Monday, July 13, 2015

Is Your Stress Positive or Negative?: How Making It Positive Will Get Best Results

Although so much is discussed about day to day stress, and how it is so often self destructive, isn't it somewhat surprising that it continues to have such an enormous impact over so many individuals? While stress is never completely avoidable, the key is generally how we handle it. Do we control our stress, or do we allow our stress to control us? Our stress can either be used productively, or we can let it be destructive to us. Do we learn lessons and grow because of the stress we experience, or does it simply wear us down in a non - productive manner? Simply stated, the choice each of us make is to either take action and gain from stress, or resort to worry, concern and despair. Many have discovered that finances and issues related to one's personal finances is often, after personal or family issues, the greatest source of inducing stress? Therefore, don't expect not to be stressed, but rather how best to funnel and/ or use it. Two times this happens is regarding one's investments, and their real estate scenarios. These times will always bring some stress, but those who are ready and prepared, and proceed with a positive mindset, generally use those stresses in a strengthening, rather than debilitating way!

1. The Nobel Prize recipient Hans Selye referred to the two options and types of stress as either distress or eustress. He stated that distress is stress that controls us, and results in nothing that happens of a positive manner. On the other hand, eustress is a proactive interaction where one learns important lessons from undergoing some of Liz's stresses, and adapting and improving because of the positive manner that we handle it. Eustress is stress that is used to get stronger, wiser, evolve more, and thus to become better. It also results in forgoing wasting time on worry, and converting it to effectively planning and being proactive and productive.

2. A large percentage of individuals fear stress, and spend much of their time worrying about the what it's, rather than envisioning the how to's. While it is certainly normal to worry, that does not make it any more useful an activity. Merely worrying often creates a sort of paralysis of action and activity, and getting bogged down in concern. Converting and transforming away from worry, and thus focusing on getting something accomplished, or examining alternatives is a far more useful activity. In order to escape initially from this worry, there are many useful exercises. Some of these include stepping back and relaxing, using such techniques and deep breathing, clearing one's mind, and focusing on positive thoughts and activities.

The choice is always up to each of us individually. We either stress out and sap our energy and productivity, or we learn and become better and more capable. The next time you face a stressful circumstance, instead of worrying and getting hung up, try to learn from the circumstances and move on in a useful manner.

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