Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Your Decision - GOOD Enough, or GREAT?

Most of us, at many different points in our existence, end up having to make the very personal decision whether to end up settling for doing the easier or comfortable route, rather than taking the often more challenging route or path, which is to pursue greatness, in every action and mannerism of our being. The more comfortable approach, for many, is to take that path of least resistance, because it affords us what we perceive as less risk, and thus permits us to hide within our self - limiting comfort zone. Therefore, we must face the facts that it always a choice we make, whether to opt for good - enough, or to aim for truly being, performing and behaving GREAT!

When you do business with someone else, do they make you feel like their attitude is towards achieving GREAT results, or are they more willing to merely settle for good enough? It often makes a significant difference in the final results, especially in financial or personal life - related issues, such as investment and real estate professionals.
1. Greatness always begins with having goals, and pursuing the best course in a goal - based, directed manner. Good may be better than poor, but is rarely the proper or sufficient course for anyone who wishes to enhance, expand and live up to his potential.

2. Avoid taking the easier course merely because it is easier or more comfortable. Rather, one's pursuits must be consistently responsible and responsive, in nature. Positive thinking, attitude and outlooks are helpful and needed, but must never merely be rose - colored glasses in nature, but rather must be in sync with reality! In addition, avoid expecting others to do things merely because you think or hope they will, but rather maintain the highest personal expectations, while expecting reasonable actions and responses from others. One nearly always makes a greater impact when he behaves in a rational and relevant manner.

3. Enjoy what you're doing, and you'll always perform to a far higher degree of energizing and effective manner. One's personal goals must consistently focus on enhancing quality in everything he does and gets involved in, and remembering that broadening one's personal outlook and perspective, by being empathetic in nature, and perceiving things from the perspectives and needs of others.
4. Greatness demands an absolute commitment and adherence to the following formula: Aptitude + Attitude + Attention = Best performance. It's your personal decision, whether you seek to be normal and pursue being somewhat mediocre, or demanding your personal best in everything you do.

5. Take steps toward timely action, aim for the most terrific way to proceed, try more and harder than other do, and treat whatever you do or pursue as yor top priority.
Never make excuses for aiming for less than your best. Rather, understand that it's always your decision, and thus, it's up to you!

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