In a democratic society, each and every person is encouraged, as well as entitled to both have and voice his opinion. Unfortunately, those being advised by the one offering his opinion, often have to weight what, if any value, to place on the opinion.
People seem to express their opinions most often when it comes to certain topics and areas. Everyone seems to believe they are an expert when it comes to sports. When the time comes for the "big event," whether it be a major boxing bout, the Stanley Cup in hockey, the NBA playoffs, the World Series, a major tennis or golf tournament, etc., many individuals who are at best casual fans, offer their opinion about and discuss these events, as if their knowledge was extremely valuable.
Everyone has some opinion about world affairs, politics, politicians, and the economy. Rarely does one hear someone say that there statement is their opinion, but generally express it in such a matter that it appears to be some sort of revelation.
Everyone has an opinion about different types of cars, different restaurants, hotels and resorts, and places to travel to. Unfortunately, these opinions are generally more about personal taste (and sometimes lack of taste) than about anything factual.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone that, regardless of the topic, always expresses the "answer." Often, these individuals express opinions as if they are facts, and far too many of these people are incorrect far more than they are right.
This becomes problematic, however, when someone positions himself as an expert, and consults in area, although he is no where near being expert. Often this expert is simply expressing his opinion, and often his opinion has no more than, and sometimes less value than the person he is "advising."
One should always remember that an opinion is something that nearly everyone has, and not every opinion should carry authority, credence or weight when making a critical evaluation. On the other hand, when a true expert expresses an opinion on a topic pertaining to his expertise, one should pay particular attention.
couldn't agree more Richard. My interest is politics, and you find that everybody has an opinion regardless of how reliable their source is. Too easily, people take the word of media as gospel and in turn engage in passionate (sometimes destructive) arguments with others.