Monday, May 2, 2016

5 Components of Marketing Yourself

Most would agree that marketing is perhaps the most, if not one of the most essential ingredients for success in nearly every field of endeavor. Why do you think that the largest and most successful corporations spend so much time, effort and resources on marketing themselves, and attempting to create a specific and unique brand, that creates an attractive niche and compelling story? Since all of us, regardless of what we do, are involved in some sort of selling, it is important to understand what is needed to successfully market ourselves. Whether someone is a doctor, lawyer, salesperson, teacher, or stay - at - home mom, success requires selling every day. We either sell a product, a service, or ourselves, but we do sell! Since the advent and increased popularity of the internet, however, many people have abandoned the previous fundamentals of marketing, and begun to rely exclusively on the Web. However, success means using a broad - based, multi - media campaign, where we maintain a common focus throughout, in order to distinguish ourselves, thus creating a niche that develops our personal, quality, respected brand. While there are many possible components, those who seek to effectively market themselves should both understand and utilize these five components listed below.

1. Don't abandon direct mail and snail mail. There are still many individuals who prefer being contacted that way, and effective mailing pieces that enhance our brand, are key. However, cost containment requires doing this wisely, so make sure that you study the best and most effective way to use this, including your mailing list, types of piece, etc.

2. Use email and texts judicially and wisely. Under - utilization will have no impact, and overuse will strike many as a form of spam. Make sure that you use these forms when appropriate, but don't become overly reliant on them.

3. While a strong Social Media presence is wise and needed, don't fall into the trap of assuming that because you posted something here, there is widespread communication going on. The most effective usage is generally having links to compelling information, so that others will be interested. Don't either over or under - post, and remember that you must use these in coordination with the overall brand you wish to create and develop.

4. What is the feeling someone gets when they look at your Website? How easy is it to locate, and what does it say about you? Does it enhance your brand? Does the message being sent say what you are trying to communicate? Have you looked into SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

5. Far too many individuals today build artificial walls by relying too heavily on these methods, while ignoring or nearly ignoring the all - essential methods of professionally using the telephone, and getting out and being face - to - face, with your potential constituents, stakeholders or desired audience. Therefore, it is very important to become professional in these methodologies.
Don't use one of these components, while overlooking others. Those that want to market themselves to their fullest potential, and thus get the best results, need to use the discipline to use all of these.

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