Monday, October 10, 2016

6 Ways To Stop Sweating The Petty Stuff

Wouldn't it be far more productive and efficient, and much less stressful and wasteful, if, each of us, could better focus and prioritize our actions and activities? Many individuals find this extremely challenging to do so, and often get bogged down by minutia, and end up paying far more attention to minor or lesser issues, while often ignoring the bigger, and/or more important issues! Only when we make a conscious effort to avoid this often-self-destructive behavior/action, do we best position ourselves, to become far more proactive, and doing so begins with the mindset that it is essential and urgent to stop sweating the petty stuff!

1. Focus on bigger picture: What is your predominant, self-motivating inner, vital and vibrant vision, in terms of the essential meaning, and/or priorities of your life? Make every effort to put things into perspective, and differentiate between an annoyance, that might be only fleeting or relatively insignificant (in the bigger picture), and always ask yourself, if the battle is worth getting upset or involved in! When you stop wasting time on minor stuff, you enhance your potential and personal efficiency.

2. Care deeply about your personal goals, and priorities: It is important to differentiate between things that matter to the masses, versus those most significant to you, and to become cognizant of your personal feelings, beliefs, and code of ethics, etc.

3. Use positive affirmations: One of the most effective tools to become personally stronger and more committed to become better/more effective, is using affirmations on a regular, consistent basis. Your Affirmation List must contain approximately ten concepts/ideas, that you feel most strongly about. These may be attitudinal or action-oriented, but, either way, must be stated in the present, and positive manner. For example, someone who wishes to feel better, or less overwhelmed by addressing groups and/or giving a public speech, should say, "I get my audience to care deeply about the priorities or positions I feel strongly about," rather than, "I'm going to give a better speech," etc. Put your positive statements in writing, and read them, privately, and in front of a mirror, at least twice-a-day, preferably first thing in the morning, and before you go to bed.

4. Work on your attitude: Our attitudes often dictate how we approach matters and/or issues, and, we generally only develop a helpful attitude. Don't assume you can enhance your attitude in anything other than a fully committed way, and work on this all-essential component, on a regular, consistent basis. Remove those negative words or expressions from your vocabulary and replace them with ones that better serve you. Some of these include: replace I'll try, with I will; problem with challenge; can't, with either can, or even better, will; Do my best, with get it done, etc.

5. Find ways to relax, relate, and be patient: Reduce your stress level, and try to clearly focus on remaining clear-headed and calm! Relate to others, in an attempt to maintain your ability to proceed, without prejudgment. Don't jump the gun, in making up your mind, and/or responding, but rather proceed in a patient, quality way, where you might be less likely to open up some sort of figurative Pandora's Box.

6. Know/choose your battles: Avoid the tendency to be all over the place, but rather know what you feel most strongly about, and draw your personal line in the sand!

Obey, consider, and pay attention, to the adage, which instructs us not to sweat the petty stuff! You'll become more efficient, effective and productive, when you prioritize those items most important to you!

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