Thursday, August 16, 2018

Why Public Leaders Must Earn Our RESPECT?

Far too often, we observe individuals, who are public officials, who appear, to believe, they deserve respect and admiration, solely because of the position, they hold. However, we live in a democracy and republic, not a totalitarian nation, and, thus, our elected officials, should, and must, earn our RESPECT, not by their empty promises, rhetoric, vitriol, etc, but, rather by their actions, and intentions (both actual, and perceived). With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, why this matters, and what it means, using the mnemonic approach.

1. Relevant; responsive; responsible; realistic: We seem to be living in a somewhat, surreal time, when our President, seems to believe, he is, either above the law, or doesn't need to serve and represent all the people! Many, including me, refer to this, as "Trump World," because it often, seems, Donald Trump, pays little heed, to telling the truth, if it doesn't support his personal/ political agenda, and/ or self - interest. Calling the media, Fake News, and the Enemy of the People, appears to be counter, to the basic, American principle, of Freedom of the Press. His Make America Great Again, seems to focus on the past, rather than pursuing, relevant, responsive, responsible, realistic, and/ or sustainable solutions, and he focuses, on his core supporters, rather than the common good!

2. Empathy; emphasis: Even his greatest supporters, would probably not proclaim, President Trump, possesses, or proceeds with genuine empathy! To earn the respect of most, one should focus on the common good, and needs, rather than placing his emphasis, solely on the perceptions of his core!

3. System; service; sustainable solutions: How can anyone earn respect, unless he clearly articulates, a well - considered, system, and focuses on service, to nation, and all its citizens? There can be no place, for band - aid approaches, but, we need, leaders who consider, and introduce, the finest, sustainable solutions!

4. Priorities; planning: Closely examine, a leader's priorities, and focus! Does he, merely use empty rhetoric, and make promises, or does he commit to the utmost level, of quality planning?

5. Efforts; energize: How one focuses his efforts, goes a long way, towards whether it energizes the nation, in a positive manner?

6. Character; creative: We need public leaders, who exhibit the finest character, focused on service, and the public good! Rather than merely looking at the same - old, same - old, we need individuals, who proceed, in a creative, fully considered, focused way!

7. Timely: There is no place for procrastination, but a public official, must seek to provide, well - considered, timely ideas, strategies, and action plans!

Don't go back, to the past, but demand, officials, focus on relevant, sustainable ideas, and solutions! Wake up, America, and demand, those seeking office, go beyond empty promises, but seek quality solutions!

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