. Make sure that your ideas always align with meaningful and significant ideologies, and that you pursue them with absolute integrity.

6. In order to achieve what you aim for, you must be able to connect with stakeholders,in a genuine manner. That requires you to be able, willing and ready to make needed choices, and to create something better than presently exists.

7. This process only comes to fruition when one creates and develops a sustainable system that strengthens the group, thus propelling it forward in a positive manner.

Many claim they seek success, yet few actually achieve what they aim for. Using these 7 METRICS for Success potentiates ones possibilities.

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