Thursday, July 14, 2016

Using Social Media to Market Yourself: 3 Options

Although several of the social media vehicles have been operating for over a decade, nearly every seminar or article about how to best market yourself now spends a significant amount of time on the necessity for, and use of these options. However, while one should use these as one part of their overall marketing and promotion program/ plan, it is important to understand how, why, and when to use them optimally, and that their best usage is to complement other modalities, rather than to totally replace them. Done properly, using social media should expand your exposure in a positive manner, but care must be taken to make the effort efficient and effective, by using it synergistically with one's priorities and overall theme of what and how one wishes to be perceived and portrayed. While the relative ease and lack of costliness is an important component, using social media for your best advantage should be more about creating and enhancing your overall image and exposure. Here are 3 Options For How You'll Use Social Media For Marketing Yourself.

1. Not use it all for marketing purposes: Merely having a page or a presence is far different from using it for marketing. In most situations, especially when one uses the media that most individuals believe to be the most significant and largest one (Facebook), it is generally best to separate one's personal page from their business effort. This business exposure can be achieved by either creating a separate business page (and developing a strategy to get the right niche of people to like it) or setting up a separate business group (and similarly attracting or including the desired market). Some people avoid getting involved with social media, either because they don't (or don't want to) understand how to utilize it, or merely because they feel it's not for them, or they fear what they don't fully understand, or don't want to dedicate sufficient time and effort, to make it somewhat worthwhile.

2. Subscribe to a service: Many people feel they should be involved and/ or have a presence using these vehicles. However, often they either do not have or want to dedicate the time to manage it, or feel their personal content would not achieve their desired results. They then hire/ contract with one of the many companies that will perform social media management, and will post, manage and promote the effort for them (obviously for a fee). The advantage is convenience and that it will be done, while the disadvantage is often a lack of any unique personality. Be careful the service is posting in an unique manner for you, and not just posting the same things, for all their clients.

3. Do it yourself/ personal touch: Those of us who write articles and blogs, etc., have the ability to easily share content (that we have created). Obviously, personal, distinctive and unique content provides a far greater reason for others to follow you, but, on the other hand is also more time consuming, and requires a commitment to schedule time every day to make this effective, attractive and serve one's best purpose.

Social media is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. Know and use whichever of the 3 Options For How You'll Use Social Media For Marketing Yourself, best serves your needs, priorities, goals, and personal comfort zone. But realize, using Social Media, in and of itself, is no magic elixir!

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